Black Spirituality Religion : THE POWER OF SYMBOLISM


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
Media Designer

Symbolism - The practice of representing things by means of symbols or of attributing symbolic meanings or significance to objects, events, or relationships.

Symbol - Something that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention, especially a material object used to represent something invisible.


Symbolism. It plays a major roll in our everyday lives. Yet it goes along hidden and unnoticed. Symbolism is contained within the very fabric of Human interactivity, still we would deny it's power- as a foolish attempt to declare ourselves above and beyond the mythology and superstition of distant worlds.

We speak symbols, we hear symbols, we even taste and feel them- because symbols represent the transparent and invisible, the unknown and the vague.
You bite into a piece of red velvet cake, you wear your favorite garment, you sit speaking on the phone with an old friend- symbolism keeps the pace for your experience. We dictate and design our entire worlds around symbols. As a race we are a symbol, our skin color our attitudes and even our desires are formed into symbols.

All systems of power rest at the footstool of symbolism- it is not only about how the Human brain reasons and is educated about reality but also about how the soul confirms and denies powers within itself.


But what should we learn from our world of symbolism? Naturally we should learn how "self" fits into the equation. Self- may just as well be symbols we use to represent ourselves. For example, If I say I am a Black Man, I am associating my being/life path with a symbol- so how does that symbol interact with other symbols within my reality, who are the enemies and friends of this symbol that I associate my being with? And is this a true representation of my being or life path?


The symbol of a Black Man can be revealed in very suspicious places, but it's there, our subconscious minds will read it -even when the conscious mind does not. Even the parts of a Black Man can be used to represent his associations and desires.


Other factors surrounding symbol of the Black Man can be used to define the symbol, even the Black Woman.


Thus a symbol can also be defined by it's environment, in advertising this is referred to as placement. What color is she wearing by the way? What color is he wearing? Is she lighter than him or darker? And what is the message here? What is her face saying?


What are these symbols here telling us?

How about this one?
A well dress Woman steps out of a Mercedes Benz. Reaches into her purse pulls on a I-phone. She plays with her straightened hair smiling and randomly touches the diamond necklace around her neck. You sit from a short distance observing her. What are your thoughts? Is this Woman wealthy, is she well to do? Certainly the symbols that define this stranger tells that story.

You can get an old Mercedes Benz for under $900, but the image of this car for some reason still strikes the idea of wealth in the minds of those who captivated by symbols of wealth. What about the I-phone has this become the new wealth symbol just as a regular cell phone was in the past. But who said the phone was hers? And the diamond necklace, also borrowed? Or even cheaper than the car?

Entire careers are build in hollywood this way, it's called "fake it until you make it." Which wouldn't be possible at all without symbolism.


Over the ages certain types of symbols are stolen and re-defined. Why re-created a symbol when it is already embedded into the collective subconscious? In our world, we recite our basic symbols for our langauge in the form of an alphabet, you know - a, b, c, d- there is even a song for it, a pattern. But in Ancient times children learned very complicated symbols and structures, most of them were memorized and it's very likely that those same symbols have been re-defined and associated newer orders.



But is there greater symbolism than that of the zodiac?


Are we basically "liquid consciousness" that can be poured into any symbol we wish and we will then become that? Or is it something more magnificent?

Perhaps symbols themselves help us to pay attention to the design of reality. We often forget or may have no clue that life is orders and even disorders that provide patterns and thus symbols that define it. The bible is filled with symbolism that are interpreted as facts, meanwhile our reality is filled with facts that are interpreted as symbolism. For example the fact that we are the "sacrifice" that are offered up to Gods of our oppressors. It would have to be a fact because as a race of inventors we would see more of our inventions out and about in the world. We turn our symbols into working machines that effect the state of reality. Yet we remain a sacrifice because that symbolism makes sense to us, it fits perfectly within the overall story.


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YAAAAAAAAAAY @Cindy ... :love:
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