Black Parenting : The Disappearing Male


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2008
eartH (Heart) is my home
child care provider
There was a show aired on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation called
The Disappearing Male.

Essentially the documentary talks about the environmental pollutions that are damaging the male gender. From cosmetics, to toys, to massive contaminants in the air and soil, sperm counts are falling drastically. "The sperm counts in college age men have fallen drastically in decades, a typical young man produces less than 1/2 the sperm his father did and 85% is abnormal."
The video is worth watching although it didn't cite statistics based on race. It would be profitable for us to know the fertility rates amongst our males.

Mercury is mentioned as a culprit and it is found heavy in Tuna & vaccines. I would say that New Reproductive technologies need to be lobbyied against. It seems that the artificial chemically dependant are wiping themselves out. so long as the Original tribes can maintain a reproductive edge, and that includes control over our fetuses, then this game board seems to have given us the advantage.

Not that I want to see any little children with disfigurements, but I do mean to fight for this planet and my descendents.
i remember well Z

Sister Phynxofkmt - That is an excellent video documentary (I had posted it last year HERE - some of the replies were... interesting ;) )

Thanks for the reminder - I plan to rip this to DVD.


i still say they were talking about "white" men



There was a show aired on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation called
The Disappearing Male.

Essentially the documentary talks about the environmental pollutions that are damaging the male gender. From cosmetics, to toys, to massive contaminants in the air and soil, sperm counts are falling drastically. "The sperm counts in college age men have fallen drastically in decades, a typical young man produces less than 1/2 the sperm his father did and 85% is abnormal."
The video is worth watching although it didn't cite statistics based on race. It would be profitable for us to know the fertility rates amongst our males.

Mercury is mentioned as a culprit and it is found heavy in Tuna & vaccines. I would say that New Reproductive technologies need to be lobbyied against. It seems that the artificial chemically dependant are wiping themselves out. so long as the Original tribes can maintain a reproductive edge, and that includes control over our fetuses, then this game board seems to have given us the advantage.

Not that I want to see any little children with disfigurements, but I do mean to fight for this planet and my descendents.

This is mostly amongst white males and has been a source of concern for them for over ten years. During the Clinton years, there was a big meeting in Europe over this. The have had declining growth for at least 20 years. Their sperm count has been declining that long.

Personally, I think its because GOD dont like ugly




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