Chief Elder Osiris : The Obama Health Care Genocide Euthanasia Plan

Chief Elder Osiris

Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2002
The Obama Health Care Genocide Euthanasia Plan

By Chief Elder Osiris

Go back and pull my Missive where I gave my reading on President Obama and you will see that I carefully warned you Black people what would be the result for you, when Obamba become President.

The Ancestors have shown to me who Obamba really is and yet there is something they have yet to allow me to see about this President of America, and this is in no effort to consciously put down the president of America, but is my intention to share the Divine Truth about what is given to me to see about what is happening and is to happen in this evil world of today.

This action is effecting directly Black people, even though right now we are not totally aware of this evil that will be the crowning act against Black people, so that those forces in pursuit of creating a Utopian world for their reign and pleasure, because of the fact we Black People have been made to be out of our Power Zone upon this Planet, with the lost of our Mind and our continent Afrika.

You look at me with the eyes of contempt, yet you really do not know me and all of the Time I have been among you all on this Internet, I have not approached you for not one thing in behalf of it being a vain egotistical, envious, and jealous approach to you, that will serve me vainly selfishly.

You have heard me say through my writing that I have not come before you seeking leadership over you or to be a part of a clan without meaning and purpose for the reclaiming of Afrika and Uniting the Black Nation.

So beware beloved, of that which I share with you, for in such Divine information, there is the way to our Liberation.

Now, the Health care plan everybody is talking about, both in a pro and con way, require for you to listen to hear and to see, the plan with understanding, yet by knowing the plan and is a desire of Lucifer.

It is given to me to see and know that what they have put together, calling it a Health care plan that will cover everybody, is no more than a plan disguise as a Health care plan that will be the instrument to practice genocide of certain people in a certain Health class of dependency.

So, what they call preventative medicine in that evil Health care Bill, is no more than legalizing the Government to practice the action of Euthanasia on those people that will be very ill health wise and will be considered to be expendable and will be consider the worth of collateral damage, as they screen out the people Lucifer consider to be a burden on the Capitalist budget of concern to this Government.

Now, Hear me when I share with you that America and this Health care plan will be a test to see if America can pull it off on the American people and if so, America will begin a trend to other Nations of Kin, to put into effect their own Health care Genocide Euthanasia Health Care Plan against the poor and elderly but more so against Black people in America and else where in the world away from Afrika and is of a certain level of low economic Class.

This Health Care plan carry the signature of Lucifer, Satan, the Devil, all being one and the same spirit of mind, that health care plan has the Spirit that convey such an evil aura about it, in its pages of description of the method of implementation in the name of Health care for everybody in America.

Beloved, these are the Time of Lucifer last stand and Lucifer know they are so close in accomplishing their goal of world domination, but in this New Window of dispensation of Time is the Time of Enlightenment, the weapon capable of defeating Lucifer and in this Time of Enlightenment the Divine Truth has come to you the Black World, you being the World only capable of defeating Lucifer world.

So you see, that is why Lucifer lose no sleep over planing what they must do to prevent the Divine Truth from reaching you, and Lucifer do that by inflating your Ego, fanning the flame of Envy among you Black People and by making you blind with jealousy, principles of evil that will keep black people submissive and endowed with ignorant Intelligence while the action of the Black genocide through and by the practice of Government enforcement of euthanasia upon the ill and potential ill among us Black and poor people.

Can You Understand That, Beloved?

When you have been made to disrespect your self and not take your self to be serious of importance, then you are unable to know how Lucifer see you to know that you are to be taken serious and respected, because of your potential of reclaiming the Mind of your Ancient Cosmic Divine First Way Ancestors, and because Lucifer can see you and do know who you are and the quality of force that you can be against them, then it is why they all of the Time focus on you and to keep you out of your original Mind ability to Think and See.

So beware beloved, the Time is not for you to rebel against the Divine Truth but is Time for you to allow the Quantum particles you consist of to realign their action within your self, so that you can become the Energy force capable of saving the Black World, thus the World in general as it now have to been made to consist of more of the poor and needy in this evil world of Lucifer making and it is the Divine Truth that can cause you to become as you once were on this planet.

You see beloved, an enemy to Reparation is an enemy to Black People and this Health care Plan is the brain child of the enemy to Reparation.

So Tell Me, Why Aren't Your So Call Black Leaders Warning You About Obama politics and The Evil That This Health Care Bill Carry For You Black People?

You Need To Go And Study My Utube Message To You, There Is More In There Than Meet The Eye, Beloved.

Can you Understand That, Beloved?

Be Kind To Your Self, Beloved

Chief Elder
With all due respect

Your doing the very thing I trying to avoid. PLEASE go back where ever you got that information from, check it and you will see that is NOT TRUE. You usually are on point but on this issue you are wrong. This is what the wackos are trying to tell our people and it is simply not true.
Beloved Linda, Divine Respect To You:

Beloved when I share information I do so to inform and enlighten, not for purpose to twist the mind of the reader to that which I share, nor is it my motive to convert anyone to that which I share, only to generate thought about that which I share and when possible, to enlighten.

Now, concerning this controversial Health Care Proposal of the President desire, it is obvious that I do not like the plan.

So I ask those who are interested in forming your own conclusion about this Health Care proposal to Listen objectively and Reas the Bill.

With that said, I do desire to be wrong on this one beloved, but you go and read House bill page 16-17 and page 167-168 and Senate bill, page 57-58.

And when dealing with the cost factor, read the edition of Health Affair, March-April, 2009.

I also draw your attention to a letter written by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on 7 / 17, a letter she wrote to White House Budget Chief, suggesting that Medicare be turned over to a Newly Created body within the Executive Branch.

Also, check out DR. Ezekien Emanuel, the brother to White House Chief Of Staff, the brother has been appointed totwo key positions, one as Health Policy Advisor.

He wrote last year in Health Affair, Feb 27/08, stating that saving in Health Care will reduce how Doctors Think about their patients, he said that Doctors take the Hippocratic Oath to seriously, (journal Of The Medical Association6/18/08)

So you see, you need to not take what is being said coming out from the White House concerning this Health Plan, without you putting your own thoughts to it, being objective in your Thinking and not leaving it to your belief about what is being told to you is for your own good.

I share with you information without a hidden agenda, nor with adesire co convert anybody to that which I share, just to enlighten you about that which I share if at all possible, but you must make the decision for your own life and I do meditate that decision is not based on irrational emotions but on sound emereicle facts.

Be Kind To Your Self, Beloved.

Chief Elder
Here is more-we have to help stop the spread of lies

From: Richard Carlson
Subject: Health Care or Lie-Driven Mobs

"The 'shout 'em down, shut 'em down' thuggery being staged right now at town hall meetings about health care is again a source of conservative pride as corporate lobbying groups brag about their ability to turn out the mobs, to shut down the democratic process." -- Rachel Maddow

Just some of what we're seeing:

Maryland Rep. Frank Kratovil was hanged in effigy outside his district office

Comparing health care reform to Nazis

A mob member outside a Rep. Lloyd Doggett town hall in Texas

Dear PFAW Activist,

On Tuesday, I emailed you about the right-wing mobs that are showing up at congressional town hall meetings in order to disrupt the meetings, intimidate members of Congress and shout down any viewpoint that is not their own. Since then, even more has come out about the nature of this supposedly "grassroots" movement.

In truth, these mobs are anything but organic and do not represent any sort of real grassroots groundswell -- they are fueled by corporate lobbyists, aligned with insurance companies and right-wing interests.

A strategy memo which recently came to light, offering a guide on how to disrupt town halls, was from a web site sponsored by a group called Americans for Prosperity, headed by a former associate of Jack Abramoff, and FreedomWorks, a lobbying firm led by former Republican Majority Leader Dick Armey.1 And a group called Conservatives for Patients' Rights is publicly claiming credit for helping to organize town hall outbursts.2

A paid-for fraud

The operatives mentioned above, along with the right-wing media echo chamber, are spreading lies to ignite the anger of the right-wing base -- fear-mongering about "socialism," and outright lies about the health care reform bill itself, like:
Employees of the "Government Healthcare Bureaucracy" will have access to ALL American financial and personal records;
The government will set doctors' wages;
The choice to purchase private health insurance will be eliminated;
And one of the most extreme, that the government will control end-of-life decisions and encourage euthanasia and assisted suicide for the elderly.3
The "real anger" towards the administration's health care reform efforts that FOX News and other right-wing outlets have been reporting ad nauseam is nothing more than a manufactured and paid-for fraud. The anger is fueled by the Right's lies and only visible because of its organizing efforts paid for by corporate special interests opposed to real reform.

We've seen this sort of thing before. GOP operatives, many of them Capitol Hill staffers, flooded the state of Florida during the presidential election recount in 2000, forming phony "local" mobs to harass the people conducting the recount. This time, it's members of the Right's radical base who are the foot soldiers, but the public outrage is just as manufactured.

"Health Care, Not Mobs"

The town hall meetings that the mobs are hijacking are supposed to provide a platform for honest debate and constructive interaction between members of Congress and their constituents. If the representative or senator hosting a meeting cannot even speak in order to answer questions or is forced into an angry shouting match with unruly disrupters, democracy suffers and all the other attendees are denied access to their representative.

Progressives can't let themselves be out-organized on the health care issue and need to counter these lie-driven mobs. It's time for progressives to make their presence known and their voices heard. Tell your members of Congress not to be intimidated and to reject mob tactics.

Here's what you can do:

1. Email your congressional representatives if you have not already.

2. Follow up your email with a phone call (find contact information here).

3. Find a town hall event near you this recess and attend.

Attend a town hall meeting

The best way to silence the mob, so to speak, is to outnumber them. Show up. Bring people. And if members of the crowd begin disruptive outbursts and attempt to shout down the official hosting the meeting, help restore order with the chant, "Let him/her speak!"

The phrases, "Let Him/Her Speak" and "Health Care, Not Mobs" both make great chants and signs -- so get out those magic markers.

You can find lists of some town hall meetings on the web sites of Heath Care for America Now and the right-wing Tea Party Patriots (scroll down to the section "Groups and Events By State").

Thank you for helping to expose and counter the Right's attempts to derail and kill health care reform.


Michael B. Keegan, President

P.S. Rep. Brad Miller of North Carolina, after receiving a death threat over the health care reform bill, has opted not to hold town hall meetings this recess.4 We can't let this kind of intimidation go unchallenged. We must speak out, show up and defend the civil discourse which is so vital to a functional democracy.


1. "Swiftboating Town Halls," The Progress Report, August 5, 2009.

2. "Anti-Reform Group Takes Credit For Helping Gin Up Town Hall Rallies," The Plum Line, August 4, 2009.

3. An email circulating around the internet, forwarded to us by a PFAW member (the lies in this email about ending Medicare, rationing health care and promoting euthanasia have been repeated by many in the right-wing media and even some elected officials).

4. "Dem Congressman's Office: His Life Has Been Threatened Over Health Care Bill," Talking Points Memo, August 5, 2009.
Pres Obama addresses the issue

Transcript: President Barack Obama
Saturday 08 August 2009

by: President Barack Obama | t r u t h o u t | Transcript

On Friday, we received better news than we expected about the state of our economy. We learned that we lost 247,000 jobs in July - some 200,000 fewer jobs lost than in June, and far fewer than the nearly 700,000 a month we were losing at the beginning of the year. Of course, this is little comfort to anyone who saw their job disappear in July, and to the millions of Americans who are looking for work. And I will not rest until anyone who's looking for work can find a job.

Still, this month's jobs numbers are a sign that we've begun to put the brakes on this recession and that the worst may be behind us. But we must do more than rescue our economy from this immediate crisis; we must rebuild it stronger than before. We must lay a new foundation for future growth and prosperity, and a key pillar of a new foundation is health insurance reform - reform that we are now closer to achieving than ever before.

There are still details to be hammered out. There are still differences to be reconciled. But we are moving toward a broad consensus on reform. Four committees in Congress have produced legislation - an unprecedented level of agreement on a difficult and complex challenge. In addition to the ongoing work in Congress, providers have agreed to bring down costs. Drug companies have agreed to make prescription drugs more affordable for seniors. The AARP supports reform because of the better care it will offer seniors. And the American Nurses Association and the American Medical Association, which represent the millions of nurses and doctors who know our health care system best, support reform, as well.

As we draw close to finalizing - and passing - real health insurance reform, the defenders of the status quo and political point-scorers in Washington are growing fiercer in their opposition. In recent days and weeks, some have been using misleading information to defeat what they know is the best chance of reform we have ever had. That is why it is important, especially now, as Senators and Representatives head home and meet with their constituents, for you, the American people, to have all the facts.

So, let me explain what reform will mean for you. And let me start by dispelling the outlandish rumors that reform will promote euthanasia, cut Medicaid, or bring about a government takeover of health care. That's simply not true. This isn't about putting government in charge of your health insurance; it's about putting you in charge of your health insurance. Under the reforms we seek, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.

And while reform is obviously essential for the 46 million Americans who don't have health insurance, it will also provide more stability and security to the hundreds of millions who do. Right now, we have a system that works well for the insurance industry, but that doesn't always work well for you. What we need, and what we will have when we pass health insurance reform, are consumer protections to make sure that those who have insurance are treated fairly and that insurance companies are held accountable.

We will require insurance companies to cover routine checkups and preventive care, like mammograms, colonoscopies, or eye and foot exams for diabetics, so we can avoid chronic illnesses that cost too many lives and too much money.

We will stop insurance companies from denying coverage because of a person's medical history. I will never forget watching my own mother, as she fought cancer in her final days, worrying about whether her insurer would claim her illness was a preexisting condition. I have met so many Americans who worry about the same thing. That's why, under these reforms, insurance companies will no longer be able to deny coverage because of a previous illness or injury. And insurance companies will no longer be allowed to drop or water down coverage for someone who has become seriously ill. Your health insurance ought to be there for you when it counts - and reform will make sure it is.

With reform, insurance companies will also have to limit how much you can be charged for out-of-pocket expenses. And we will stop insurance companies from placing arbitrary caps on the amount of coverage you can receive in a given year or a lifetime because no one in America should go broke because of illness.

In the end, the debate about health insurance reform boils down to a choice between two approaches. The first is almost guaranteed to double health costs over the next decade, make millions more Americans uninsured, leave those with insurance vulnerable to arbitrary denials of coverage, and bankrupt state and federal governments. That's the status quo. That's the health care system we have right now.

So, we can either continue this approach, or we can choose another one - one that will protect people against unfair insurance practices; provide quality, affordable insurance to every American; and bring down rising costs that are swamping families, businesses, and our budgets. That's the health care system we can bring about with reform.

There are those who are focused on the so-called politics of health care; who are trying to exploit differences or concerns for political gain. That's to be expected. That's Washington. But let's never forget that this isn't about politics. This is about people's lives. This is about people's businesses. This is about America's future. That's what is at stake. That's why health insurance reform is so important. And that's why we must get this done - and why we will get this done - by the end of this year.

Thank you.

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