I just ain't going to be able to do it
I tryed living without you in my life
And things just wouldn't work right
I thought I was big and bad enough
To do this all on my very own
But then life started happening
And stuff hit the fan all at once
Every which way I turned
I just couldn't get a break
If It wasn't one thing over here
It was another thing over there
So broke I can't even pay attention
But can't afford to get any futher behind
The kids caught a case of can't act right
And my better half simply won't do right
So Lord am turning it all back over to you
No more will I attempt to do your job
I know that you are more than able
You say to cast my cares upon you
And you would make my burdens light
Well Lord I am gonna do just that
No more worrying, fretting, and crying
For I know that when I turn it over
You will work it all out for my good
for you FATHER really know what's best