- Jun 17, 2023
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THE RING AND THE ROSE (Allah’s [God’s] Spiritual Unity of Love Between Man and Woman)
By Supreme Minister Warren Muen, Nation of Islam, USA
When Samson saw Delilah the beautiful Philistine (Palestinian woman), his heart was filled with great joy! Samson said, “I will give myself totally to this woman”. Nice thought on behalf of Samson, a great judge of Israel. His heart felt love for this woman Delilah, but there was one major problem, Samson was a Hebrew Israelite ethnically and culturally, while Delilah was a Palestinian ethnically and culturally. Note: Delilah is a Hebrew name but she was a Philistine (Greek for Palestine). Samson and Delilah never had a courtship, she was there only to destroy Samson. Even though Samson was a judge of Israel, he still had moral issues. Under the Hebrew law a Hebrew was forbidden to marry a Philistine or anyone else outside the Israelite fold, the purpose of this was to keep the religious aspect pure as well as the bloodline of Israel. Accordingly, there was not supposed to be a marriage between Samson and Delilah.
Samson was from the godly lineage, while Delilah was from the Satanic (spiritually ungodly) lineage. These two spiritual components can not mix with one another, to do so will lead to spiritual disaster for both the man and woman involved. Let me explain a little further; the spiritual hierarchy of the heavens is only revealed to the prophets of yesterday (past), and today (modern times) by Allah (God) Himself, not by Satan (devil) who roams the Earth to and fro, understand? The mighty Samson’s god consciousness was dropped from his mind when Satan appeared in the woman’s (feminine) form. This means, through the ordinary mindset of mortal man and woman, and not through and physical mindset of body. The physical mindset of feelings between mortal men and women is completely different from the spiritual mindset of Allah (God). For example, when Allah (God) appeared to Moses at the burning bush, that was God’s energy that surrounded the bush, and not God in physical form! Allah’s (God’s) energy was so powerful that Moses prostrated on the ground as he talked with God.
Now, being that Samson violated his consciousness of obedience to God and instead listened to Satan’s (devil’s) whisper, which was more appealing to the mortal flesh, a physical and spiritual price had to be paid! That is, Samson’s death and a Delilah’s victory on behalf of Satan! (a temporary victory of course)
The Race and Grace factor of Allah (God) has always been the same ever since Allah (God) created the heavens and earth, that is, The Godly vs. The un-Godly. One has to understand the ancient history of Israel, and the middle east in general. When Israel left behind their idols of many gods and decided to worship the true single God, and when the Philistines did not, these two nations became spiritually and physically enemies to one another! Inter-racial marriage was always forbidden between Israelites and other nations of people, but this was due to the Allah (God) factor first, and then the ethnic (physical race) factor second. One has to understand that all nationalities are different from one another, from skin color, hair texture, customs, even religious beliefs, but the true God factor is what unites us all under Allah’s (God’s) banner, that is, the monotheistic God banner, which is inclusion of His grace for all humanity. But this comes with a special criterion: (1) knowing who you are racially in Allah’s (God’s) spirituality, and not in false superiority of deceit over the rest of humanity (2) Grace. Have you loved your neighbor as yourself? (3) have you honored your father and mother?
This means all nation, tribes and cultures. Sampson was knowledgeable in Allah’s (God’s) spiritual ways and laws. He knew that the very first thing that he was suppose to do was to introduce his true God to Delilah, for soul salvation. As Allah (God) created Adam before Eve, the man’s duty is to try to be the best example for the woman whom he falls in love with, with a godly understanding as best he can. However, man must not live by false pride and be scared to seek out a real spiritual mentor to instruct him on Allah’s (God’s) spiritual path, so that you may avoid the snares, pitfalls and the capture of his soul by Satan. Samson’s father Manoah and his mother Zolaponith, were blessed to have Samson as a son, as Samson’s mother was barren (unable to give birth to a child), but Allah (God) sent an angel to let them know that they would have a son who would save Israel from the Philistine’s oppression. Now, let me remind you all that Samson’s parents did not know how to thank Allah (God) for blessing the with the birth of their son Samson. That doesn’t mean that they were ungrateful, it simply means that they were unable to express Allah (God) their true feelings of gratitude.
Delilah was a deceiver, not from birth but from her bad upbringing in life. Today’s women must look at Delilah as whom they do not want to be like, as she represents unholy womanhood out for earthly material gain which will eventually turn into a total loss, including loss of salvation of the soul. Samson fell for Satan’s temptation of lust which caused him to forget who he was ethnically and morally as an Israelite judge to help save his people. Samson stands out as an example for men to look at, whether they be priest, prophet, minister, Muslim Imam, Rabbi, Nation of Islam Minister, or just ordinary men in daily life. You must avoid the lustful temptation of deceitful women, unless you too want to forfeit your soul’s salvation of which Allah (God) had promised you when you do the right thing spiritually for yourself and family (wife and children). Sampson, had all the fine qualities of man, good looks, bravery, and the strength of 10 men combined. Standing 6’ 10” and weighing 310 pounds of solid muscle, an awesome sight to look upon, and with godly qualities. Delilah was probably one of the most physically beautiful women in Palestine, but morally rotten to the core. Many to this day want to know why Delilah wanted to know the source of Samson’s physical strength, the reasons were; (1) It was because there were not any other men in Israel of his physical stature and strength (2) Nor was there any other men in Israel with Sampson’s wisdom and ability to keep the Israeli people together (3) Once Delilah could destroy Sampson physically, morally and spiritually, then the Philistines would be able to rule the Israelites for many generations to come.
Stay safe, until we meet again.
Master Warren Muen, Nation of Islam (N.O.I.), USA
Holy Quran, Chapter (Surah) 33;35, Abdullah Yusuf Ali translation
35. For Muslim men and women for believing men and women for devout men and women for true men and women for men and women who are patient and constant for men and women who humble themselves for men and women who give in charity for men and women who fast (and deny themselves) for men and women who guard their chastity and for men and women who engage much in Allah's praise for them has Allah prepared forgiveness and great reward.
By Supreme Minister Warren Muen, Nation of Islam, USA
When Samson saw Delilah the beautiful Philistine (Palestinian woman), his heart was filled with great joy! Samson said, “I will give myself totally to this woman”. Nice thought on behalf of Samson, a great judge of Israel. His heart felt love for this woman Delilah, but there was one major problem, Samson was a Hebrew Israelite ethnically and culturally, while Delilah was a Palestinian ethnically and culturally. Note: Delilah is a Hebrew name but she was a Philistine (Greek for Palestine). Samson and Delilah never had a courtship, she was there only to destroy Samson. Even though Samson was a judge of Israel, he still had moral issues. Under the Hebrew law a Hebrew was forbidden to marry a Philistine or anyone else outside the Israelite fold, the purpose of this was to keep the religious aspect pure as well as the bloodline of Israel. Accordingly, there was not supposed to be a marriage between Samson and Delilah.
Samson was from the godly lineage, while Delilah was from the Satanic (spiritually ungodly) lineage. These two spiritual components can not mix with one another, to do so will lead to spiritual disaster for both the man and woman involved. Let me explain a little further; the spiritual hierarchy of the heavens is only revealed to the prophets of yesterday (past), and today (modern times) by Allah (God) Himself, not by Satan (devil) who roams the Earth to and fro, understand? The mighty Samson’s god consciousness was dropped from his mind when Satan appeared in the woman’s (feminine) form. This means, through the ordinary mindset of mortal man and woman, and not through and physical mindset of body. The physical mindset of feelings between mortal men and women is completely different from the spiritual mindset of Allah (God). For example, when Allah (God) appeared to Moses at the burning bush, that was God’s energy that surrounded the bush, and not God in physical form! Allah’s (God’s) energy was so powerful that Moses prostrated on the ground as he talked with God.
Now, being that Samson violated his consciousness of obedience to God and instead listened to Satan’s (devil’s) whisper, which was more appealing to the mortal flesh, a physical and spiritual price had to be paid! That is, Samson’s death and a Delilah’s victory on behalf of Satan! (a temporary victory of course)
The Race and Grace factor of Allah (God) has always been the same ever since Allah (God) created the heavens and earth, that is, The Godly vs. The un-Godly. One has to understand the ancient history of Israel, and the middle east in general. When Israel left behind their idols of many gods and decided to worship the true single God, and when the Philistines did not, these two nations became spiritually and physically enemies to one another! Inter-racial marriage was always forbidden between Israelites and other nations of people, but this was due to the Allah (God) factor first, and then the ethnic (physical race) factor second. One has to understand that all nationalities are different from one another, from skin color, hair texture, customs, even religious beliefs, but the true God factor is what unites us all under Allah’s (God’s) banner, that is, the monotheistic God banner, which is inclusion of His grace for all humanity. But this comes with a special criterion: (1) knowing who you are racially in Allah’s (God’s) spirituality, and not in false superiority of deceit over the rest of humanity (2) Grace. Have you loved your neighbor as yourself? (3) have you honored your father and mother?
This means all nation, tribes and cultures. Sampson was knowledgeable in Allah’s (God’s) spiritual ways and laws. He knew that the very first thing that he was suppose to do was to introduce his true God to Delilah, for soul salvation. As Allah (God) created Adam before Eve, the man’s duty is to try to be the best example for the woman whom he falls in love with, with a godly understanding as best he can. However, man must not live by false pride and be scared to seek out a real spiritual mentor to instruct him on Allah’s (God’s) spiritual path, so that you may avoid the snares, pitfalls and the capture of his soul by Satan. Samson’s father Manoah and his mother Zolaponith, were blessed to have Samson as a son, as Samson’s mother was barren (unable to give birth to a child), but Allah (God) sent an angel to let them know that they would have a son who would save Israel from the Philistine’s oppression. Now, let me remind you all that Samson’s parents did not know how to thank Allah (God) for blessing the with the birth of their son Samson. That doesn’t mean that they were ungrateful, it simply means that they were unable to express Allah (God) their true feelings of gratitude.
Delilah was a deceiver, not from birth but from her bad upbringing in life. Today’s women must look at Delilah as whom they do not want to be like, as she represents unholy womanhood out for earthly material gain which will eventually turn into a total loss, including loss of salvation of the soul. Samson fell for Satan’s temptation of lust which caused him to forget who he was ethnically and morally as an Israelite judge to help save his people. Samson stands out as an example for men to look at, whether they be priest, prophet, minister, Muslim Imam, Rabbi, Nation of Islam Minister, or just ordinary men in daily life. You must avoid the lustful temptation of deceitful women, unless you too want to forfeit your soul’s salvation of which Allah (God) had promised you when you do the right thing spiritually for yourself and family (wife and children). Sampson, had all the fine qualities of man, good looks, bravery, and the strength of 10 men combined. Standing 6’ 10” and weighing 310 pounds of solid muscle, an awesome sight to look upon, and with godly qualities. Delilah was probably one of the most physically beautiful women in Palestine, but morally rotten to the core. Many to this day want to know why Delilah wanted to know the source of Samson’s physical strength, the reasons were; (1) It was because there were not any other men in Israel of his physical stature and strength (2) Nor was there any other men in Israel with Sampson’s wisdom and ability to keep the Israeli people together (3) Once Delilah could destroy Sampson physically, morally and spiritually, then the Philistines would be able to rule the Israelites for many generations to come.
Stay safe, until we meet again.
Master Warren Muen, Nation of Islam (N.O.I.), USA
Holy Quran, Chapter (Surah) 33;35, Abdullah Yusuf Ali translation
35. For Muslim men and women for believing men and women for devout men and women for true men and women for men and women who are patient and constant for men and women who humble themselves for men and women who give in charity for men and women who fast (and deny themselves) for men and women who guard their chastity and for men and women who engage much in Allah's praise for them has Allah prepared forgiveness and great reward.