Black Positive People : The entire justice system here is run by Black women


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2015
The entire justice system here is run by black women. It's not a diversity experiment. They do things differently.

When LaDawn "LBJ" Jones walked into a meeting at work a couple of months ago, she was hit with a serious case of "black girl magic."

Jones, the city solicitor in South Fulton, Georgia, was meeting for the first time with the city's municipal court staff. As she entered the room, she realized she was looking at something she'd never before seen in her legal career.

Everyone in the room looked like her.

The entire justice system here is run by black women. It's not a ... - 212k - Cached - Similar pages
Yes, African Black Women Ruled Long Before Anyone Else

Reel One on Youtube
...9 Years Ago
The Lost History and Hidden History of the African Sibyl Prophetess" Part 1

Reel Two on Youtube
9 Years Ago
The Lost History and Hidden History of the African Sibyl Prophetess" Part 2

"The Sibyls: The First Prophetess of Mami [Wata]: The Theft of African Prophecy by the Catholic Church
Mama Zogbe'
Page 40

"...Their advanced style of government would be known in modern times as the "Lycian Confederacy" and centuries later the New World became the inspiration for Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison to praise them as an "excellent Confederate Republic".

Vivian Hunter Hindrew (Mama Zogbe) is no longer with us. Her books are history-breaking and reveal alot of information that the Catholic Church would prefer to remain hidden in order to keep the masses blind, ignorant, and unlearned about the things of the past.

Eye am so sorry that she is dead, yet Eye am thankful that she left such a sweet, plethora of information that is well researched and defies anything you thought you knew about the bible and ancient history mainly because it is all about us.

Vivian Hunter-Hindrew/Mami Zogbe' did something never before achieved, that is, she opened the past and spread it out to dry all over the previous lies told by the colonizer.

Eye already knew when Eye read all three books that her information was too powerful to withstand the modern European/Colonized mindset. However, it is a known fact that those who 'think' they control information wanna keep that info tight. Well, too bad, it's all out. And the exposure is fitting because we are in the Age of Enlightenment/Age of Aquarius.

Yet Eye never thought in my surf travels that Eye would read that she had transitioned so soon.



The entire justice system here is run by black women. It's not a diversity experiment. They do things differently.

When LaDawn "LBJ" Jones walked into a meeting at work a couple of months ago, she was hit with a serious case of "black girl magic."

Jones, the city solicitor in South Fulton, Georgia, was meeting for the first time with the city's municipal court staff. As she entered the room, she realized she was looking at something she'd never before seen in her legal career.

Everyone in the room looked like her.

The entire justice system here is run by black women. It's not a ... - 212k - Cached - Similar pages
IFE, do you truly believe that African American women are now in control of ALL the USA's still in the main profoundly institutionally Racist Police and Judiciary?

Isn’t ANYONE who genuinely believes they are not programmed
graphically illustrating that their programming is COMPLETE?

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Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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