By Andre Austin
Christianity, at first, was preached by Jews to Jews, as a reformed Judaism, Saint James the brother of Jesus, and to a lesser extent Peter, wished it to remain no more than this, and they might have prevailed but for Paul/Saul, who was determined to admit gentiles without demanding circumcision, not eating Pork, or submission to the Mosaic Law. The contention between the two factions is related in the Acts of the Apostles, from a Pauline point of view vs. The Ebonite’s=Poor ones, of James the Just/Righteous. The communities of Christians that St. Paul established in many places were, no doubt, composed partly of converts from among the Jews, partly of Gentiles seeking a new religion. The certainties of Judaism made it attractive in that age of dissolving faiths, but circumcision was an obstacle to the conversion of men. The ritual laws in regard to food were also inconvenient. These two obstacles made it almost impossible for the Hebrew religion to become universal. Christianity, owing to Saint Paul, retained what was attractive in the doctrine of the Jews, without features that Gentiles found hardest to assimilate. If you worshiped a God like Mithra or Osiris who were virgin born and rose from the dead after 3 days you would find it easy to believe it again with just exchanging names. Take Apuleius writing about his initiation into the Osiris cult by a priest who named himself after Mithra. The Mithra fraternity cult didn’t allow women in so they joined the Isis rites sorority. This proves Mithra/Osiris were already fused in many ways. Paul just took it to another level with substituting the names of pagans for his new converts.
The Ebonite’s who were the original Christians taught:
1. Jesus wasn’t born of a virgin birth
2. No Trinity
3. Circumcision and Pork was outlawed. The Children of Gentiles were expected to be circumcised. The Ebonite’s didn’t know the ritual came from Osiris
4. Baptism original performed in the Nile river was taught to Orpheus in which Pythagoras picked up and gave to the Essence, keepers of the Torah.
5. Faith & Works purified your soul for heaven. Turn to life to light of the stars.
6. Essense and Ebionites didn’t believe your body went to heaven but only your spirit. We have Jesus stone coffin.
7. Jesus was adopted Son of God. The early kings of Egypt were anointed at their coronation with the fat oil of the sacred crocodile. The croc was known in Egypt as a Messeh and from this comes the Hebrew term “Messiah which means anointed one. And this is why 666 is related to kings and Emperors. Also recall in Jesus genealogy there is Methuselah who lived 969 years which coincides well with estimates of how long the Memphite kingdom lasted in Egypt.
Paul used craftiness and guile to do his job (2 Cor 12:16) of taking in believers by deceit. Paul parents were Romans but moved to Turkey where the cult of Mithra was very popular. Paul used the stories of Mithra and Osiris to fuse and synthesize with Jesus in order to make it easy again to convert more people over to his gospel and his new found religion. The stories of Mary being a virgin were edited into Matthew and Luke. If this event occurred Paul would of talked about it especially at the Council meeting at Jerusalem as seen in Acts 15. They would have spent time disputing whether Mary was an Almah (young woman) or a Beulah (virgin). Jesus was an historical person who ran afoul of Roman power with Herod Antipas and Pilate and was killed in 36AD for it.
Paul didn’t meet the spirit/Light of Jesus on the road to Damascus to persecute Christians. It all a lie or he had an epileptic seizure causing himself visual hallucination and dreams of his past knowledge of Mithra and Osiris. Some Jews also accuse Paul of resenting the fact he couldn’t get a promotion in his Jewish faith so decided to concoct a religion made up of his own.
Paul knew Egyptian:
“Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honor/dishonor.
- Romans 9:21
"For a man is clay and straw, and the god is his builder. He is tearing down and building up every day. He makes a thousand poor men as he wishes, he makes a thousand men as overseers."
- Amenemope XXIV, 13-17
In Matthew, Mark and Luke, Jesus institutes the Lord's Supper during the Passover meal (in John's gospel the Lord's Supper is not instituted - Jesus was dead by the time of the Passover meal).
In 1 Corinthians 11:23 the apostle Paul writes, "For I received from the Lord that which I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus in the night in which He was betrayed took bread..." Here Paul claims that he got the instructions for the Lord's Supper directly from Jesus (evidently from one of his many revelations). Paul writes these words about twenty years after Jesus' death, and had the church already been celebrating the Lord's Supper he certainly would have been aware of it and would have had no need to receive it from the Lord. Some apologists try to play games with the text to make it seem like Paul actually received the instructions from the other apostles, but one thing Paul stresses is that what he teaches he receives from no man (Galatians 1:11-12).
The Lord's Last supper was not invented by Paul, but was borrowed by him from Mithraism and Osiris/Baccus, the mystery religion that existed long before Christianity and was Christianity's chief competitor up until the time of Constantine. In Mithraism, the central figure is the mythical Mithras, who died for the sins of mankind and was resurrected. Believers in Mithras were rewarded with eternal life. Part of the Mithraic communion liturgy included the words, "He who will not eat of my body and drink of my blood, so that he will be made one with me and I with him, the same shall not know salvation.".
The early Church Fathers Justin Martyr and Tertullian tried to say that Mithraism copied the Lord's Supper from Christianity, but they were forced to say that demons had copied it since only demons could copy an event in advance of its happening! They could not say that the followers of Mithras had copied it - it was a known fact that Mithraism had included the ritual a long time before Christ was born.
Where did Mithraism come from? The ancient historian Plutarch mentioned Mithraism in connection with the pirates of Cilicia in Asia Minor (Turkey) encountering the Roman general Pompey in 67 BC. More recently, in 1989 Mithraic scholar David Ulansey wrote a book, The Origins of the Mithraic Mysteries, in which he convincingly shows that Mithraism originated in the city of Tarsus in Cilicia. That this is also the home town of the apostle Paul cannot be a coincidence. Acts 9:11 says: “Ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul/Paul”. The Egyptian Mysteries took the form of different names in order to adapt to local conditions so we have Mithra/Osiris in Asia, Zoroaster, Jupiter, Zeus, Athena.
Paul admits that he did not know Jesus during Jesus' lifetime. He also says that his gospel was not taught to him by any man (Galatians 1:11-12). All of Paul's theology is based on his own revelations, or visions. Like dreams, visions or hallucinations or seizures do not come from nowhere, but reveal what is already in a person's subconscious. It is very likely that the source of most of Paul's visions, and therefore most of his theology, is to be found in Mithraism. That we find Jesus at the Last Supper saying more or less the same thing Paul said to the Corinthians many years later is another example of the church modifying the gospels to incorporate the theology of Paul, which eventually won out over the theology of Jesus' original disciples which were his family.
The Emperor Hadrian wrote a letter in 134AD said the worshippers of Serapis (Osiris) are Christians. Now in Rome at the present site of the Vatican was the scared place for the followers of Mithra. It’s Mithra who has keys in his hands and marked initiates with an Egyptian cross on their foreheads. The Liturgy of Mithra is the Liturgy of Jesus. When Paul says “they drank from the spiritual rock and that rock was Christ” (1Cor 10:4), he was using the exactly the same words found in the scripture of Mithra.Only the names were changed. The Last Supper is Mithra/Osiris fused together. Osiris had his last Supper before he was killed, then rose three days later and bodily rose to heaven 40 days after his body was mummified just like Joseph in the OT and Jesus in the NT. After Jesus died he was put into a stone coffin along, later, with his brother James. His remains remained on the earth. This proves that editors of the Bible wanted to compare and surpass the Jesus story as like that of Osiris and Mithra to make easy converts to a new religion. When getting new recruits to join your religion it becomes very easy when you stick to themes they are already used to. For example: The Catholics have Mary with tear drops of blood. Oh no, that’s Isis tears of blood from the Nile coming from the rainy season of Ethiopia. Mary holding Jesus as a babe in her arms is Isis holding Horus. Jesus isn’t a babe he’s 2,000 years old. The Egyptian cross on Mithra forehead is the Phallus and vagina of life. The Christian cross was death to life symbolism.
It’s a shame people are running around empty headed not knowing what they really believe in. However, we have the great equalizer-THE INTERNET to share ideas with a hungry public seeking enlightenment.
The Mysteries of Mithra By Franz Cumont
The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls By A Powell Davies
By Andre Austin
Christianity, at first, was preached by Jews to Jews, as a reformed Judaism, Saint James the brother of Jesus, and to a lesser extent Peter, wished it to remain no more than this, and they might have prevailed but for Paul/Saul, who was determined to admit gentiles without demanding circumcision, not eating Pork, or submission to the Mosaic Law. The contention between the two factions is related in the Acts of the Apostles, from a Pauline point of view vs. The Ebonite’s=Poor ones, of James the Just/Righteous. The communities of Christians that St. Paul established in many places were, no doubt, composed partly of converts from among the Jews, partly of Gentiles seeking a new religion. The certainties of Judaism made it attractive in that age of dissolving faiths, but circumcision was an obstacle to the conversion of men. The ritual laws in regard to food were also inconvenient. These two obstacles made it almost impossible for the Hebrew religion to become universal. Christianity, owing to Saint Paul, retained what was attractive in the doctrine of the Jews, without features that Gentiles found hardest to assimilate. If you worshiped a God like Mithra or Osiris who were virgin born and rose from the dead after 3 days you would find it easy to believe it again with just exchanging names. Take Apuleius writing about his initiation into the Osiris cult by a priest who named himself after Mithra. The Mithra fraternity cult didn’t allow women in so they joined the Isis rites sorority. This proves Mithra/Osiris were already fused in many ways. Paul just took it to another level with substituting the names of pagans for his new converts.
The Ebonite’s who were the original Christians taught:
1. Jesus wasn’t born of a virgin birth
2. No Trinity
3. Circumcision and Pork was outlawed. The Children of Gentiles were expected to be circumcised. The Ebonite’s didn’t know the ritual came from Osiris
4. Baptism original performed in the Nile river was taught to Orpheus in which Pythagoras picked up and gave to the Essence, keepers of the Torah.
5. Faith & Works purified your soul for heaven. Turn to life to light of the stars.
6. Essense and Ebionites didn’t believe your body went to heaven but only your spirit. We have Jesus stone coffin.
7. Jesus was adopted Son of God. The early kings of Egypt were anointed at their coronation with the fat oil of the sacred crocodile. The croc was known in Egypt as a Messeh and from this comes the Hebrew term “Messiah which means anointed one. And this is why 666 is related to kings and Emperors. Also recall in Jesus genealogy there is Methuselah who lived 969 years which coincides well with estimates of how long the Memphite kingdom lasted in Egypt.
Paul used craftiness and guile to do his job (2 Cor 12:16) of taking in believers by deceit. Paul parents were Romans but moved to Turkey where the cult of Mithra was very popular. Paul used the stories of Mithra and Osiris to fuse and synthesize with Jesus in order to make it easy again to convert more people over to his gospel and his new found religion. The stories of Mary being a virgin were edited into Matthew and Luke. If this event occurred Paul would of talked about it especially at the Council meeting at Jerusalem as seen in Acts 15. They would have spent time disputing whether Mary was an Almah (young woman) or a Beulah (virgin). Jesus was an historical person who ran afoul of Roman power with Herod Antipas and Pilate and was killed in 36AD for it.
Paul didn’t meet the spirit/Light of Jesus on the road to Damascus to persecute Christians. It all a lie or he had an epileptic seizure causing himself visual hallucination and dreams of his past knowledge of Mithra and Osiris. Some Jews also accuse Paul of resenting the fact he couldn’t get a promotion in his Jewish faith so decided to concoct a religion made up of his own.
Paul knew Egyptian:
“Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honor/dishonor.
- Romans 9:21
"For a man is clay and straw, and the god is his builder. He is tearing down and building up every day. He makes a thousand poor men as he wishes, he makes a thousand men as overseers."
- Amenemope XXIV, 13-17
In Matthew, Mark and Luke, Jesus institutes the Lord's Supper during the Passover meal (in John's gospel the Lord's Supper is not instituted - Jesus was dead by the time of the Passover meal).
In 1 Corinthians 11:23 the apostle Paul writes, "For I received from the Lord that which I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus in the night in which He was betrayed took bread..." Here Paul claims that he got the instructions for the Lord's Supper directly from Jesus (evidently from one of his many revelations). Paul writes these words about twenty years after Jesus' death, and had the church already been celebrating the Lord's Supper he certainly would have been aware of it and would have had no need to receive it from the Lord. Some apologists try to play games with the text to make it seem like Paul actually received the instructions from the other apostles, but one thing Paul stresses is that what he teaches he receives from no man (Galatians 1:11-12).
The Lord's Last supper was not invented by Paul, but was borrowed by him from Mithraism and Osiris/Baccus, the mystery religion that existed long before Christianity and was Christianity's chief competitor up until the time of Constantine. In Mithraism, the central figure is the mythical Mithras, who died for the sins of mankind and was resurrected. Believers in Mithras were rewarded with eternal life. Part of the Mithraic communion liturgy included the words, "He who will not eat of my body and drink of my blood, so that he will be made one with me and I with him, the same shall not know salvation.".
The early Church Fathers Justin Martyr and Tertullian tried to say that Mithraism copied the Lord's Supper from Christianity, but they were forced to say that demons had copied it since only demons could copy an event in advance of its happening! They could not say that the followers of Mithras had copied it - it was a known fact that Mithraism had included the ritual a long time before Christ was born.
Where did Mithraism come from? The ancient historian Plutarch mentioned Mithraism in connection with the pirates of Cilicia in Asia Minor (Turkey) encountering the Roman general Pompey in 67 BC. More recently, in 1989 Mithraic scholar David Ulansey wrote a book, The Origins of the Mithraic Mysteries, in which he convincingly shows that Mithraism originated in the city of Tarsus in Cilicia. That this is also the home town of the apostle Paul cannot be a coincidence. Acts 9:11 says: “Ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul/Paul”. The Egyptian Mysteries took the form of different names in order to adapt to local conditions so we have Mithra/Osiris in Asia, Zoroaster, Jupiter, Zeus, Athena.
Paul admits that he did not know Jesus during Jesus' lifetime. He also says that his gospel was not taught to him by any man (Galatians 1:11-12). All of Paul's theology is based on his own revelations, or visions. Like dreams, visions or hallucinations or seizures do not come from nowhere, but reveal what is already in a person's subconscious. It is very likely that the source of most of Paul's visions, and therefore most of his theology, is to be found in Mithraism. That we find Jesus at the Last Supper saying more or less the same thing Paul said to the Corinthians many years later is another example of the church modifying the gospels to incorporate the theology of Paul, which eventually won out over the theology of Jesus' original disciples which were his family.
The Emperor Hadrian wrote a letter in 134AD said the worshippers of Serapis (Osiris) are Christians. Now in Rome at the present site of the Vatican was the scared place for the followers of Mithra. It’s Mithra who has keys in his hands and marked initiates with an Egyptian cross on their foreheads. The Liturgy of Mithra is the Liturgy of Jesus. When Paul says “they drank from the spiritual rock and that rock was Christ” (1Cor 10:4), he was using the exactly the same words found in the scripture of Mithra.Only the names were changed. The Last Supper is Mithra/Osiris fused together. Osiris had his last Supper before he was killed, then rose three days later and bodily rose to heaven 40 days after his body was mummified just like Joseph in the OT and Jesus in the NT. After Jesus died he was put into a stone coffin along, later, with his brother James. His remains remained on the earth. This proves that editors of the Bible wanted to compare and surpass the Jesus story as like that of Osiris and Mithra to make easy converts to a new religion. When getting new recruits to join your religion it becomes very easy when you stick to themes they are already used to. For example: The Catholics have Mary with tear drops of blood. Oh no, that’s Isis tears of blood from the Nile coming from the rainy season of Ethiopia. Mary holding Jesus as a babe in her arms is Isis holding Horus. Jesus isn’t a babe he’s 2,000 years old. The Egyptian cross on Mithra forehead is the Phallus and vagina of life. The Christian cross was death to life symbolism.
It’s a shame people are running around empty headed not knowing what they really believe in. However, we have the great equalizer-THE INTERNET to share ideas with a hungry public seeking enlightenment.
The Mysteries of Mithra By Franz Cumont
The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls By A Powell Davies