Black People : The Micheal Jackson Trial

gempis said:
I'd like to extend the question, based on conversations I've had about this over the last few weeks, and what others think will happen.

Will Michael Jackson:

1. get off
2. be convicted
3. kill himself before he'll go to jail
4. flee the country cause he couldn't kill himself

While postulations differ, everyone I've talked to thinks the brotha is crazy.

What do y'all think?

I think once it starts really looking like he'll be convicted, he'll try to flee the country. He might even try and kill himself, but he will definately start feeling the heat and try to do whatever he can to avoid the slammer. I think he'll be convicted because there are way too many people testifying that they saw something. No matter how much Michael thinks people are after him, I don't see this many people coming forward against you unless they have some truth to them as far as what they witnessed. Yeah, you can sort of dismiss the boy and his parents as money-hungry people looking to get over, but there are a lot of people testifying that were employed by Michael. It's doesn't look good. I hope they find hard evidence that proves his innocence, but if he did do this he should go down, I don't care what color he used to be.
gempis said:
I agree with Carrie and kente. He's goin down, and will prolly try to bust a move outta here. Whether or not that will work is another question entirely.

Yeah Gempis, if he runs we'll have another O.J. chase on our hands. I can really see him trying it though. You know that guys not going to willingly go to prison. I think he'll try to flee and he'll get caught in the airport or something. Those plastic surgeries are going to come back to haunt him, because there is no mistaking Michael Jackson with anyone else.
gempis said:
I'd like to extend the question, based on conversations I've had about this over the last few weeks, and what others think will happen.

Will Michael Jackson:

1. get off
2. be convicted
3. kill himself before he'll go to jail
4. flee the country cause he couldn't kill himself

While postulations differ, everyone I've talked to thinks the brotha is crazy.

What do y'all think?

Mike will be convicted. I'm not sure what will happen after that. You can throw out all the evidence and witnesses the things that damned Mike was the 60 Minute interview with Ed Bradley. When a 40 something year old man says there is nothing wrong with sleeping in the bed with adolescent boys that are not his own that pretty much slams the prison door on them. By his own admission He said he did that and he knew other men that did the same thing. Whether he did anything or not to those boys really is irrelevant. Once a 40 something year old, world renown, multi-million dollar male celebrity admits inviting young boys to share his bed, he gets whatever's coming to him. End of story. Mike is done.....

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