Black People : The King Alfred plan

excel10k said:
Who is "us"? I did not realize you represented a specific organization or group. At any rate, it is not a matter of not taking you seriously, it is a matter of questioning your individual points. I have not addressed you as a group or organization. If you are refering to blacks in general, I too am black in general. We simply hold opposing views. I personally don't have a problem with that, you are still a brother. I respect your right to have views that differ from mine.

I certainly agree that for blacks who want total and absolute withdrawal should do just that. If you have that much animosity towards ALL whites it makes absolutely no sense to stay in "Amerikkka". For the price of a set of 22" wheels a person could be on the next flight to Africa. We all can afford a set of 22" wheels, just look around.

So, why do blacks who hold this animosity against all whites stay? Are you awaiting a reparation check that is very unlikely to come? Why subject yourself to the anguish of living among a people you hate so much. I assure you, that if I felt this way, I would cash in my chips and go to where life was the utopia I dreamed of.

I am not just saying this, I practice what I preach.

I have no illusions of white supremacy. Whites are not supreme. There are some intelligent ones and there are some that are dumb as a rock. I have on occassion interacted with both.

If you feel oppressed by this system, you most certainly should bypass it and find a solution outside of it. I personally feel no such oppression. I don't feel white supremacy hovering over me. Again, I am not saying racism doesn't exist, I am simply saying it doesn't have as much reach as you would suggest. I know racism does in fact exist. I just don't remember the last time it hindered me in any way....No, I am not blinded to it.

Who is "our" or "us"?
If my part is played out, I look forward to seeing you, "our", or "us" save the lives of the 6300 black men who be killed by "you", "our", or "us". Lets see you rise and do something tangible like that. Lets see you stop the spread of HIV/AIDS by liberating, don't worry about changing behavior of character, just get away from whites, I am sure that will do it. It is your day to rise, let me see you rise and do something tangible like make the 70% of black men who are walking away from their children commit to providing for them physically and emotionally for life. It you can do that, of if you have a methodical plan to bring that into reality, then I will clear the path for your rise. You see, I only want RESULTS, SUCCESS....their is no other options! I want to save lives...I want to improve social condition indicators. I know you are trumpeting "liberation" is the answer and perhaps it is...I have no problem with that if it is the answer....So show me the methodical plan for bringing about liberation or the methodical plan for stopping our self-destruction.

Please explain this to me: If Europeans are the only ones who are theives, deceivers, murders, Warmongers etc, why was my ancestors BETRAYED by his fellow AFRICAN and SOLD into slavery? Just as we say nothing when the 6300 blacks are killed per year by other blacks but are outraged when a white kills one of us makes no sense....why are we angry only at the whites who purchased us and not at the Africans who sold us to them?????? I don't give a free ticket to the blacks killing blacks nor do I give a free ticket to the Africans who sold my ancestors into slavery. Let's keep it real here....white boys didn't show up on a strange land and start taking brothers....get real....there was some palms greased.....I won't give free tickets nor will I EXCUSE AWAY all of our wrongs just for the sake of embracing a people who SOLD me away in the first place. This is not to say I reject my heritage, I most certainly don't. I am simply honest about what happened and lay blame at the feet of the BUYER AND the SELLER. All of the blood shed on the continent of Africa cannot be blamed on the white man. Are we such weak people that we can be munipulated so easily into destroying ourselves??? Is our self-destructive behavior merely a result of being munipulated by the white man.....if so, we are far too weak to withstand a white challenge. I see us as a VERY strong people, but with some VERY serious Character flaws.

People of character don't fall for everything that is pushed into their community. Everyone knows the results of "Krack and guns", so no one were caught off guard...people who lack character see the quick $$$ that they don't have to work a job or start a business to earn.

What is taught in public schools is the reading, writing, and arithmatic that is necessary for success in the American market place. If we want to be educated for competition in the market place, what more do we need to learn....If we want to be liberated, how can we expect them to teach us how to be liberated.

No, individual accountability, individual responsibility, and individual character and behavior, and choice will always determine a persons results. We cannot blame all of our problems on the whites if we expect to ever fix them. Not if we continue to sit in the system, not if we expect them to pay reparations to fix us, simply because we marched and cried faul.

Historically, you are absolutely correct. In my personal experience, The government has been "correct and proper" with me. But, I have never been

Historically, you are absolutely correct. Amendments since this those items have corrected this Thurgood Marshall or Clearance Thomas' vote counts the same as any other vote at the poll counts as much as my white co-workers. I live in the present...I am aware of the past, but I don't live there

I pray that you are right on this one...statistics, and the reality that I see when I open my eyes tell a different story. 6300 black men killed each year by other black men doesn't seem like "on the rise" to me....nor does 70% cases of aides by 13% of the people...nor does our super high incarceration rate....etc. etc. etc......... But, I pray, for my peoples sake that the statistics are wrong and the reality I see when I open my eyes is just a nightmare that goes away when I wake.

Who is "We"?
Why don't you want to save the lives of the 6300 black men who will die this year at the hands of other black men?
Why don't you want to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS?
Why don't you want to economically empower our people??
Why don't you want to have a people live lives based on Godly character and positive behavior?

These are the only things I have to offer, and you reject.

Well praise God! I wish you success with that. If Rex #84 does come about, I will not be the guy coming to say "we have made our point, lets go now" I will be the guy out in the country on my farm with guns in each of my seven sons hands and bullets and other supplies being carried by my daughters. Lets just say, I have a pretty solid contingency plan. In the mean time, I want to save those 6300 brothers that will die this year, it would be nice to have them around for the fight, if there were to be one. As far as our "Role Models", yes Condi and Clareance are much better role models than 50 cent, Tupac, or Biggie....

Listen brother, all I am trying to do is stop us from destroying us. Rather we stay here in the U.S. or we move to Africa, I don't care as long as the U.S. Government continue to send me my retirement check which I earned as an individual. Most blacks feel vested in America and as a result, want to stay here....people like yourself who hold a lot of animosity for all whites would problably be better off moving away....I have just as much freedom to be an employer of whites as I do to be employed by whites. So servitude can work either way. In fact, I have had white employees who put fourth an outstanding effort in exchange for the wages I paid them. (for the record, I also had a white employee who was in it only for himself, but I had a couple black employees who burnt me as well) The best employee I ever had was a panamanian lady who made our company lots of money and protected the company fiercely. A close second was a white lady who made us close to what the black lady did, but not as much. There was a white man, with whom I am still very close friends who I paid very little because he had little experience, but he proved himself a quick learner and a very loyal employee. another white man (the one in it for himself) was a money making fool, so when he would do things that made me question his loyalty, I was reluctant to fire him because he was so profitable.....LONG STORY SHORT, survitude works both ways, but in the world I live in it is based on choices made and risk taken....I have chosen to go back to being a salaried employee and don't mind serving my employer in exchange for the fair salary.

If you save those lives, and stop that spread of HIV/AIDS, or rebuild the black family, then I support your effort. Any results that end in problems being solved, you have my support. Good luck. all respect...can you explain to me ONE thing...that is all I ask..

Concerning role may seem stupid to you coming from a retired public school teacher who was underpaid and overworked and overvalued by not only the system by direspected by the parents of the very same "at-risk" students who I tirelessly worked to serve as a positive role model for them to identify with...even though I myself have family and a network in hip hop "culture" which includes the extended FAMILY of Tupac Shakur...

My question is this...Have you ever had the occasion to WITNESS/SEE Tupac Shakur speak at a college, university or student convention that was receptive to his POSITIVE "message".

Im sure you are aware with the scripture that speaks to how "All things shalll be brought into remembrance" and how "ALL things hidden shall be brought forth to light.

Well then we must also now...even though these things may not be admitted...that MOST folks in the higher level of government are also "blood brothers" and or "concubines" of forces "hidden" under the cloak and dagger of skull and bones, golden daw, prince hall, rosicrucian, the order, illuminati, etc..

And this day and age of CRISIS (notice how this word itself is a combined form of CHR-Ist and -Isis....) we a to Be-Living that Clarence and Condi are not "spinmasters" and "tricksters" in Black "face"??? (oopsss i said ONE question...

I give Biggie props for ONE thing he talked about which I find to be truth..

"Mo Money, Mo Problems"...

The Mo you make the Mo the IRS takes, and the Mo they work to Break you...or maybe not you but...this has been MY recent experience...and Im not alone in this...

So...we view these "role models" as the folks upholding "Demo-Cracy" (make that a reptilian cover for "Demo-nic Hype-ocracy"


Ok...i guess ward con-ner-LIE is more positive too?? (oops thats 3)....
omowalejabali said:
I posted this topic a few months ago so I will not argue whether the plan was or is factual at this point.

However, the governemnt still claims Roswell never happened and there is still no area 51, and they would deny it if you asked them about a missle site in southern california's Santa barbara Mountains.

Hmm...but i'm sure folks who lived in or near Roswell at the time, or who live or work near Area 51 or Edwards air force base, or who worked in the engineering department that designed the missle site and the JPL laboratories would have a totally different position, even though they may not voice it publically.

Ever see the movie.."The Siege".? Totally taken from the KAP as if it was scripted from the plan itslef.

Is it just coincidence that the KAP targeted as the primary groups Black Muslims and white militia groups?

Now...what do black nationalists and white militia groups have in common? Go back and look at them fbi files dateing back to the 1930s used to discredit W Fard Muhammad AND Marcus Garvey...In both cases wasn't the propaganda that these black me, and also Elijah Muhammad were KKK sympathizers?

Well...all of this has been scripted and isplaying out in Pakistan. The US has been behind thepolitical instability in Sudan, Iraq, and Pakistan, supporting military dictators for years. Check closely the video clips. All three countries have sizeable "black" populations ( do you say...Nubia, Elam...Hindu Cush)..and large Islamic populations..

Now its set up where they can assassinate political rivals and blame it on "Al Qaeda" or "Islamic extremists" while they kill of the indigenous populations at will....without much political opposition or protest because most folks aint gonna risk being labeled a terrorsit and being exiled to Guantonomo Bay...

So, if the government has a policy of "denial" why are progresive black folks still following this same our own detriment....just like we deny that willie lynch existed even though black folks were tarred and feathered in texas using the methods he alledgedly taoght to them white sharecroppers and tenant farmers.

First of all, I am not denying the existence of The King Alfred plan. I am saying that even if such a plan exist and we are aware of it, we are not prepared to deal with it, considering our social ills. I am simply saying that we need to FIX our social ills....this needs to be our first priority....THEN we can worry about area 51, Roswell, King Alfred, and other ambiguous enemies.

We "THINK" the King Alfred Plan exist. We "KNOW" 6,300 black men die each year at the hand of other black men. We "KNOW" there is a 40% academic performance students between white students and black students. We "KNOW" 70% of all new HIV/AIDS cases among women are African American women. etc. etc. etc. If we fix these problems...(and we can, if we confront them head on without making excuses or casting blame) we will be in MUCH BETTER position to handle King Alfred or any other plan.

Mar 3:25 And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.

Isa 54:17 No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.
omowalejabali said: all respect...can you explain to me ONE thing...that is all I ask..

Concerning role may seem stupid to you coming from a retired public school teacher who was underpaid and overworked and overvalued by not only the system by direspected by the parents of the very same "at-risk" students who I tirelessly worked to serve as a positive role model for them to identify with...even though I myself have family and a network in hip hop "culture" which includes the extended FAMILY of Tupac Shakur...

My question is this...Have you ever had the occasion to WITNESS/SEE Tupac Shakur speak at a college, university or student convention that was receptive to his POSITIVE "message".

Im sure you are aware with the scripture that speaks to how "All things shalll be brought into remembrance" and how "ALL things hidden shall be brought forth to light.

Well then we must also now...even though these things may not be admitted...that MOST folks in the higher level of government are also "blood brothers" and or "concubines" of forces "hidden" under the cloak and dagger of skull and bones, golden daw, prince hall, rosicrucian, the order, illuminati, etc..

And this day and age of CRISIS (notice how this word itself is a combined form of CHR-Ist and -Isis....) we a to Be-Living that Clarence and Condi are not "spinmasters" and "tricksters" in Black "face"??? (oopsss i said ONE question...

I give Biggie props for ONE thing he talked about which I find to be truth..

"Mo Money, Mo Problems"...

The Mo you make the Mo the IRS takes, and the Mo they work to Break you...or maybe not you but...this has been MY recent experience...and Im not alone in this...

So...we view these "role models" as the folks upholding "Demo-Cracy" (make that a reptilian cover for "Demo-nic Hype-ocracy"


Ok...i guess ward con-ner-LIE is more positive too?? (oops thats 3)....
Brother, I will be delighted to answer your questions. I do, however, ask that in return, you please go back to my post that you responded to and answer the questions therein. For the record, I don't believe you directly addressed a single question within my post. If you did, accept my apology in advance, but please show me.

With that being said, No, I have not seen Tupac speak or present his positive message at a college or university. But, please consider this....neither has 95% of the "at risk" kids who only hear his message glorifying the "Thug Life" know the one that you end up face down in a puddle of blood, the one that you end up incarcerated, engaging in homosexual sex, contracting HIV/AIDS, then being released to bring that stuff back into your community....YES, 95% of his fan club only hears the message that normalizes the "Thug Life". I really can't imagine what he would say at a college that was positive unless he completely denounced the lifestyle he sang about. I consider it hypocritical of him to promote the "Thug Life", yet try to be "Positive" on college campuses....didn't he realize that 6,300 black men per year die at the hands of other black men living the "Thug Life"??? If he didn't, he sure does now. The amazing part to me is that while we have internal promoters of this lifestyle, we somehow manage to twist the blame for this back to whites.

As an educator, you see first hand the apathy our students have toward academic excellence. I know of nothing within hip hop that encourages academic excellence. I have an aunt who has been an educator for just under 35 years. She is in a county that is nearly 75% black. over 75% of the fauculty is black as well as over 75% of the students. EVEN IN THIS SETTING there is a 40% academic performance gap between black students and white students.

Don't get me wrong, I used to LOVE rap music until I got saved. But God showed me just how distructive this stuff really was. I didn't make the change within myself, but I cannot stand the stuff. I realize the people who produce it are very talented people...I know they can use that talent to uplift rather than destroy. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT, they know they can as well...but it doesn't sell as well. 70% of all rap music sold is purchased by white, who are they selling out to....white people. They are selling a lifestyle that normalizes racist terms, glorifies drugs, murder, and immoral sex, to a white constituatcy who have fathers at home who will beat the daylights out of them and cut them out of their will if THEY try to act out this stuff.....and they are also selling this lifestyle to a black constituatcy that 70% of them do not have a father involved in their life nor any positive role model that tells them "I don't care what Tupac said, we don't shoot our fellow brother" These rappers are the true sell outs...they are sell us out for that 70% white buying dollar.

Sometimes, I declare ,I believe the KKK must be financing the Rap industry.

Mo' Money, Mo problems is only true if you have a lot of drama in your life. The closer you are to Christ, the less drama you will have in your life. I don't know how to say this in a diplomatic way, but Biggie and Tupac died a fools death. How can they be role models??? they are just another statistic...another dead black man on the street in a puddle of their own blood. They were very talented brothers who had potential to be so much more. Is this what we want to promote as positive role models??? Live the life that takes you to a bloody end, face down in your own blood, on the street like a dog??

As far as your IRS issues, if you don't have one already, start a business...any business....expense all that stuff away.....stay legit so that WHEN you are audited, you are covered...but the stuff most people by that are not tax deductable can be legitimately deducted from your income when you are a business owner. Even a home based business owner can reap tremendous tax benefits....just keep it legit...remember, no drama.

On Clarence and Condi....I don't necessarily agree with all of their politics, but I do agree with much of it. that being said, rather than defend them as a whole person, I would prefer you to present specific issues you have with them that makes them spinmasters and tricksters. I would be delighted to respond to your points, issues, or questions on them. If I don't agree with them on a subject, I will say so, If I do agree with them, I will say so as well...and defend the position.

What is the "ward con-ner lie"??? I don't know who or what that is? Sorry

OK, made me work....I googled ward conner...and ward connerly came up....considering he seems to be involved in anti-affirmative actions work, I suppose that is what you are talking about. Prior to now, I didn't know the man. Never heard of him.

I did not do an indept study on his position, but one thing jumped out at me....there was an article that indicated that he said "God bless the KKK" or something to that effect and that he has an all out assault on Affirmative Actions. First of all, NO, I don't want God to bless the KKK, exterminate them yes...bless them....not even close.

Next, Affirmative Actions...No, I am not a firm believer in affirmative actions...would I actively work to take them, I wouldn't. Do I believe they are still needful, yes, in some areas. Do I want them to always, I would love to see them phased away as black self-sufficiency phased in. A brief insight into my experience that give me this view.

I personally have worked with litterally thousands of whites over the years. To my knowledge, I have never gained as a result of affirmative actions. It is possible, but I didn't know about it if it occured. My college education was through the military and was available (at cost) to any member of the military...My promotions were earned on merit, my career enhancements and progression was based on my being competitive. I personally don't want anything that I didn't earn on merit...especially if someone else did not get it so that I could have it, simply because I am darker than them. That is just the way I feel. I am confident that I can compete with whites AND in a case where I am discriminated against, I wouldn't want to be there any way....That is just the way I feel....But, I can say that in my life any time I have been hindered has been mostly a result of me hindering myself. long story short....I personally don't want anything to do with affirmative actions, but I ain't mad atcha if you want them"

excel10k said:
First of all, I am not denying the existence of The King Alfred plan. I am saying that even if such a plan exist and we are aware of it, we are not prepared to deal with it, considering our social ills. I am simply saying that we need to FIX our social ills....this needs to be our first priority....THEN we can worry about area 51, Roswell, King Alfred, and other ambiguous enemies.

We "THINK" the King Alfred Plan exist. We "KNOW" 6,300 black men die each year at the hand of other black men. We "KNOW" there is a 40% academic performance students between white students and black students. We "KNOW" 70% of all new HIV/AIDS cases among women are African American women. etc. etc. etc. If we fix these problems...(and we can, if we confront them head on without making excuses or casting blame) we will be in MUCH BETTER position to handle King Alfred or any other plan.

Mar 3:25 And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.

Isa 54:17 No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.
I agree with your statement to the fact that "we are not prepared to deal with it" and won't argue the point.

excel10k said:
Brother, I will be delighted to answer your questions. I do, however, ask that in return, you please go back to my post that you responded to and answer the questions therein. For the record, I don't believe you directly addressed a single question within my post. If you did, accept my apology in advance, but please show me.

With that being said, No, I have not seen Tupac speak or present his positive message at a college or university. But, please consider this....neither has 95% of the "at risk" kids who only hear his message glorifying the "Thug Life" know the one that you end up face down in a puddle of blood, the one that you end up incarcerated, engaging in homosexual sex, contracting HIV/AIDS, then being released to bring that stuff back into your community....YES, 95% of his fan club only hears the message that normalizes the "Thug Life". I really can't imagine what he would say at a college that was positive unless he completely denounced the lifestyle he sang about. I consider it hypocritical of him to promote the "Thug Life", yet try to be "Positive" on college campuses....didn't he realize that 6,300 black men per year die at the hands of other black men living the "Thug Life"??? If he didn't, he sure does now. The amazing part to me is that while we have internal promoters of this lifestyle, we somehow manage to twist the blame for this back to whites.

As an educator, you see first hand the apathy our students have toward academic excellence. I know of nothing within hip hop that encourages academic excellence. I have an aunt who has been an educator for just under 35 years. She is in a county that is nearly 75% black. over 75% of the fauculty is black as well as over 75% of the students. EVEN IN THIS SETTING there is a 40% academic performance gap between black students and white students.

Don't get me wrong, I used to LOVE rap music until I got saved. But God showed me just how distructive this stuff really was. I didn't make the change within myself, but I cannot stand the stuff. I realize the people who produce it are very talented people...I know they can use that talent to uplift rather than destroy. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT, they know they can as well...but it doesn't sell as well. 70% of all rap music sold is purchased by white, who are they selling out to....white people. They are selling a lifestyle that normalizes racist terms, glorifies drugs, murder, and immoral sex, to a white constituatcy who have fathers at home who will beat the daylights out of them and cut them out of their will if THEY try to act out this stuff.....and they are also selling this lifestyle to a black constituatcy that 70% of them do not have a father involved in their life nor any positive role model that tells them "I don't care what Tupac said, we don't shoot our fellow brother" These rappers are the true sell outs...they are sell us out for that 70% white buying dollar.

Sometimes, I declare ,I believe the KKK must be financing the Rap industry.

Mo' Money, Mo problems is only true if you have a lot of drama in your life. The closer you are to Christ, the less drama you will have in your life. I don't know how to say this in a diplomatic way, but Biggie and Tupac died a fools death. How can they be role models??? they are just another statistic...another dead black man on the street in a puddle of their own blood. They were very talented brothers who had potential to be so much more. Is this what we want to promote as positive role models??? Live the life that takes you to a bloody end, face down in your own blood, on the street like a dog??

As far as your IRS issues, if you don't have one already, start a business...any business....expense all that stuff away.....stay legit so that WHEN you are audited, you are covered...but the stuff most people by that are not tax deductable can be legitimately deducted from your income when you are a business owner. Even a home based business owner can reap tremendous tax benefits....just keep it legit...remember, no drama.

On Clarence and Condi....I don't necessarily agree with all of their politics, but I do agree with much of it. that being said, rather than defend them as a whole person, I would prefer you to present specific issues you have with them that makes them spinmasters and tricksters. I would be delighted to respond to your points, issues, or questions on them. If I don't agree with them on a subject, I will say so, If I do agree with them, I will say so as well...and defend the position.

What is the "ward con-ner lie"??? I don't know who or what that is? Sorry

OK, made me work....I googled ward conner...and ward connerly came up....considering he seems to be involved in anti-affirmative actions work, I suppose that is what you are talking about. Prior to now, I didn't know the man. Never heard of him.

I did not do an indept study on his position, but one thing jumped out at me....there was an article that indicated that he said "God bless the KKK" or something to that effect and that he has an all out assault on Affirmative Actions. First of all, NO, I don't want God to bless the KKK, exterminate them yes...bless them....not even close.

Next, Affirmative Actions...No, I am not a firm believer in affirmative actions...would I actively work to take them, I wouldn't. Do I believe they are still needful, yes, in some areas. Do I want them to always, I would love to see them phased away as black self-sufficiency phased in. A brief insight into my experience that give me this view.

I personally have worked with litterally thousands of whites over the years. To my knowledge, I have never gained as a result of affirmative actions. It is possible, but I didn't know about it if it occured. My college education was through the military and was available (at cost) to any member of the military...My promotions were earned on merit, my career enhancements and progression was based on my being competitive. I personally don't want anything that I didn't earn on merit...especially if someone else did not get it so that I could have it, simply because I am darker than them. That is just the way I feel. I am confident that I can compete with whites AND in a case where I am discriminated against, I wouldn't want to be there any way....That is just the way I feel....But, I can say that in my life any time I have been hindered has been mostly a result of me hindering myself. long story short....I personally don't want anything to do with affirmative actions, but I ain't mad atcha if you want them"

Since you are a "Christ" who has been "saved" and made in in the us "military" on your own "merit" I aint mad atcha either.

But im not gonna take an a-historical perspective either.

For one, I benefitted from affirmative action and went directly to college from high school at a time when a lot of white athletes who were not regularly admissible qualified under "special action" programs as did white women who were "underrepresented in the college/university system...

And at that time...the mid 70s, right after the vietnam war, the us military branches recruited "minorities" into officer training rograms under affirmative action guidelines, which were in effect in every public and governmental institution [rior to the Bakke case in 1977. In fact, I was recruited into an officer program with the us army but decided to go directly to college instead. not one to bash the hip hop community and say there has been no contribution to the positive education of black people when I know people such as Lisa Williamson (sista souljah) who started the national african youth student alliance, of which i was a member, and some of us established camps for inner city kids, community service and tutoring addition to networking with organizations such as the new african people's organization from which Tupac was a youth member of the new african scouts and his godbrother Yakhisizwe engaged in martial arts training.

Some of my "comrades" continued my own community service work and still operate a saturday school in compton's wilmington arms project and some continue to work with unity one and other gang intervention programs.

as far as who "rap music" is sold to i said nothing about "rap" as a musical genre but "hip hop" which is a culture, of which "rap" is a later development. Like stanly crouch, you seem to have it twisted and i have heard these arguments from long before c. delores tucker.

yet, i can wage the same arguments of every single musical "genre" and black cinema as far as negative imagery, and the glorified "thug life" which hip hop has unfortunately been scapegoated as if drug addiction, glorification of violence, sexual perversion have not been common themes from the beginning in jass, blues, rock, reggae and rock and roll...

Hm....look at "jelly roll" morton, the man who claims to have founded "jass" (and im spelling it the way he did)....the name "jelly roll" speaks for itself.

What about Muddy Waters who sang "Ima a back door man".

What about the heroin addiction of miles davis, eric dolphy, john coltrane and many others

And we knw that the rockers theme is sex,violence and rock n' roll.

What about reggae and rampant marijuana use or Rick james singing about "Mary Jane"...or Prince advocating bi-sexuality...

no disrespect, but i dont expect a military man to ADMIT there is a king alfred plan and expect you to write it off as conspiracy theory...

and as far as that achievement gap is converned...ever heard of "seperate and unequal" fact...thats what affirmative action programs sought to address..the lack of PARITY....

I know folks such as myself who were admitted to college under affirmative action who also would have been regularly admissible but applied under AA guidelines because it qualified us for higher limits of financial aid...

for me this meant fellowships and state scholarships, and in graduate school a fellowship sponsored by the student relations office due to my community service work..and if i showed you today my college transcripts my home residence was in Compton...which used to also be serviced by university outreach programs which eventually were eliminated thanks to people such as ward connerly when he was a uc regent....

who by the way tried to block student protest against apartheid south africa... not trying to twist anything back to white most folks who have interacted with me know....i do accept responsibility for even my own weakness and shortcomings...

but i aint gonna never put the blame on hip way....i KNOW its positive impact considering the contributions of KRS-One, Queen latifah, Chuck d, dead prez, immortal technique, project blowed, freestyle fellowship, mc lyte and many others who are not given the credit they deserve...

i was raised in a jazz community with deep roots in the central avenue scene of los angeles and early be-bop and "avante garde"....but i recognize how jazz...which once was considered a potentially revolutionary genre became watered down and while you speak to white buying hip hop what about jazz and the blues??

whites dominate those genres and rock, which started with lil richard, jesse belvin, chuck berry, laverne baker, et al is now considered "white boy music".

as far as the achievement gap is concerned i wont totally dismiss educational in-equality or act as it doesnt exist because it does....

but this is the issue which led me to retire from the public school system...too many people --black and white-- talking about the problem of the achievement gap and playing lip service to it but....

if black MEN are not hired in the schools and the few who are teaching do not recieve support from black parents for their hard work then what is to be expected?

i recieved specialized training in a college board program to specifically address the achievement gap but whenever i spoke of or tried to work towards SOLUTIONS i got shot down---by black and white--CO-WORKERS and parents who were in denial and simply wanted to blame teachers for their kids failure...

kinda hard to make any impact when everyone aspires to be the next Omarion (one of my former students)...

by the can blame tupac for being "violent" and "hypocritical" fro speaking about the very same realities which existed before he was born and continue after his death...

while them same white folks continue to glorify rambo, john wayne, michael corleone, tony soprano, scarface, the terminator, george bush, ronald reagan, each of who killed more people, real or imaginary, than tupac ever dreamed or fantasized about!

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