excel10k said:Help me understand a couple of things: (these are serious questions, not designed to provoke an emotional response)
Why do you feel liberty to accuse ALL whites of something when if you are like most of us, would reject the concept of whites stereotyping us?
If you feel this way, are you employed by white people? If so, why? Why would you subject yourself to an environment where you feel that all the whites feel they are superior to you and act upon that feeling?
I work in a company of 2-3k people and only know for sure of one other black person. I have heard rumors of 3 or 4 more, but have not seen them. Nothing has given me the indication that ALL whites are one thing are the other.
I can't imagine the stress I would feel if I had the idea that my co-workers all felt I was inferior to them, or that by default they were superior to me. I don't think I would hang around. Life is too short and I am too resourceful to subject myself to any situation where I would need to be anyone but myself or where I was not respected as a professional.
Before I retired from the military, I had many opportunities to "school" or otherwise humiliate white supremacist, and I actually am entertained by their antics when I occassionally run into them....or should I say, when they present themselves as such. I don't walk around with a chip on my shoulder looking for them (that would be unnecessary stress)
Just by virtue of my profession, I spend a considerable amount of time around whites. I even fish, hunt, go to church, etc etc. with many of them. I don't think any racial utopia is likely nor do I think racism will ever go away, but I do know first hand that all whites are not white supremacist.
NOW, all of this being said, my passion is solving problems. As a race, we do a lot of talking about distracting issues, but not enough implementing practical solutions to tangible problems. On average 6300 black men are killed each year by other black men...that's 17 per day. 70% of our children are born out of wedlock,...the black family is crumbling before our eyes. There is a 40% performance gap between black students and white students.... these and others like it are tangible problems that need to be FIXED. What are we doing, what are our leaders doing about these important issues?? They are focusing nearly 100% of their effort on what the white man is or is not doing. What we need to realize is that we need to fix our problems regardless of and independent of what the white man does or does not do. WE OWN THESE PROBLEMS, rather we take ownership of them or not. No one has an incentive to FIX them but us. We can make excuses and cast blame all we want, but the ONLY way these problems will be RESOLVED is if we focus on the problem and the things we can control, our behavior, or character, and our culture.
SO, it is our choice...we can complain or we can correct our course and rebuild. My passion is self-sufficiency, self-determination, and we have everything we need to accomplish that right now. http://www.thedream2008.com
I'll let you figure out what I meant