Originally posted by SpiritualONE
Some people labor under the delusion that Caucasians intend to allow Afrikans to work their way up to equality one day.
I agree SpiritualONE.
Yes IMO, a conscious effort does exist to render the vast majority of us politically, commercially and spiritually [praying to a white Jesus, who historically did not exist in the way or at a time the bible tells us he did, to save us] and culturally impotent.
I think it's quite obvious....
When they have completely and legally arrogated to themselves the vast mineral wealth of Africa [with the help of Africans themselves] they will simply kill us.
But in the meantime, we're a laughing stock because we're paying and playing for our own funeral [African leaders pandering to racist european interest and the african consumers of 'white' goods, adding to the wealth of global white corporacy who in turn finances a racist world agenda that will complete our demise] going along with the process of African genocide; this plan cannot work without our co operation.
I know these are just words...rhetoric, enlightened, they're all just words....question is...is there a plan to fight this
in action right now on the world and local stages that goes beyond the need to unite or seek white patronage at every turn?
Then again, how can you go beyond the need to unite with a task of such complexity such as the one before the African people of the world, something we haven't even been able to achieve after 100 years of Pan Africanism even though it's been said many times....but all action begins with thought and thought quite often find itself communicated in the form of words....so since unity hasn't been realised as of yet then it needs to be said again and again, always accompanied by the consequence of failure....death and oblivion.
I mean, Africans don't like African Amercians or vice versa?....come on for God's sake.
What are the politcal, cultural, spiritual and social logistics to this plan?
Enlighten me with your words.
Peace and Love............and unity