Brother AACOOLDRE : The origin of the Trinity doctrine


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2001
MYTH=There were other beings in the Garden of Eden Before Adam and Eve

The Myth: Let us make man in our image…And the LORD god said, Behold the man is become as one of us …(Gen. 1:26, 3:22). As a subtext Christians use this to prove an existence of a Trinity also.

The Reality: Genesis preserves traces of Atum’s conversations with Nun in the Egyptian Heliopolitan Creation myth.

On two occasions in the second Creation story, God talks to one or more other beings of a non-human nature. Before he made Adam, he said, “Lets us make man in our image”. And later, after Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, he said, “man is become as one of us”. Who is this “Us”?

Once again, we have an obvious indication of other deities in the creation story. As the second creation story draws upon the Heliopolitan myths, the Egyptian Coffin text 80 provides a reasonable good clue as to whom God was speaking. In that text Atum (the Heliopolitan creator) and Nun (a personification of the primeval waters) carried on a conversation:

Then said Atum to the waters (Nun): I’am floating very weary, the natives inert…

The waters (Nun) said to Atum: Kiss your daughter Order (that is Tefnut, who signified moral order

The “us” in the Genesis story would originally referred to Atum and Nun. As the Hebrew creator replaced Atum in the creation process, the story went through transformations. The retention of the “us” preserves a remnant of the polytheistic Heliopolitan source for the biblical account of a story they learnt from Egypt.


The bases of the trinity doctrine is flawed and inaccurate.
I can't accept your conclusion because the Jewish priest copied these doctrines from Egyptians who were black. The Jewish theft then went on to attempt to change, edit and relocate these stories. For example the Garden of Eden was in Africa later removed by their editors.

The Myth: The Garden of Eden was Out of Africa?

Answer: The reality: Not at all the Garden was in Africa. Eden originally represented the Isle of flames, the first land in the Egyptian Creation myths. In the Heliopolitian tradition, that would be located from the mythical Eden at Heliopolis,Egypt.

Where did god plant the Garden of Eden? Much has been written on this subject but without any definitive answer. The text provides few clues. Genesis places it in the east, which is where the sun rises, and also locates it west of Nod, where Cain built the first city. Unfortunately no one knows where Nod is. But, the Bible called Thebes No one letter off from Nod.

The chief clues to Eden’s location are the references to the four rivers, Pison, Gihon, Hiddekel, and Euphrates, all of which split off from a main river that flows out of Eden but which is not named.

A cursory glance at the text will demonstrate the origins of this tale, for the river of Eden is described as having four branches. There is only one river in this part of the world that fits this description, and that is the Nile, with the four branches forming the Nile Delta. Here, then, is the true crucible for the Genesis story in Egypt

The first river, Pison, encompasses all the land of Havilah, which has very good natural resources, such as gold, bdellium, and onyx. The location of Havilah is unknown, but most scholars believe it corresponds to Arabia. Genesis 10, however, which describes various geographical relationships, depicts Havilah as a son of Cush, and Cush is Ethiopian.

The second river, Gihon, “compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia”. This places two rivers in the vicinity of Cush, an area south of or near the south of Egypt.

Hiddekel, the third river; goes toward the east of Assyria, and clearly corresponds to the Tigris river, one of two great waterways of Mesopotamia. The fourth river is still known as the Euphrates, the other great river of Mesopotamia.

What’s wrong with this picture? We have two rivers in Asia and two south of Egypt. How can these four rivers be connected to a single source? What is the mighty water source from which the other four split off? And where is the Nile, which runs through Egypt, between Asia and Ethiopia? The story in its present form represents a late editing by someone familiar with Babylonian traditions but not knowledgeable about African geography.

Several clues suggest that the unnamed mighty river from which these other four rivers flow is the Nile.

1. The Nile is the only river not listed in the text.
2. Such identification would account for how Eden’s geography could include two rivers south of Egypt that link up to other rivers sources far to the north.
3.The Garden of Eden story derives from the Heliopolitian creation myth. In that story, after the first land emerged and the waters drew together in the Nile, the god Shu went down to Heliopolis and became Osiris in the form of grain, thus planting a garden east of the Nile.
4. Egyptian tradition placed the Tree of life in Heliopolis, the sun city. Logic would flow that the tree of life was based on Shu, a God of light/Sun. So we have Jesus (Shu) son of the sun and Nun
5. The first land in Egyptian tradition came to be known as the Isle of Flames (because of the flaming mountain that arouse out of Nun/water) and each of the cult centers claimed to be the site of the first land. In Genesis, after God expelled Adam and Eve from the garden, he blocked the entrance with fire-wielding Cherubs, which suggests the idea of an “Isle of flames.

These points indicate that the story about four rivers flowing from one river coming out of the Garden of Eden had nothing to do with the two Asian waters described in the Genesis story. Originally, the four branches would have been Nile tributaries two of which split off in the north and formed the Egyptian delta, and two of which split off in the north and formed the Egyptian delta, and two of which split off in the south by Ethiopia.

Subsequently, when the Hebrews came to Babylon, they replaced the names of the two Nile branches forming the Egyptian delta with the names of the two Mesopotamian rivers forming the Mesopotamian delta. They left the two southern branches intact.

As the Hebrews began to look at their history from a Babylonian perspective, they identified many of the biblical stories with similar tales in Mesopotamian literature, often losing track of the original Isle were transformed into fiery swords wielded by Cherubs.

In Mesopotamia, the Hebrews learned stories about a place named Dilmun, which was widely known in that region as an ancient paradise from the first times. As they substituted Mesopotamian traditions for the Egyptian, they believed that Eden and Dilmun may have been one and the same place.

SKULLS CONFIRM THAT ALL MANKIND ORIGINATED FROM AFRICA. “Modern humans are derived from a single point in Africa British scientist say…the study places the original root of modern humans in south-central Africa. (Jet magazine Aug,6, 2007. P.11)

Scientists Find A DNA Change That Accounts For White Skin
By Rick Weiss

Scientists, [from Penn State University], said yesterday that they have discovered a tiny genetic mutation that largely explains the first appearance of white skin in humans tens of thousands of years ago, a finding that helps solve one of biology's most enduring mysteries and illuminates one of humanity's greatest sources of strife.

The work suggests that the skin-whitening mutation occurred by chance in a single individual after the first human exodus from Africa, when all people were brown-skinned. That person's offspring apparently thrived as humans moved northward into what is now Europe, helping to give rise to the lightest of the world's. See web site: ( Washington Post 12-16-05 p.A01

How could the Garden of Eden not be in Africa with all of this data?
I'm not denying your analysis in tems of what Musa developed as the Root of Civilization which is Th Ntr or the Primary Lands from mount Killamanjaro to Punt and Southern Arabia, before continental drift developed the Red Sea. What I am denying is that the Adam and Eve rendition represents something as grand as the Manifestation of Particles with Mass, or Htm (Atum) from the primordial plasma which is pre-existent quantum mechanical zero point energy fluctuations coupled with a photon/gluon/graviton mitigating boson dominated Universe. The Universe has no beginning nor ending, but in earlier epochs, Light (photons/gluons/gravitons) dominated the Constituency of active energy in the Universe, before initiation of the GRAND EXPANSION (I don't use the terminology "big bang") which lead to casual particle pair production and annhilation which balanced out with the zero point energy quantum mechanical oscillators to give an edge to matter over antimatter which leads to the MASS particles (Htm or ATOMS) we have today. However that all originated from Ntr Nw or Rh (Ra) which is the Supreme Medium of Photon Energy. To me, that's no comparison to making some ordinary KIND OF MAN from the ORIGINAL MAN THAT ALREADY EXISTED i.e. "pre-adamites", in terms of scope and purpose. To me the Adam and Eve story is more related to the emergence of St and Nb Ht (Set and Neb Het or Fauna and Flora) of which Wsr and Wst (Man and Woman or God and the planet Earth) existed before the manifestation of less complex forms of life, the same way the cosmic microwave backgrown shows there is STRUCTURE in the early epochs of the universe, and it is not evenly "random" but there is STRUCTURE int he CMB radiation. That shows that a High Form of Mathematical Order already existed, and if you want to see that mathematical order manifest in mesoscopic arena, it is none other than the Black Man and Black Woman IN PERSON. Remember St is not only associated with beast and animals, but also "foreigners" and was depicted as having pale skin and redish hair, where as Wsr which preceeded St and Nb ht is the Km Wr or the Perfect Black or Complete Perfection, since Black and Complete were synonymous, which represents the combined black body radiation of the Sun, which is not just visible light, but also Ultraviolet Light which is the "Black Light". This shows the Continuity of Rh, Wsr and Hrw being one in the Same, Rh is the constiuency being photons, Wsr is the distribution being description of the dominate wavelengths of the photons, and Hrw is the image in terms of the All Eye Seeing Wdjt or Eye or the Photosphere of the Sun in General. Peace.

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