Black People : The Most Dangerous Enemies - Black Police Officers

You are both wonderful, a realization I have come to having read each of your posts over the last couple years. I only know you each in a virtual sense, yet I am always touched by your sentiments and your dialogue. No doubt, Bro Keita, you are stalwart, brilliant and focused, and much of what you identify is hard to reconcile. Not because it isn't true but because it does highlight the unconscious nature of our existence.
Our willingness to choose existence and acceptance as the crux of our journey rather than recognizing the nature of the non-justice practiced against us and committing ourselves to the elimination of this imbalance. Sister Destee, (smile) You to are brilliant, (smile) a familiar stranger, you are deep in so many ways, your intellectual and spiritual capacities so eloquent, thoughtful and wholesome. Both of you in this discussion highlight a concern I have come to recognize. Knowing that we all whether unconciously or conciously consort with white supremacist/ racism and racist practioners and those who are victimized by this evil. We share a world where our lives vis-a-vis racism white supremacy (lunacy) are constantly under assault, I was greatly dismayed to see the damage done by these officers to the young man they arrested. I thought of their children (?) as they violently engaged with this young boy, I wondered about their reasons for choosing law enforcement as a career choice and wondered also how many bloodied and beaten white boys they have left in their wake.
In the city that I live in I recall some years ago a panel discussion where a brother (officer) I had known for many years told the mixed audience that he bleeds blue! This VOR grew up in the projects, had experienced the negative behavior officers practiced in areas where non-white people lived yet, upon fighting for and acheiving his badge committed himself to becoming the best officer he could. What does that mean? It means you are trustworthy to those who have become executioners in the name of non-justice. Racist law enforcement folk needed to know he had their back, not just in the practice of delivering so-called justiced but also in the delivery of injustice/nonjustice. I recognize that we all support white supremacy in our own way, if we are not challenging or speaking and/or acting against it we are working to support it.
What an amazing reality, what an unconscionable position to have to exist in! I have no answers for your discussion, I am heartsick that I can't get off this merry-go-round of madness and self hatred. I understand that many are unable to see how white supremacy impacts us on a daily basis even when the hand going up side our head is a black one... I told Randall Kennedy a year ago that his book SellOut was misfocused, in that it sought to create greater understanding for those who wish to assimilate and disappear from their circumstance.
Rather he should have addressed the unacceptable quandry that forces one to even consider such a decision, and not suggest that turning your back on anothers suffering is a sign that you have arrived. When success is tied to your ability to see evil (WS/R) and embrace it with love, understanding and assimilation, you are actually praciticing injustice and self loathing. I have come to notice that for every sister or brother trying to awaken, their are legions of other non-white victims moving among us with a sledgehammer and freedom to wield it. The only caveate that they know where their bread is buttered. [/I]

First of all I thank you for your response. You brought up a very good point when you said that;
much of what you identify is hard to reconcile. Not because it isn't true but because it does highlight the unconscious nature of our existence.
This here is a crucial key. I do not think for one minute that the majority of our people "CONSCIOUSLY" do a lot of things on behalf of white people. White people are smarter than that. They have studied the "MIND" to the point of understanding how to get to the deeper level just beyond the "consciousness" so that we in essence "subliminally aid them without our ever consciously knowing we are doing so."

This means that we can no longer afford to just "be conscious", we have to be "conscious of consciousness"...we have to always "watch ourselves, watch our thoughts, watch our actions and then be conscious of all that as it pertains to us as a people. Just imagine this; we taught white people just about everything that they guess what the main difference between them and our people is? "They didn't disregard or take for granted anything that they learned from us". That is the difference that makes all the difference!
Any support I give to the white structure is purely accidental. I work hard and get paid for my work (not enough, of course). The money I make goes towards providing my family with a home, food, clothes, video games (try to avoid that one with kids) and the likes. What the white structure does with that money after I put it in their hands is out of my hands. But in no way do I support their actions of what they do with it like wars, racists authorities, their own perverted sexual & drug habits, etc.
So, am I a part of the system? No I am not. I have no say in their decisions made on a daily basis. They have erected a ceiling to keep me from rising beyond a certain height, and beat me if I even come close to it. So that means that I am not a part of their system, nor do I support it. And if I am wrong for putting them all in the same basket (I do not trust cops; PERIOD!), then I learned from the best.........them.
You are both wonderful, a realization I have come to having read each of your posts over the last couple years. I only know you each in a virtual sense, yet I am always touched by your sentiments and your dialogue. No doubt, Bro Keita, you are stalwart, brilliant and focused, and much of what you identify is hard to reconcile. Not because it isn't true but because it does highlight the unconscious nature of our existence.
Our willingness to choose existence and acceptance as the crux of our journey rather than recognizing the nature of the non-justice practiced against us and committing ourselves to the elimination of this imbalance. Sister Destee, (smile) You to are brilliant, (smile) a familiar stranger, you are deep in so many ways, your intellectual and spiritual capacities so eloquent, thoughtful and wholesome. Both of you in this discussion highlight a concern I have come to recognize. Knowing that we all whether unconciously or conciously consort with white supremacist/ racism and racist practioners and those who are victimized by this evil. We share a world where our lives vis-a-vis racism white supremacy (lunacy) are constantly under assault, I was greatly dismayed to see the damage done by these officers to the young man they arrested. I thought of their children (?) as they violently engaged with this young boy, I wondered about their reasons for choosing law enforcement as a career choice and wondered also how many bloodied and beaten white boys they have left in their wake.
In the city that I live in I recall some years ago a panel discussion where a brother (officer) I had known for many years told the mixed audience that he bleeds blue! This VOR grew up in the projects, had experienced the negative behavior officers practiced in areas where non-white people lived yet, upon fighting for and acheiving his badge committed himself to becoming the best officer he could. What does that mean? It means you are trustworthy to those who have become executioners in the name of non-justice. Racist law enforcement folk needed to know he had their back, not just in the practice of delivering so-called justiced but also in the delivery of injustice/nonjustice. I recognize that we all support white supremacy in our own way, if we are not challenging or speaking and/or acting against it we are working to support it.
What an amazing reality, what an unconscionable position to have to exist in! I have no answers for your discussion, I am heartsick that I can't get off this merry-go-round of madness and self hatred. I understand that many are unable to see how white supremacy impacts us on a daily basis even when the hand going up side our head is a black one... I told Randall Kennedy a year ago that his book SellOut was misfocused, in that it sought to create greater understanding for those who wish to assimilate and disappear from their circumstance.
Rather he should have addressed the unacceptable quandry that forces one to even consider such a decision, and not suggest that turning your back on anothers suffering is a sign that you have arrived. When success is tied to your ability to see evil (WS/R) and embrace it with love, understanding and assimilation, you are actually praciticing injustice and self loathing. I have come to notice that for every sister or brother trying to awaken, their are legions of other non-white victims moving among us with a sledgehammer and freedom to wield it. The only caveate that they know where their bread is buttered. [/I]

Brother Prizmm ... I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ... :love:

Thank you so much for just being here ... and then ... you're sharing too ... oohhhh Lawd .... i'm come'n Elizabeth ... :lol:


I too love Brother Keita's strong and oftentimes correct opinion. We are blessed to have him, and i wouldn't take all the tea in china for him !!! ... (lol, my Momma used to say that all the time ... the tea in china thang) ... Brother Keita and i have been arguing with each other from the day he joined this community ... :lol: ... i love him ... i love the way he challenges my thinking. I love the way that i can have a full complete argument with him, without either of us walking away angry. I mean, we've had some knock-down drag-outs ... :lol: ... and after they are over, we love each other more. It's been a beautiful experience. Thank You Brother Keita ... :love:

Brother Prizmm ... i'm so happy that this discussion drew you in, allowed me and the Family the great pleasure of your presence and wisdom. Such a beautiful example of greatness, that could easily be missed if folk aren't paying attention. So rather than us miss out, how about you give me a list of the topics that might draw you in, and i'll get started on getting them going ... :lol: ... :love:

I absolutely love us, that is the bottom line for me, wallowing in the energy, wisdom, and presence of you both.

Thank You !!! :kiss:



Any support I give to the white structure is purely accidental. I work hard and get paid for my work (not enough, of course). The money I make goes towards providing my family with a home, food, clothes, video games (try to avoid that one with kids) and the likes. What the white structure does with that money after I put it in their hands is out of my hands. But in no way do I support their actions of what they do with it like wars, racists authorities, their own perverted sexual & drug habits, etc.
So, am I a part of the system? No I am not. I have no say in their decisions made on a daily basis. They have erected a ceiling to keep me from rising beyond a certain height, and beat me if I even come close to it. So that means that I am not a part of their system, nor do I support it. And if I am wrong for putting them all in the same basket (I do not trust cops; PERIOD!), then I learned from the best.........them.

Brother Kamau ... Peace and Blessings ... :love:

I understand what you are saying. I believe trust and respect are two different things, not necessarily contingent upon each other. But i do understand the place from which your thinking flows. I've been at that place too, and am probably still there, when it comes to some topics and stuff. I believe it is a growing process, continually having to climb up, to get to where we can begin to view each other the way we want to be viewed. It seems we have the unique ability, to easily disassociate ourselves, from each other. When none of us are a stone's throw away, from the other.

Brother Kamau ... notice above how you have removed yourself from any responsibility for your actions. You say once the money leaves your hands, you are no longer responsible, even though you know it is going to maintain a system of white supremacy, killing people all over the world, everything ... but you are exempt from responsibility because you spend the money to feed your Family (as most all of us do), and therefore you're somehow different from the Black Cop ... who feeds his Family.

What of the Black Military Personnel? Are there no good Brothers or Sisters there either? They are the ultimate police. Parents are listening to their children right now, ask to sign up. There are no jobs. They provide bonuses upon sign up. MANY Black People have served in the military of this country, and valiantly so i'm sure. Do we wipe all of them out as well? Trust none of them? Respect none of them? I have heard a Brother go on and on about Black Military people, beating them down in the ground, talking of them as though they are the lowest scum of the earth, while never admitting he served himself.

If one has no responsibility toward the end result, once the money leaves their hands ... then that means ... when each of us shop for groceries with the white vendor, for whatever reason we choose, we have no responsibility for the economic despair of the Black store owner.

If one has no responsibility toward the end result, once the money leaves their hands ... then that means ... all of us can do no better, than we do, because that's all any of us do ... work on their jobs, where we make money to live, and then we spend that money for the services white folk provide. That's the circle. That's all any of us do. If we aren't willing to review what we all do, microscopically, and figure out a way to change it ... come out of the vicious cycle ... then all any of us are ... are folk within it ... complaining about the other Brother or Sister ... that's in the same vicious cycle, as you.

We need solutions and not more finger pointing.

We have a host of Sisters and Brothers, from every walk of life, that we could point some fingers at ... paint them all with a broad brush, easily. You know what, even the walk of life you are on ... whatever it is ... within it, there are some that do low down and dirty things ... i don't care what walk you walk.

Does that make you lowdown and dirty, just cause some other folk are? I don't think so.

There are lowdown and dirty Mothers. Sisters that kill their babies intentionally. Let men have their Daughters. Fight their Daughters over Men. Abuse their children. Neglect Them. Sisters that know their children are selling drugs, out of their home. We got some of the stories, posted here. That don't mean all Mothers are bad.

My point is, we could move from one group of us, to another, and never finish showing how lowdown and dirty Black Folk can be. We could do that, and it might yield us something great at the end. But the way i figure it, is that we've got to move beyond looking at each other as suspects, the villian, the most evil, the worst, the lowdown and dirtiest. That is what they want us to think of each other, and that is what we do. When we could never be our greatest enemy, for all of us are subject to their tyranny. Each and every one of us.

Perhaps we will one day be able to see with our own eyes, whether we are in fact, our own worst enemy.

I propose that we can never know that, while the greater enemy, an enemy to us all, still has dominion over us.

Love You!




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