Chief Elder Osiris : The Only Institution Capable Of Enforcing Reparation Payment

Chief Elder Osiris

Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2002
The Only Institution Capable Of Enforcing Reparation Payment, Is The Institution Of Black People

By Chief Elder Osiris

Some people look at things and wish for what they want, I see things and Know what they are not what they seem to be.

There are so many who read this Missive and will not like what they read, as usual, but the Divine Truth is not out to get you to like what it reveal to you, but require for you to know what you need to know, an it being that which will Liberate your Body Life and Change the way your Body Life have been conditioned to believe about what has caused the Black Body Life present Living Condition in the World of Afrika today, as well as in the Diaspora as Children of the Middle Passage.

So tell me, is it probable that Reparation will not ever be paid to our Enslaved Ancestors, because as things are not that which surround the issue of Reparation today, Black People do not have the Mental capacity to approach the issue of Reparation in the way that we should, and that is in a Mental state of Unity, implementing a Plan and formulating a strategy that will require the Unity of Black People to bring into action for the purpose of receiving our Enslaved Ancestors Reparation.

What is it that motivate those Black groups to involve themselves in pursuing Reparation and for whom is their claim for Reparation is to serve and for what purpose and reason?

If those who are in pursuit of Reparation, is in it for individual gain, then that which you are in pursuit of in the name of Reparation is not Reparation but for Reparation to serve as an individual Hand Out coming from White folks with a history of Enslaving our Afrikan Ancestors, and in order to be ready to receive such a Hand out in the name of Reparation, would be the highest act of disrespect we can show toward our Enslaved Ancestors.

Here we are, just in America alone, some 30, 40, 50 Million Black Folks in America US, here by way of the Middle Passage, showing nothing but confusion, displaying Ego and being individual in our Claim for Reparation, we go running all over the World in search for Institutional Support for our Claim for Reparation and we hold the Institution of the United Nation as if to be our vanguard and enforcet for Reparation to be paid to our Enslaved Ancestors, when in fact the United Nation is a Racist institution and is under the authority and control of the Countries that have an evil history of practicing Racism against the Black Afrikan Nation, yet we will put our Trust and commit our Loyalty to the UN, when the UN can not get all of its members to participate in a conference on Racism.

Beloved, is there not something wrong with that UN picture, in relationship to Reparation to be paid to our Enslaved Ancestors, and to the Black People that represent the continent of Afrika, they whose Ancestors that was colonized by UN members as well, and those guilty countries with a history of Enslaving and Colonizing Afrika, they are the countries that have a permanent seat on the Security Council of the UN, and it is the permanent security council members that make decision for the General Body that constitute the United Nations.

So there is nothing that the Human Rights Commission of the UN can do to order the United States to pay to our Enslaved Ancestors their Reparation and is able to enforce such an order.

so I ask you, what institution that is best to go into action to get Reparation paid to our Enslaved Ancestors, than the Children of those Enslaved Ancestors, yet the one institution that has the greatest potential of seeing to it that justice is served to our Enslaved Ancestors, that institution has gone to become profane selfish individuals and each has become Mentally ill and many members of that institution is now serving to be patsy to the Racist oppressors who to this day do not have respect for our Enslaved Ancestors, nor of their children.

So it is that institution that has become mentally ill and also does not have respect for self nor our Enslaved Ancestors and the institution I am sharing information about, well it happen to be the institution of Black so call Afrikan People.

Beloved, the Masses of Black people, we constitute a Black people institution, we as a collective people are unaware of the issue Reparation, so Reparation has yet to become an issue for Black people as an institution to know about, and not until the issue of Reparation is not taken to be a clannish individual group cause, but approach Reparation as the cause that it is, which is a Black Collective people cause, the collective Black people institution that must get involved with the issue of Reparation, that is if Reparation is to be taken serious by the Racist institution that is responsible for Reparation to be an issue for Black People, which came about by Enslaving our Afrikan Ancestors and not Black individual groups, such must take place in the Mind Effort of Black People, we serving as an institution, that is if Black People desire Reparation be taken to be a serious issue worthy of the Black Masses Collective action.

Not until we begin to See Black People as the institution, do we need to get involved with Reparation, will we begin to see justice begin the rise of our Enslaved Ancestors, because then you will begin to see Black people as an institution, to become mobilized to embrace the issue of Reparation, and with one voice, we will begin to demand our Enslaved Ancestors Reparation, the Ark that will Liberate the Children of the Middle Passage and they will have only one desire for Reparation, and that is for it to equip and qualify the children of the Middle passage, so we may be able to take our Enslaved Ancestors back Home to that place call Afrika, and do so with a visionary desire to see a united Black Afriikan Nation and to see Afrika become Afrika again, all to take place by the establishment of A State in Afrika, where the Children Of The Middle Passage will reside, in order to bring about a Divine Change to the Black Afrikan World and to Afrika.

Can You Understand That, Beloved?

There must be a cease to all of those organizational jockeying for notoriety, seeking individual organizational selfish gain, which is to come at the reputation of Reparation, beloved, not until all those concerned, claiming to be an organization in pursuit of Reparation, show a willingness to come together at the round table of Reparation and be willing to come with an open Mind, to discuss the most viable plan and structure that is to represent and serve the Black World and agree that the Honorable Silas Muhammad serve as Chairman of such a Reparation Gathering, because there is not one amongst us who have worked SO diligently, carrying the Message of Reparation before a world Racist institution, the United Nation.

We must come together for the sake and out of respect for our Enslaved Ancestors, they who have made it possible for us to hold the upper Hand of Profound Reasoning in our defense for our Enslaved Ancestors Reparation and only the Institution Of Black People are capable of causing Justice to unlock the Racist Minds that hold our Enslaved Ancestors Reparation.

Just as a Racist United State Congress and President Sanctioned the approval of the establishment of the institution of Chattel Slavery, then so shall a present day Racist United Stated Congress and President unshackle our Enslaved Ancestors Reparation and there is no Divine argument that the Racist Institution of America, can Divinely Reasonable and be Justified in not paying to our Enslaved Ancestors their Reparation, that which they did Divinely earn under unjustified Racist enacted Laws and spirit, and such a Racist behavior, was in fact religiously enforced against our Enslaved Ancestors.

Can You Understand That, Beloved?

Be Kind To Your Self, Beloved

Chief Elder
The Pan Afrikan Inter'National Movement
I agree wholeheartedly,

Chief Elder, this issue you speak to is the key to our mental liberation, and subsequently our economic liberation and regeneration of self-identity. As you point out - the crucial aspect of this program is to reclaim what was owed in the names and spirits of our ancestors. The world shakes in dread from the anticipated cost(s) associated with reparations for the Maafa, and some of the children who are here to ask for it are selfishly pre-occupied with proving they don't need it, don't want it, or have forgotten why it must be pursued.

There was an article written once in Time magazine by an African American economist who went back in time and did the actual calculations of labour costs owed alone. I would like to find that article once more as it was so logically sound and well documented that it left no room for debate.

We must overstand though that reparations must also come in the form of legal reform and not just cash dollars (for which many of us would be lead astray again anyways). No; as you have said the United Nations is a racist organization which is why it allows for clean drinking water to be a priviledge and not a right around the world. There are organizations in bed with one another controlling the resources that are ours to govern.

The question is, are we ready and prepared to govern? Have we spent our time well, are we researched, and able to direct our people, or would we power over them as our oppressors have taught us?

We sold them our knowledge and they beat us with it; should we be successful with re-establishing ourselves what is to ensure that greed does not breed more sell-outs?

Reparations: control of our education, control of our markets, our governments, our land structure. The First Nations people can remind us of how well the Caucasian keeps his word on treaties. So what do we have for bargaining position?

Furthermore, are there enough of US NOW that have control of ourselves to create an administration of self-governance and responsible guardianships?

I used the word guardianship rather than leadership, because it denotes having to take care of, to nurture and be accountable to. There must be those guardians who will guide those that still need healing, and contend with the growth of Nu(bians) into a paradigm of self-realization.

Chief Elder, your post is right on time as usual.
Beloved you raise some very direct and probing questions and I will begin to address them by reminding you that all I have been sharing with Black people have informed us what is a requirement for Black People in order for us to not end up emulating the oppressors in our effort to Govern.

I have not let Black People rest by me keep informing us of the importance of us reclaiming our Divine Mind, meaning our method of Reasoning, being Rational, and Logical Divinely, which mean that we must allow our Divine Mind to take over our Body Life decision making, because the quality of our Thoughts will determine the quality of our Spirit and it is the spirit that determine our motivation and action, which will secure our Enslaved Ancestors Reparation into the hand of the Children of those Enslaved Ancestors.

When and only when Black People learn to dismiss all that a people with a history of demeaning Black People have conditioned us to believe about ourselves and have guided us in getting us to accept their concept of Life and about the Divine Essence, not until then, will we be qualified to address the issue of Reparation in the way it is required for us to relate with the issue of Reparation.

You see beloved,it is not meant for us to try and predetermine the out come of our concerted collective effort in collecting our Enslaved Ancestors Reparation, it is more of a Divine Spiritual intervention that is required of Black People, when in pursuit of our Enslaved Ancestors Reparation and as for as how and what quality of Goverance we would provided for ourselves, well when our Mind if functioning Divinely, we have no need to concern ourselves with such an interest.

We know that all of us in America and the Diaspora who are here by way of the Middle Passage will not be among those who will make the journey back Home, so yes, the requirement, that we must come to know who we really are as people label to be Black, is very important, and we must come to know that the fight for our Enslaved Ancestors will not be one of full agreement among Black People, so before the Sacred issue of Reparation can be addressed with the level of Mental Divinity it so require of Black People in such a Pursuit for our Enslaved Ancestors Reparation, we must first be willing to experience our Divine Mental reawakening, and that is why I shared with you of our need to engage in a Divine Spiritual Retreat, which will be about reclabrating our way of Thinking about ourselves and the world in general, and will bring about a Divine Knowledge of how our Life integrate with the Divine Essence, the Infinite Divine Energy that is the verification of both Universe.

You See Beloved, it is not all about how we advocate Reparation, as much as it is about how we approach that sacred issue, Reparation.

All so call advocates of Reparation are not worthy of being in pursuit of Reparation, because their motivation is not about the Unity of Black People in Afrika and to act to cause Afrika to become Afrika again, all must resume to be in the original Divine state it was in, before the coming of Lucifer into the presence of the House of Black People.

Beloved please take note that there is much more that I have not covered on this issue of Reparation here, but I desire what I have shared with you thus far, will give you some indication of how I have been given to See That Sacred Issue, Reparation.

So we shall not concern ourselves with the actual resource to be used to secure the debt owed to our Enslaved Ancestors and our Repair, which stop short of nothing but our Liberation From America and the Right we have to take our Enslaved Ancestors Genectically back Home, and their Children being in a position not to be looked upon as a people that have nothing in Afrika, but we become the next State in Afrikam, because the Children of the Middle Passage represent the resurrection of the Black Nation to be reunited again and to make sure that the place call Afrika become the sacred Divine place it once was during the presence of our Divine First Way Ancestors.

Beloved I desire that I have Enlighten You More To What I See, Concerning Reparation.

Can You Understand That, Beloved?

Be Kind To Your Self

Chief Elder
the only institution...

greetings chief,i know that your organization has been fighting this battle for a long time and i applude and admire your efforts,but the reality is that there will be no reparations for us and we both know it,wasn't it[lincoln]that said the blackman has no rights that the whiteman will respect there you have it and what could be a bigger issue of respect for what a people have gone thru than reparations for their suffering chief you know how slick they are look they put a blackman at the head of the government and what they're saying to us is-[look african americans at what we've done,one of you is PRESIDENT so you don't have to keep bringing up that REPARATION stuff we're all equal now so relax and enjoy the ride]now this is no reflection on[obama]because he has a tough job to do,but this shows the cunning and slickness that we have to deal with in regard to white america,but keep up the fight chief who knows something might crack somewhere along the line one day although i don't see it happening.
My beloved brother olderman, I have shared with you a while back that Lucifer Lie, therefore it is wise not to put confidence in a liar, so you see, I am not moving under the assumption that White power is going to one day show us the respect by his own choice and render to our Enslaved Ancestors what is our Enslaved Ancestors, which is Reparation.

Never will I empower the oppressor to the extent that it will cause me to surrender to their weakness and to treat it as if it is more powerful than a united Black spirit, coming from Black people, so no beloved, I do not know that Black People will never come to desire to reclaim our Divine Mind, because it is because of the fact that Black people are operating out of our ability to Divinely Think and that is what keeping our Enslaved Ancestors from receiving their Reparation.

You see beloved, not look, but see, in order to reach a Mental conclusion that our Enslaved Ancestors will never receive Justice from all of the suffering that they endured, is to indicate that Black People Body Life Living Condition at this present Time, is not reversable, which is to indicate that Black People are Doomed to suffer in our present day Mental Illness and believing, not knowing but believing there is no Cure for Black People, such a Depressing picture of Black People I can not and will not be the Sower of such a debilitating Seed to Black People, because I know who it is that has the power to have Reparation to become that of our Enslaved Ancestors..

I am going to share this with you beloved, that which has been revealed to me concerning Reparation and Obama.

You see, Obama is no Flute caused by the oppressors to serve as a stumbling Block to Black People, but with Black People using Divine Thinking, Obama will be transformed to serve as the Avenue upon which Reparation will Travel to satisfy the Debt owed to our Enslaved Ancestors.

Now, what I have just shared, require no Mental Jerk reaction, but Divine Mental Thinking, in order for it to be fully appreciated and Understood.

Beloved, therefore, study it to show ourselves to be approved by our Enslaved Ancestors and of our Ancient Divine Cosmic Frist Way Ancestors.

Can You Understand That, Beloved?

Be Kind To Your Self Beloved.

Chief Elder

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