Black Spirituality Religion : The real threats are religious extremists in 2015

We might as well understand that we are in a world war against severe evil. The best way to repel the Murder Cult that is attacking America and Africa and all nations around the world, is to realize that the radical types intend to kill everyone except themselves. Yet, I would submit they will eventually turn on each other with knife and slash to gain top power over other name-brand terrorists.

There is a doctrine of takfir, a key component of why Terrorists justify the killing of other Muslims of their own faith which have not their own lust for destruction. Their totalitarian ideologies obliterate freedom and morality, freethinking and debate. Instead they place laws on what to believe (think) and how to live within their bondage of restraints. Therefore the cruel murder of children is allowed. We have already seen it and there is no fair judge from them.

They are striving to be the "Apocalypse" a religious term, and in that fight between good and evil, they slay themselves because God says he will cut short these days in righteousness, having annihilated all wickedness.

We have a part to accomplish, to soldier up, teach your families, and reject, that image they represent for it is not Heavenly Father.

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