Black People : The King Alfred plan

excel10k said:
Help me understand a couple of things: (these are serious questions, not designed to provoke an emotional response)

Why do you feel liberty to accuse ALL whites of something when if you are like most of us, would reject the concept of whites stereotyping us?

If you feel this way, are you employed by white people? If so, why? Why would you subject yourself to an environment where you feel that all the whites feel they are superior to you and act upon that feeling?

I work in a company of 2-3k people and only know for sure of one other black person. I have heard rumors of 3 or 4 more, but have not seen them. Nothing has given me the indication that ALL whites are one thing are the other.

I can't imagine the stress I would feel if I had the idea that my co-workers all felt I was inferior to them, or that by default they were superior to me. I don't think I would hang around. Life is too short and I am too resourceful to subject myself to any situation where I would need to be anyone but myself or where I was not respected as a professional.

Before I retired from the military, I had many opportunities to "school" or otherwise humiliate white supremacist, and I actually am entertained by their antics when I occassionally run into them....or should I say, when they present themselves as such. I don't walk around with a chip on my shoulder looking for them (that would be unnecessary stress)

Just by virtue of my profession, I spend a considerable amount of time around whites. I even fish, hunt, go to church, etc etc. with many of them. I don't think any racial utopia is likely nor do I think racism will ever go away, but I do know first hand that all whites are not white supremacist.

NOW, all of this being said, my passion is solving problems. As a race, we do a lot of talking about distracting issues, but not enough implementing practical solutions to tangible problems. On average 6300 black men are killed each year by other black men...that's 17 per day. 70% of our children are born out of wedlock,...the black family is crumbling before our eyes. There is a 40% performance gap between black students and white students.... these and others like it are tangible problems that need to be FIXED. What are we doing, what are our leaders doing about these important issues?? They are focusing nearly 100% of their effort on what the white man is or is not doing. What we need to realize is that we need to fix our problems regardless of and independent of what the white man does or does not do. WE OWN THESE PROBLEMS, rather we take ownership of them or not. No one has an incentive to FIX them but us. We can make excuses and cast blame all we want, but the ONLY way these problems will be RESOLVED is if we focus on the problem and the things we can control, our behavior, or character, and our culture.

SO, it is our choice...we can complain or we can correct our course and rebuild. My passion is self-sufficiency, self-determination, and we have everything we need to accomplish that right now.

I'll let you figure out what I meant
Trivia and Pre-Conceptions of Judgement


If it were possible that you rep. a solution as you say...there is no need for a war of wits and preconceived notions about who is only spouting empty words with out may continue to not take us serious...that is ok with us.

It sounds like you have the most important path to "Liberation"...meaning just what it imply...a total and absolute withdraw out of the false worship of aryan images of divine that has the so-called African in Amerikkka acting out of his/her minds.

The total withdraw from worshiping the "Secret" that has hidden itself in all of the so-called big three "Religions" that don't have a thing to do with any thing remotely that is "Spirituality". That is at the "Root" cause of the Black man and woman not knowing who they are.

The total removal of the distortions about ourselves and "Culture" the no other way of saying it...indoctrination of "White Superimacy" that teaches Black inferiority that can only make a person "Crazy" as hell even if she be Mz C.R. or Mr. C.T...who only work for the betterment of those who are in power..."the owners of white superimacy"...that is the worst thing in the known "Universe".

We all have not only lost the knowledge of self through this pathological "Racist" system...but are not expected to bypass and find solutions outside of it!? We should all sell out and be saved by something that was concocted only to control the minds of black people before...out right destroying them through evil and wicket laws etc that only has the altra-rich white elite's interest in mind?

I say to you...maybe there may be a part for you to play...but I also say that...that part is played out and this is a new day for us to rise...this is our day and this is our "Time".

The only thing that you are exposing is the co-operation and compromise of our future in favor of uplifting white people who are in power. Europeans who are nothing more than thieves, deceivers, murders, war-mongers who history has shown are nothing more than Invaders who have rewrote history and put them self in the place of the Black to give them self a dignified past that they never had. Today we say enough is enough.

(1) It is known that the CIA is the cause and start of the Krack and guns introduced in our communities across this nation and else ware.

(2) It is known that the mis-education of black people are a result of the mis-education received in the (public school) indoctrination system of the US.

(3) It is known that every thing that goes wrong in the system of white superimacy is the fault of the owners of that system.

It is known that the government of these united states better known as Amerikkka has never treated Black even close to being correct and proper.

(4) It is known that the Constitution in Article #1 and Section #2 states that the Negro (as they call us) is less than human...and only 3/5 of a man.

(5) It is known today that the black man and woman is on the rise far past the point of your limited 14% brain power that you still think can hold us.

(6) And it is absolutely known among us that "We" don't want any parts of what ever you have to offer unless it has something to do with "Liberation" on our terms. So...what can you tell us who don't want to hear you anyway?

You can speak to those who will still listen when you have the nerve to say that those "Negro's" who you say are our "Role Models" are a good example for own black children to follow...if they will listen to you, but for what is may tell your bosses that they are going to be the ones to fill up the place they named...Rex #84 and not us.

No one can reduce the suffering of 400+ years to nothing and with a smile invite us to our collective doom by taking up a place of servitude with white folks. That day is done...there is nothing we want from them today and there is nothing you can do to stop us from Liberating our Men, Women, Children, Future, Culture and Destiny form the system of slaver, suffering and death that is white superimacy.

As far as what we will do to achieve this...wait and see, wait and see.


Note: This is not only the beginning...add that to your report.
JohnHorse said:
I'll let you figure out what I meant

I'm no youngster. I'm retired military. I have traveled the world and have spent extensive time around people of all flavors. I treat everyone the same and have always received reciprocal respect. I have been shafted by a few blacks as well as a few whites. My lifetime of experience judging people based on their character has worked very well for me. I don't expect to figure out any new lessons that I haven't figured out already. I keep my eyes open however and am always willing to learn. So, if you can articulate your case in a practical manner you may be able to teach me something my life experience have not.

I get the impression you are not accustomed to having your assertions challenged. It's no big deal, if you have logic behind your point it should be no problem defending your claims. Don't clam up on me, lets discuss. I am not seeking an argument, I just want to examine your claims. I do this of everything I am told, read, hear, watch etc....I just am not the type of person who accept everything that is fed to me. This mentality has proved very rewarding throughout my life.
Moorfius said:

If it were possible that you rep. a solution as you say...there is no need for a war of wits and preconceived notions about who is only spouting empty words with out may continue to not take us serious...that is ok with us.
Who is "us"? I did not realize you represented a specific organization or group. At any rate, it is not a matter of not taking you seriously, it is a matter of questioning your individual points. I have not addressed you as a group or organization. If you are refering to blacks in general, I too am black in general. We simply hold opposing views. I personally don't have a problem with that, you are still a brother. I respect your right to have views that differ from mine.

Moorfius said:
It sounds like you have the most important path to "Liberation"...meaning just what it imply...a total and absolute withdraw out of the false worship of aryan images of divine that has the so-called African in Amerikkka acting out of his/her minds.
I certainly agree that for blacks who want total and absolute withdrawal should do just that. If you have that much animosity towards ALL whites it makes absolutely no sense to stay in "Amerikkka". For the price of a set of 22" wheels a person could be on the next flight to Africa. We all can afford a set of 22" wheels, just look around.

So, why do blacks who hold this animosity against all whites stay? Are you awaiting a reparation check that is very unlikely to come? Why subject yourself to the anguish of living among a people you hate so much. I assure you, that if I felt this way, I would cash in my chips and go to where life was the utopia I dreamed of.

I am not just saying this, I practice what I preach.

Moorfius said:
The total removal of the distortions about ourselves and "Culture" the no other way of saying it...indoctrination of "White Superimacy" that teaches Black inferiority that can only make a person "Crazy" as hell even if she be Mz C.R. or Mr. C.T...who only work for the betterment of those who are in power..."the owners of white superimacy"...that is the worst thing in the known "Universe".

I have no illusions of white supremacy. Whites are not supreme. There are some intelligent ones and there are some that are dumb as a rock. I have on occassion interacted with both.

Moorfius said:
We all have not only lost the knowledge of self through this pathological "Racist" system...but are not expected to bypass and find solutions outside of it!? We should all sell out and be saved by something that was concocted only to control the minds of black people before...out right destroying them through evil and wicket laws etc that only has the altra-rich white elite's interest in mind?
If you feel oppressed by this system, you most certainly should bypass it and find a solution outside of it. I personally feel no such oppression. I don't feel white supremacy hovering over me. Again, I am not saying racism doesn't exist, I am simply saying it doesn't have as much reach as you would suggest. I know racism does in fact exist. I just don't remember the last time it hindered me in any way....No, I am not blinded to it.

Moorfius said:
I say to you...maybe there may be a part for you to play...but I also say that...that part is played out and this is a new day for us to rise...this is our day and this is our "Time".
Who is "our" or "us"?
If my part is played out, I look forward to seeing you, "our", or "us" save the lives of the 6300 black men who be killed by "you", "our", or "us". Lets see you rise and do something tangible like that. Lets see you stop the spread of HIV/AIDS by liberating, don't worry about changing behavior of character, just get away from whites, I am sure that will do it. It is your day to rise, let me see you rise and do something tangible like make the 70% of black men who are walking away from their children commit to providing for them physically and emotionally for life. It you can do that, of if you have a methodical plan to bring that into reality, then I will clear the path for your rise. You see, I only want RESULTS, SUCCESS....their is no other options! I want to save lives...I want to improve social condition indicators. I know you are trumpeting "liberation" is the answer and perhaps it is...I have no problem with that if it is the answer....So show me the methodical plan for bringing about liberation or the methodical plan for stopping our self-destruction.

Moorfius said:
The only thing that you are exposing is the co-operation and compromise of our future in favor of uplifting white people who are in power. Europeans who are nothing more than thieves, deceivers, murders, war-mongers who history has shown are nothing more than Invaders who have rewrote history and put them self in the place of the Black to give them self a dignified past that they never had. Today we say enough is enough.
Please explain this to me: If Europeans are the only ones who are theives, deceivers, murders, Warmongers etc, why was my ancestors BETRAYED by his fellow AFRICAN and SOLD into slavery? Just as we say nothing when the 6300 blacks are killed per year by other blacks but are outraged when a white kills one of us makes no sense....why are we angry only at the whites who purchased us and not at the Africans who sold us to them?????? I don't give a free ticket to the blacks killing blacks nor do I give a free ticket to the Africans who sold my ancestors into slavery. Let's keep it real here....white boys didn't show up on a strange land and start taking brothers....get real....there was some palms greased.....I won't give free tickets nor will I EXCUSE AWAY all of our wrongs just for the sake of embracing a people who SOLD me away in the first place. This is not to say I reject my heritage, I most certainly don't. I am simply honest about what happened and lay blame at the feet of the BUYER AND the SELLER. All of the blood shed on the continent of Africa cannot be blamed on the white man. Are we such weak people that we can be munipulated so easily into destroying ourselves??? Is our self-destructive behavior merely a result of being munipulated by the white man.....if so, we are far too weak to withstand a white challenge. I see us as a VERY strong people, but with some VERY serious Character flaws.

Moorfius said:
(1) It is known that the CIA is the cause and start of the Krack and guns introduced in our communities across this nation and else ware.
People of character don't fall for everything that is pushed into their community. Everyone knows the results of "Krack and guns", so no one were caught off guard...people who lack character see the quick $$$ that they don't have to work a job or start a business to earn.

Moorfius said:
(2) It is known that the mis-education of black people are a result of the mis-education received in the (public school) indoctrination system of the US.
What is taught in public schools is the reading, writing, and arithmatic that is necessary for success in the American market place. If we want to be educated for competition in the market place, what more do we need to learn....If we want to be liberated, how can we expect them to teach us how to be liberated.

Moorfius said:
(3) It is known that every thing that goes wrong in the system of white superimacy is the fault of the owners of that system.
No, individual accountability, individual responsibility, and individual character and behavior, and choice will always determine a persons results. We cannot blame all of our problems on the whites if we expect to ever fix them. Not if we continue to sit in the system, not if we expect them to pay reparations to fix us, simply because we marched and cried faul.

Moorfius said:
It is known that the government of these united states better known as Amerikkka has never treated Black even close to being correct and proper.
Historically, you are absolutely correct. In my personal experience, The government has been "correct and proper" with me. But, I have never been

Moorfius said:
(4) It is known that the Constitution in Article #1 and Section #2 states that the Negro (as they call us) is less than human...and only 3/5 of a man.
Historically, you are absolutely correct. Amendments since this those items have corrected this Thurgood Marshall or Clearance Thomas' vote counts the same as any other vote at the poll counts as much as my white co-workers. I live in the present...I am aware of the past, but I don't live there

Moorfius said:
(5) It is known today that the black man and woman is on the rise far past the point of your limited 14% brain power that you still think can hold us.
I pray that you are right on this one...statistics, and the reality that I see when I open my eyes tell a different story. 6300 black men killed each year by other black men doesn't seem like "on the rise" to me....nor does 70% cases of aides by 13% of the people...nor does our super high incarceration rate....etc. etc. etc......... But, I pray, for my peoples sake that the statistics are wrong and the reality I see when I open my eyes is just a nightmare that goes away when I wake.

Moorfius said:
(6) And it is absolutely known among us that "We" don't want any parts of what ever you have to offer unless it has something to do with "Liberation" on our terms. So...what can you tell us who don't want to hear you anyway?

Who is "We"?
Why don't you want to save the lives of the 6300 black men who will die this year at the hands of other black men?
Why don't you want to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS?
Why don't you want to economically empower our people??
Why don't you want to have a people live lives based on Godly character and positive behavior?

These are the only things I have to offer, and you reject.

Moorfius said:
You can speak to those who will still listen when you have the nerve to say that those "Negro's" who you say are our "Role Models" are a good example for own black children to follow...if they will listen to you, but for what is may tell your bosses that they are going to be the ones to fill up the place they named...Rex #84 and not us.
Well praise God! I wish you success with that. If Rex #84 does come about, I will not be the guy coming to say "we have made our point, lets go now" I will be the guy out in the country on my farm with guns in each of my seven sons hands and bullets and other supplies being carried by my daughters. Lets just say, I have a pretty solid contingency plan. In the mean time, I want to save those 6300 brothers that will die this year, it would be nice to have them around for the fight, if there were to be one. As far as our "Role Models", yes Condi and Clareance are much better role models than 50 cent, Tupac, or Biggie....
Moorfius said:
No one can reduce the suffering of 400+ years to nothing and with a smile invite us to our collective doom by taking up a place of servitude with white folks. That day is done...there is nothing we want from them today and there is nothing you can do to stop us from Liberating our Men, Women, Children, Future, Culture and Destiny form the system of slaver, suffering and death that is white superimacy.

Listen brother, all I am trying to do is stop us from destroying us. Rather we stay here in the U.S. or we move to Africa, I don't care as long as the U.S. Government continue to send me my retirement check which I earned as an individual. Most blacks feel vested in America and as a result, want to stay here....people like yourself who hold a lot of animosity for all whites would problably be better off moving away....I have just as much freedom to be an employer of whites as I do to be employed by whites. So servitude can work either way. In fact, I have had white employees who put fourth an outstanding effort in exchange for the wages I paid them. (for the record, I also had a white employee who was in it only for himself, but I had a couple black employees who burnt me as well) The best employee I ever had was a panamanian lady who made our company lots of money and protected the company fiercely. A close second was a white lady who made us close to what the black lady did, but not as much. There was a white man, with whom I am still very close friends who I paid very little because he had little experience, but he proved himself a quick learner and a very loyal employee. another white man (the one in it for himself) was a money making fool, so when he would do things that made me question his loyalty, I was reluctant to fire him because he was so profitable.....LONG STORY SHORT, survitude works both ways, but in the world I live in it is based on choices made and risk taken....I have chosen to go back to being a salaried employee and don't mind serving my employer in exchange for the fair salary.
Moorfius said:
As far as what we will do to achieve this...wait and see, wait and see.

Moorfius said:
Note: This is not only the beginning...add that to your report.
If you save those lives, and stop that spread of HIV/AIDS, or rebuild the black family, then I support your effort. Any results that end in problems being solved, you have my support. Good luck.
excel10k said:

This is the link to part 7 of this series

Dr. Hagin mentioned that this information has been declassified and that he sourced it in the Library of Congress. I went to the Library of Congress website and searched for several terms related to the King Alfred plan and found nothing remotely related to this plan, Rex-84, or anything else.

Did anyone else go there and did you have any luck finding that information?

I did see, via a google search that this was a fabricated document initiated by Author John Williams to promote his 1967 book.

This site has some information on it:

It is plausible that this could be an actual plan....but I am not finding very much that shows it to be a declassified fact that can be sourced in the Library of Congress.

From what I am seeing, if this plan is real, it is based on a response to race riots which grows into a race war. I do know that most white supremacist are hoping for a race war.

A race war would start from a discontent black population. Two questions come to mind. 1) Are we prepared to win a race war? We represent 13% of the country while whites represent 67%. Whites control the weapontry, the technology, and the $$$$$. We, on the other hand are killing ourselves at a rate of over 6000 per year (17 each and every day), we don't value education, and our families are unstable (70% out of wedlock child birthrate). Just keeping it real, we are not prepared for a race war. 2) Why are we discontent? Again, keeping it real, because we fail to take responsibility for our own problems. On one hand we are claiming that the white race is wholly responsibile for the problems mentioned above as reasons we are not ready for a race war, then on the other hand we are sitting around complianing to them about coming to fix us. Do we really think they are going to fix the weaknesses that make us ill prepared for a race war????

If we take ownership of our own problems and realize it is up to us to fix these problems we would be a stronger, self-sufficient people and therefore less discontent. We need to fix ourselves regardless of whos fault it is that we are in this condition. No one other than ourselves have ANY incentive to fix us.

This is what the Civil Responsibiliy Movement is all about. Fixing us. Plain and simple. It is not about casting blame or making excuses. It is about implementing results oriented SOLUTIONS to our social ills without regard for whos fault it is but with regard to whos RESPONSIBILITY it is to fix us. How long can we sustain this rate of killing ourselves??? How long can we sustain this ideology that seeking academic excellence is "acting white'???? We have a 40% academic performance gap between us and white children. One might say it is our fault while another might say it is their fault, but I say it doesn't matter either way because it is OUR responsibility to close it or it will not be closed. We are fully capable of closing it, but our culture must change to appreciate and value education.

As long as we are distracted by fighting ambiguous enemies, we will never focus on confronting our more clear and present danger. Ourselves.

Please join me in our effort to FIX our most destructive social ills! 21 January 2008 will mark the launch of a historically unprecedented movement to reverse our current social trends and stop our self-destructive and self-limiting behavior. Things will undoubtedly get heated, but we must stop the killing and we must rebuild our families. Our men must get their heads on straight and rise to the occassion. Making excuses and casting blame will only leave us as sitting ducks for the next "King Alfred Plan", or "Katrina" or whatever other calamity that comes our way. Join us. Talk to us, let us know what you think about actually solving these things rather than just complaining about them and blaming people who have no incentive to fix us.

I posted this topic a few months ago so I will not argue whether the plan was or is factual at this point.

However, the governemnt still claims Roswell never happened and there is still no area 51, and they would deny it if you asked them about a missle site in southern california's Santa barbara Mountains.

Hmm...but i'm sure folks who lived in or near Roswell at the time, or who live or work near Area 51 or Edwards air force base, or who worked in the engineering department that designed the missle site and the JPL laboratories would have a totally different position, even though they may not voice it publically.

Ever see the movie.."The Siege".? Totally taken from the KAP as if it was scripted from the plan itslef.

Is it just coincidence that the KAP targeted as the primary groups Black Muslims and white militia groups?

Now...what do black nationalists and white militia groups have in common? Go back and look at them fbi files dateing back to the 1930s used to discredit W Fard Muhammad AND Marcus Garvey...In both cases wasn't the propaganda that these black me, and also Elijah Muhammad were KKK sympathizers?

Well...all of this has been scripted and isplaying out in Pakistan. The US has been behind thepolitical instability in Sudan, Iraq, and Pakistan, supporting military dictators for years. Check closely the video clips. All three countries have sizeable "black" populations ( do you say...Nubia, Elam...Hindu Cush)..and large Islamic populations..

Now its set up where they can assassinate political rivals and blame it on "Al Qaeda" or "Islamic extremists" while they kill of the indigenous populations at will....without much political opposition or protest because most folks aint gonna risk being labeled a terrorsit and being exiled to Guantonomo Bay...

So, if the government has a policy of "denial" why are progresive black folks still following this same our own detriment....just like we deny that willie lynch existed even though black folks were tarred and feathered in texas using the methods he alledgedly taoght to them white sharecroppers and tenant farmers.

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