Black Spirituality Religion : THE REAL-STORY OF YASHUA'S BIRTH

Michael Smith

Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2013
Philadelphia, Pa.
Peace Destee family... Most of us were taught, to believe in the story about how the Angel Gabriel appeared to a virgin named Mary 2,000 years ago to bring her NEWS (Matthew 1:18-25)(Luke 1:34-35), the story sounds nice and is "clean" enough to tell children...But it's just not true...

This knowledge is not influenced by the view of a Christian, Muslim or Israelite, nor is this knowledge influenced by any secret society, cult or denomination. This knowledge is influenced by All of the Scriptures and related literature COMBINED, ABSENT of Religion.
Continuing from Bulletin # 86; The Real Story Of Yashua (Jesus)... Joseph and Maryam meet... Zacharia was one-hundred and twenty years of age, at the time of the birth of Yuhanna (John). His wife Elizabeth was thirty-nine years of age. It was not Zacharia who impregnated Elizabeth, it was the Anunaqi (Eloheem, Angel, Host) Gabriy'El. Elizabeth was barren, and her wound was opened so she could bear this special child named Yuhanna (John), by the will of the Most High. Now, Nazareth a little town in the hill country of Galilee, in Northern Palestine, was where Maryam and Joseph, both of the family of David, met, courted and eventually married. Joseph was a carpenter by trade, he lived by himself near Maryam's family. He was alone, because his wife Halsaa died of malaria in her last childbirth. Her parents took the children. So he Joseph left his family to go make a living on his own. Maryam and her family lived up on a hill. and Joseph lived at the bottom of the hill. He would see Maryam almost everyday as she passed by his house, on her way to the well. He greeted her and her eyes would smile in return. Later on, he would sometimes help her carry her water up the hill, and they would engage in small talk. This was the seed planted for the later blossoming of a beautiful courtship. Upon her learning that Joseph lived alone, Maryam began to bring him dates, fruit and other food. Eventually, this became a daily chore, that they both enjoyed.
Now Joseph had a friend named Simon Barabas Yashua, son of Barabas. Simon Barabas was a rebel who chose violence as a means to overthrow the establishment. He had tried to persuade Joseph to become a rebel, a zealot because of his lineage. Since Joseph was of the family of David, he would impress the populate, and elevate the group in the sight of the Sanhedrin. For they would not listen to Barabas because he was considered a common criminal. One day Baranas came to see Joseph, and Maryam had visited that day as well, bringing Joseph some dates. Barabas was amazed at her beauty, for she had dark, brown, olive toned skin with beautiful brown eyes. As a result of Barabas seeing her face, he one day told Joseph, that if he did not marry her soon, he, Barabas would. This made Joseph realize how much he loved Maryam. That same day, he rushed to ask her father Imraan, for her hand in marriage. When joseph came to Maryam's house, she had to leave the room, for this was the manner or custom of women, in that day. Her mother, however, could remain with the men, because she was past the age of childbearing. Houses in that day were made one one large room. The sleeping quarters were like a loft, near the top of the room, so Marryam could still hear what was being said. As they talked, she possessing a beautiful voice, would laugh with a soft cooing sound. The marriage of Maryam and Joseph was announced at the next Sabbath, and was to take place at a later date. This was the betrothal of ancient law. They were married although the ceremony had not yet taken place. ANU (the overseer of this universe,and supreme being), found it favorable to send the Ananuqi Gabriy'El to tell Maryam, that she was chosen above all other women to bear The Messiah. A saviour to his own people, tribe of Judah, the lost sheep of the house of Israel. One day there appeared to her, while she was alone in her quarters, the Anunaqi -Eloheem Gabriy'El, in full human form. Maryam hastily covered herself and cried, "Most Merciful!! assist me against this man." Gabriy'El said softly, fear nothing from me, I am Nusqu, the messenger of ANU, who has exalted thee above all the women of the Earth, and I Gabriy'El am come to make known to thee his will. Thou shalt bear a son, and call him Yashua, some will think him to he Emmanu'El, son of Isaiah, the blessed one. He shall he honored both in this world, and in the world to come.
"How shall I bear a child and have had no sexual intercourse and still a virgin?" replied Maryam with fear in her voice. Thy son shall be a sign of his Omnipotence, and as a Prophet, restore the backsliding sons of Israel to the path of Benevolence. When Gabriy'El had spoken to Maryam at length, he raised Maryam's robe with the movement of his finger, gently embraced her, laid upon her, went in unto her, and she became pregnant with The Holy Child Yashua (Jesus), by the Anunaqi-Eloheem Gabriy'El.... to be continued... Peace
Angels cannot lay with women, the children of men. It's a great sin, and the Son wasn't born of sin, for certain, but of the Holy Spirit.

The story told in the Scriptures wasn't told in such a way to sound clean to children, but to be the truth told to all. There's much in the Holy Doctrine which children might not understand, and many adults don't even view as clean, but nevertheless, it's the truth.
Peace Destee Family... In response to the question, whether or not Angels procreate... Websters explanation of Angels: a) messenger of GOD b) A guiding spirit or influence c) A conventionalized image of a white robe figure in human form with wings and a halo... The images of Angels we have been subjected to, is a view deriving from an English translated doctrine, that has dominated the uninformed minds of our People... However, when those who translated from the original languages: Syriac (ancient Arabic) and Aramic (ancient Hebrew) on down into Greek... one small part of the translation remains. Numerous paintings depict Angels with wings, which means they are capable of flying, actually Angels or Eloheem don't have wings, they have Brains. Angels are described in the "BARASHITH" Hebrew for Genesis... Genesis chapter 1:1, where you see the following: "In the beginning "God" created the heaven and the Earth". The word in Aramic/Hebrew for "God" and not the single form "GOD", it's making reference to a group of Elohs, a word meaning "these". These Eloheems, Anunnaqi or Malaaikat, are called Angelic beings from the Greek "Agelos" or the messengers of "AL" or "EL". While on Earth they are physical Angelic Beings, that are either "Tobe" (Hebrew) meaning Agreeable or "Rah" (Hebrew) meaning Disagreeable. The Torah called them Giants or "Nepheilims" (Hebrew) meaning: "those who fell down". Genesis chapter 6:4 states: "there were Giants in the Earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of "God" CAME IN UNTO the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men, which were of old, men of renown". Now, go to Luke chapter 1:28 "and the angel CAME IN UNTO her, and said Hail that thou art highly favored, the lord is with thee, blessed art thou among women"... Question, why didn't the Angel "COME TO HER" as apposed to "COME IN UNTO HER" and say something ?... Peace
"The angel came in unto her." He entered into her house to talk to her. Is this the kind of pillow talk a man saying he was an angel would have while making love, "Hail! You are really favored by my own presence." I think that finger that he tried to loosen the robe with would be twisted followed by a scream.
This angel was a messenger from God letting her know the plan and the honor for which mary asked questions. If Mary had said No, then another worthy woman would have been chosen, but instead she consented, "Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord: be it unto me according to thy word (of explanation) and then the angel departed.

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