Black Spirituality Religion : the concise refutation of those who claim that the children of israel were the children of kush

Clyde, I'd also like to mention that your mentioning a tribe of Nubians Kushites whose lineage goes back 200,000 years requires negating the entire Hebrew calendar which started with our father Adam, the first human, 5779 years ago. You either have to choose modern liars falsehood of hundreds of thousands of years of human race or the biblical view which has just been mention.

In addition,, I don't know what your view is on this issue yet, but as some other fake hebrews say, that the white race (really from the assyrian tribe of asshur (gog) which moved to north western europe after the fall of the assyrian empire, that white people descend from Esau, becaus white peope look like they're red when the get sunburn (I heard read this and many other absurdities in relation to it) that they can't both, hold the claim that King David was ruddy (red or redish or reddish white etc.) which is a good thing (according to them) but Esau's redness was a bad thing..

I've read in hadith (muslim traditions) that Jesus was red in color with curly hair and Moses was brown with straight hair, and fromthe available evidence it is clear that not all of the children of Israel look the same and also that they were neither black nor white but middle eastern and not all of them looked the same as one another due to marriages of the 12 sons of Israel to other tribes (Judah with a cananitess etc.

Not to mention, you never actually responded to most, if not all of the proofs I used in the original article which were staggering evidences of the falsity of the black fake hebrew claim. It is clear that the truth is not the goal here but people just want to believe something no matter how clearly false it is because they want to (it makes them feel good). It's like trying to jam a puzzle peice somewhere it clearly doesn't fit (they make it fit somehow (sarcasm)). I just have a pet peeve for falsehood and especially in important issues like this.,
Everyone knows who the chinese indian, european african are, due to mass transmitted historical fact, and there is no legitimate reason why it should be any different with the hebrews (Ashkenazic, Sephardic and Mizrahic) except that jealous people seem to want to steal their geneology from them due to all the patriarchs, judges, kings and prophets from them. Pardon me for the lenght of my post.

The 200,000 year reference appearing in the article was written by Erika Check Hayden and is her view point, not mine. As a young earth believer holding against macro evolution; only the below highlighted portions of the article were cited and deemed noteworthy by me:

"The first humans left Africa some 200,000 years ago, dispersing to populate the rest of the world. But this was not a one-way trip: some people came back. Scientists say that they have traced a reverse migration that, in two steps, carried genes from the rest of the world back to southern Africa, long before European colonizers arrived ..."
Moreover, the above saves us from all the rabbit holes opened up in your lines of reasoning by providing a more sobering view of the original people being black and from Africa, definitely not Europe.
Your piece does further substantiate that there is a great deal of misinformation out there that has been used to subvert the truth regarding the lineage of certain groups of people. But I feel that we can delve just a little bit deeper..

With that said, personally I reject the biblical version of the origin of humankind and anyone in the scientific community that claims to know where humankind has originated from. As to date there is nothing that is definitive regarding our origination.
This planet according to modern day academia is about 4.5 billion years old and for anyone to ( and I do not mean this offensively) believe that humankind is a few hundred thousand years in existence and that we come from one Adam & Eve may be just a little naive. But hey, I guess that all depends on what ones belief system is predicated on.. I wrote a piece on this below. Just a little something to marinate on>>>
One Adam & Eve or Many Others
It is my belief that we have been genetically engineered from various primitive species that were native to this planet and the debate over original Israelite's is significant as it pertains to truth and misinformation however, for me, it does not address the more pertinent questions.

Who are we really and where do we come from and why are we the most inept species on this planet? If it weren't for modernization, we wouldn't know how to survive. So, who or what interfered with the natural order of evolution?
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People don't accidently or mistakenly come to the false conclusion that the human race has been around 200,000 years. The person who wrote that is clearly not a reliable source but it appears in spite of that you pick and choose what you want from it that suits your agenda in spite of the sources unreliablity, or dependence in her theories on second hand info from others likewise unreliable.

Not to mention (from your darwinist influenced sources) according to Darwin himself and other evolutionists with mutation from one thing to the next things are better with further evolution not worse thus the last are considered improved upon the first.

Also the original people weren't from Africa, they were from the Garden of Eden and Adam and Eve were expelled from it so early humans population growth took place outside of the Garden of Eden in Mesopatamia as we know from the Bible where Abraham was from.

You also seem to be stuck on the african/european black/white dichotomy forgetting that there are many other races and ethnic groups such as chinese people, indian people, indonesia, mesoamerican and many more in between. Where do you believe all these races came from, not to mention when and how do you justify the insane thought that the entire Israelite population (exlucding the small group of falasha jews (allegedly Israelites in lineage) transferred entirely from Black to White. Where did these whites come from and how an when did this massive transfer occur, not to mention Israelites passed on through rabbinical accademies the Tanach and the talmud etc. one generation to the next. The talmud existed before the second and first revolt so when did this entire switch occur and how suddenly?

And how do you explain sephardic jews in Babylonia and Spain and Mizrahic jews in middle eastern countries not to mention diaspora jewish communities in many other countries in the middle east?

How did Chinese people come into existence and all the other distinct races.

I already listed the reasons why to the Adam and Eve point and said I'm not trying to argue that point and don't expect you to agree with me (inspiration, intuition etc.).

Being the oldest, even if that were true, does not mean being the best especially not to the evolutionists and most if you soulless sources remind me of the greater evolutionist paradigms I and many others were brought up on in school.

The lady you quoted named Erica was going by second hand material come from white geneticists, whom you seem to quote whenever it suits you but criticise and abandon whenever it doesn't.
...Also the original people weren't from Africa, they were from the Garden of Eden and Adam and Eve were expelled from it so early humans population growth took place outside of the Garden of Eden in Mesopatamia as we know from the Bible where Abraham was from...

Where was the Garden of Eden located and where is Mesopotamia located?

Your piece does further substantiate that there is a great deal of misinformation out there that has been used to subvert the truth regarding the lineage of certain groups of people. But I feel that we can delve just a little bit deeper..

WOW! IMO, this is one of the best statements in this entire thread. There is a great deal of misinformation being used to subvert the truth regarding the origins of people [ie GROUPS OF PEOPLE].

And, there was another statement too, that I find to be important in that some conclusions are like trying to fit a puzzle piece where it does not fit. There are a lot of fancy ideas being stated and some are just based on 'intuition' and personal thoughts without any consideration to scholarly research. For me, it's not about believing just one script, but it the truth should be confirmed in more than one method. The scriptures of the Bible should also be confirmed in other ways.

This thread started out about whether the Israelites are Kushites and based upon the Bible, they are not Kushites at all but are descendants of Shem; that is descendants of Shem from the male lineage. However, since AbraHAM was born in the land of KUSH, in UR OF THE CHALDEES, [CHALDEANS; BLACKS] it would seem to have validity to Abraham being connected to KUSH in his maternal origins!!!

The other statements about AbraHAM bonding with Keturah and having 6 sons that later migrated south into the land of Ham, and more importantly, had names that define them in connection with being 'BLack' should also be considered! Oh and yes, AbraHAM's descendants, the ISRAELITES did have a history in Egypt for about 400 years would be another key point in their GROUP OF PEOPLE being intermixed with BLACK HAM.

As far as the origins of Adam and Eve, well, this has been dealt with from a scientific basis. This is one of my favorite subjects.
As far as mankind existing way before Adam and Eve, this too is detailed in the Bible and in the scientific world.
There is something to be said for Civilizations and recorded history, confirmations and script.

No, we don't come from Apes.
Even though humans, modern humans, may seem to be not as fit as other creatures on this planet, I don't think you will see Gorillas driving cars or building houses, or talking and going to the store, standing in line or any of the like, any time soon.

And, no--even though I am female, I do not cave into that Gender struggle in that woman will dominate males today, because of the history and science of the past.

Yes, the mtEVE is much older than the Biblical Eve and the Biblical Adam, because of her pre-Adamah origins.
mtEve stems from an INTERSEXED ORIGIN. Hello...

It is the Y-DNA that proves without a doubt tht all MONDERN MANKIND stems from the AFRICAN MALE. Yes, ALL MALES TODAY, whether Chinese, or Middle eastern, or Israel, or Ashkenazi Jews or White men, or European men, or American Indian... or the Sans Bushmen... stem from the African Male.

And I will love to repeat this about EVE, the African Eve--clone of Adam. She is distinct from the mtEVE.
The Eve from Adam is MARKED by her 'SEAL OF THE LVING GOD IN HER FOREHEAD' [ie TOP of her head]; she has an AFRO--bushy/curly hair like Adam. However, the mtEVE does not have this SCIENTIFIC MARK. Modern humans today, in all walks of life have this GENETIC MARK in their DNA even though through SEX-SELECTION, it may not show up in our phenotype.

Today, we are all mixed with what happened in the Garden of Eden, when Eve became NAKED [sexual] with a pre-Adam being.
Like Jesus said; WE ARE ALL BORN IN SIN--this whole world is intermixed. LOL.

Certain groups show specific phenotypes due to sex-selection and other various reasons.

The African Eve is MARKED in her DNA

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