youngblackceo said:
Alot of good points are being raised in this thread.
Hello everyone!!!
First of all to Brother Excel I respect your desire in seeing our people become self sufficient.
I'm in no way questioning your sincerity in acheiving that goal. Certainly I think that is a very admirable goal that everyone on this forum desire to achieve.
My questioning has more to do with the technique you are trying to incorporate to achieve this goal.
Hello brother,
Thank you for responding.
When I entered the Army one of the first things I was taught is that excuses cost lives on the battle field. I was taught the maximum effective range of all weapon systems that would be at my disposal. I was then taught the maximum effective range of an excuse. As you can imagine, it was ZERO. This lesson has been with me as a source of strength troughout my career and after military retirement, it has been instilled into all that I am.
This being said, I have a low tolerance for excuses.
I have stood by for years thinking about how many have lost their lives needlessly. I have waited for our "Leaders" to DO something about our social condition. I am done waiting. God convicted ME to DO something about it during the recovery effort following Hurricane Katrina. I talked myself out of it. I placed it on the back burner convincing myself that OUR LEADERS would DO something to make things better. I moved out of state only to be slapped in the face with the realities of our self-destruction and self-limiting behavior. Once again, God impressed upon me that unless we do things HIS way, we would perpetually be in the conditions he shoved in my face when I moved.
While I understand your questioning my technique, understand this...It is of GOD.
youngblackceo said:
To talk about the apparent problems in the black community without first examing the historical,political, social, and economic reality of black people in which these problems take place is a very serious mistake. You are going to waste and enormous amount of time with this approach.
Please understand this...If you keep doing what you have been doing, you will keep getting what you have been getting. We have been using the same "blame casting" and "excuse making" technique for 40 years post Civil Rights Movement and most social indicators have gotten worse for the collective race. Out of wedlock childbirth, black on black murder, the academic acheivement gap, black male incareration rate, etc. etc. etc have all gotten worse under the "blame whitey" defense inititatives. There is absolutely NO ground being gained under this idealeology. I believe after 40 years of failed tactics, it is time to give God's model for success a chance.
Fighting to improve the social conditions of my people could never be a waste of time. Implementing Godly principles can NEVER be a "very serious mistake". This gradualistic "excuse", "blame" policy has proven after a 40 year test period to be a complete failure. THAT, was "an enormous waste of time"
As far as the "historical, political, social, and economic reality of black people" is concerned, this is not as difficult to deal with as you would think. It must start with discontinuing the practice of reinforcing negative behavior by making excuses for it, tolerating it, blaming it on others, etc. etc. etc. One brother reinforced this negative and self-destructive behavior by saying that as a child, his mother was ok with he and his family fighting one another as long as they stood together when external attacks came. This is crazy. Unity is great, but it is hard to unify when your brother has shot you in the head. We start overcoming the h,p,s, and e reality of black people by rejecting anything that normalizes and glorifies negative behavior. Next, you call right right and wrong, wrong.....Everyone gets some message....our people will either get the "My people will defend me when I am wrong" message or they will get the "My people expect more of me, I have a responsibility to my people" message. Lets eliminate the "My people will defend me when I am wrong" message.
youngblackceo said:
You keep saying that you want to solve problems. But how can you affectively solve any of our problems when you do not what to challenge are seriously critique the source of these problems.
I will challenge and seriously critique things that we have CONTROL over or the ability to effect change. We cannot control or change a white person if they want to be racist. The laws against racism have been on our side since 1964. Unless there are specific, actionable things we can do to deal with these issues you speak of, I see no point in being distracted by them. On the other hand a person can choose to change his behavior and make better choices at any time. If someone is there to encourage them to do so, it makes it that much easier. Behavior is a choice. Have you ever killed a fellow brother? If not what makes you not kill another brother and 6300 other brothers choose to do so??? CHOICE! Do you have a different h,p,s, and e then other blacks? Your are a CEO, what makes this so....CHOICES you have made. How did you overcome your h,p,s, and e to achieve making the choice to do so. We give racism much more bit than it has. Eprhen Taylor II is the youngest black ceo of a publicly traded could be him for all I know....Was there an h,p,s, and e element that desperately tried to stop him from acheiving this....I DOUBT IT VERY SERIOUSLY. He just made better choices. There is NOTHING STOPPING ANY OF US FROM MAKING POSITIVE CHOICES BUT OURSELVES.
ALL people of ALL races encounter difficulties in their effort to do what is right and what is wise...the first person with an excuse to stop will be the first person to fail. We have too many excuses.
youngblackceo said:
Know I agree that we do spend alot of unnecessary time on distracting issues.
Wonderful, I am glad you recongnize this.
youngblackceo said:
But it really kills me when whites and blacks dismiss our people continued complaints. About how whites have acted towards us in the past and present. As simply blaming others for our problems. Are my favorite the so-called victim mentality.
The problem is that we have complaints for our EVERY failure....EVERY thing we do wrong HAS to be the result of a racist, oppressive system out to get us. I personally am tired of excuses, because they have ZERO effective range...they will save ZERO lives, will rebuild ZERO families, will stop ZERO people from getting HIV/AIDS... the fact that we have more hiv/aids PROVES that we are targeted by a racist system....GET REAL....people who live according to Godly principles have almost ZERO possibility of getting HIV/AIDS. People who live according to Godly principles do not give birth to or concieve fatherless children. A large share of our complaints are essentially EXCUSES. I will be attacked here for these words, but the TRUTH IS THE TRUTH. We make far too many EXCUSES.
If you have a specific complaint you would like to explore, I will be happy to discuss it with you. I believe in most cases, the issue will boil down to a choice or behavior of the individual....I look forward to disccussing individual issues that nail down the REAL source of specific problems.
youngblackceo said:
Black people in order for us to be in the position we are in today. We must have been victimized. A people do not take control of 80 to 90 Percent of a continent resources without creating alot victims.
We must understand that in order for a person to keep from becoming a victim to someone elses criminal pursuits. That person must first recognize that they have been victimized in the first place.
How can you solve the problem of lets say drugs being sold in our community. If you can't recognize first of all that there are other groups in your community sucking up your wealth and resources. Without giving anything back.
Choices & Behavior Do you sell drugs? Do you live in the black community? Why, then, do you not sell drugs? For that guy who does sell drugs, what is stopping him from CHOOSING to go to college?? There is no shortage of government sponsored programs that can help those who CHOOSE to attend college do so. So, if you can choose to sell drugs but don't, then why can't the person who is selling drugs???? Who or what is making us behave destructively??? please be specific....what removes the freedom to choose to do right????
As far as money being sucked from our community, we are blowing it out of our community. Do we really need all the 22" wheels, $150 gym shoes, or $3000 stereos in $500 cars??? Now, let someone (Say me) say something against this, and we are blaming the victim...we are failing to see this as a racist plot....yeah right!.....Financial irresponsiblity, something our leaders will not speak out against is the detriment of our community wealth...Bill Cosby speak out against these types of things and get crucified....well, I am presenting myself for crucification as well, because Bill is right. We cannot protect the wealth of our community if our leaders are afraid to speak out against the things that are destroying the wealth and blowing it directly into the community of the ones we are claiming is oppressing us. I have never seen a white man in our neighborhoods with a gun forcing a brother to buy his 22" wheels or his $150 gym shoes.
youngblackceo said:
And at the sametime these same people refuse to support your businesses with their money. In essence these people are robbing you blind.
Again, the MESSAGE to black businesses is that black people are just like white people. We want good service. Our business cannot be taken for granite. My wife called a auto repair shop today (New years day) to get some work done....She talked him into letting us go by today to get it done...To my surprise, the ownership of the shop was black. The business was well organized, clean, and the service was awesome. I will give this guy preference.
youngblackceo said:
Know you mention education and academic excellence. But what type of values are they teaching our children in these schools.
They are teaching our children the values needed to get the jobs they provide. IF we want to be competitive at getting jobs from white owned firms, these are the values we must learn. If we don't want jobs from white owned firms...we should have kept things "Seperate, but equal" If we want to be taught African values, we should seek to re-install "Seperate, but equal...then expect to pursue jobs from black owned firms..or we should go to Africa. We can get a ticket for the price of a set of 22" wheels.
youngblackceo said:
They are teaching values that corresponds to the needs and desires of the people who are robbing us. Because they are telling our children that the situation that I mention above is not a result of another group are nation moving in and using our apparent ignorance in terms of racial are ethinic identity as a means to exploit us. No! They telling our children that this is a indication of the races getting along and living harmonious amongst one another.
So they teach are children the values of self destruction under the cloak of this non sense called MultiCultralism.
If you don't like multiculturalism, why are you still in America??? I hear Kenya is nice this time of year. Of course the police brutality over there is outrageous. If you feel you have a stake in America but still don't like M/C, then fight for separate but equal. This is the thing that gets me...I don't see anyone fighting for the things that would bring about what their stated goals are. If you are expecting the white race to build schools that teach black nationalism or things that do not promote capitalist ideas, you are way off track. It just "ain't gonna happen". SO IF WE WANT THESE THINGS, WE MUST STOP SELF-DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIOR AND BUILD THESE THINGS OURSELVES.
youngblackceo said:
This is where the drugs come in because in a situation where there are few oppurtunities. The selling of drugs can become a serious oppurtunity that is worth fighting for.
So you see the drug situation in our community is not just about the lack of morals in the black community.
Yes it is about the lack of morals. I would venture to say that most drug sellers have not attempted to seek opportunites that are legitimate. There are plenty of grants, and such that will finance educations and most people with education are gainfully employed or independent business owners. This is a straw man. What gave YOU an opportunity that wasn't available to the drug dealer??? The opportunities that have been available to me are just as readily available to drug dealers. I DON"T BUY INTO THIS is absolutely the lack of character that makes a person choose to sell poison to his people. I don't care if the CIA or anyone else brings drugs into my living room, if I TAKE THEM, IT IS MY OWN FAULT. Yes, those with weak character will consider the fast buck of selling poison worth fighting for.....because the alternative is a dirty four letter word.......W.O.R.K.
youngblackceo said:
And when you try and solve it as if it is just simply a matter of getting us to act right. And not examine first of all the lousy set of morals and values that have been given to us through the church and these schools by whites and other races that intend to exploit us. That leads to the social problems you mention. Will be a great disservice to our people. I don't care how well intended you are. Because it still want be enough.
EXCUSES, EXCUSES, EXCUSES!!! Maximum effective range ZERO!!!
Please tell me a moral or value taught by the bible that exploits us???? TELL ME JUST ONE. Tell me, what is taught in schools by whites and other races that makes blacks shot one another in the head........The biggest problem or shall I say hole in your argument is that there is NO SOLUTION in it...only excuses and blame....with your non-solution in place 6300 black men will die this year at the hands of other blacks....and those young blacks that are watching you do nothing about it or express no outrage will think it is just fine.
youngblackceo said:
Know understanding that you have been a victim. Is not a call of defeat.
In fact it is a call into power. It represents the fact that you have come to terms with your current reality and can truly move on. And moving on does not mean that you forget about what happened to you in the past. It means that althrough you have not forgot about your past. You have become less emotionally attach to that past and know you can truly look at your past more critically without becoming over emotional. You see know you are in a much better position to examine the reasons why you were victimized.
You have a much better chance in looking at your own weakness and lack of knowledge that open you up to someone else's violent and exploitive intentions. And you can know think in this why without feeling as if it was something inferior are wrong with you that left you vunerable.
But when you try and make yourself believe that you are no longer affected by what happened to you. And think that your actions today has nothing to do with the crimes that was committed to you in the past. Because to do so may hurt your ego due to the sense of inferiority you feel. Will only mean that you will be continued to be victimized and abuse by your assailant. This type of victimization can continue to take place on the physical level. But most importantly this type of continued victimization will take place on the psychologically level.
Please tell me your plan for solving these problems. I have seen a lot of this solution of your own....but a willingness to speak against mine....all I have seen is explainations as to why accepting responsibility for our problems will not bring a cure for them.....if my plan won't work, please tell me one that will.