Black Spirituality Religion : the concise refutation of those who claim that the children of israel were the children of kush

I have done research too. There are qualification for being a Roman citizen, just like there are qualifications of being an American citizen.

There was nothing false about the scriptures concerning 1st. Peter. Peter didn't write it. He more than likely dictated it to Silas (at first I said Mark but I kept confusing Mark with Peter in the Gospel of Mark). 1st. Peter 5:12 ( Silas is helping Peter. 1st Peter was written in Greek. Peter was not that educated in Greek script. But Silas was).

I appreciate your comments!

However, as for what you write about Peter, again, I do not agree at all because it has never been stated even in ancient times what you say. I agree too, in that Peter was "not that educated" not only in Greek script but he was not educated. However, it was 30 years + after Peter became "converted" as it was written and he certainly was trained by that time. NO, if the books are attributed to Peter, then like all authored books, Peter is the author of his own books--statements--testiment. I know several African AMerican and Native AMerican older men today, who ABSOLUTELY could not read or write and they did learn to do both!

One is my father-in-law, and he could not read or write, but he later learned to read and write a little, but then there are others that did much more than he did because they took courses in community colleges geared towards helping adults who could not read or write.

And then, there is an extensive program for many men, especially African AMerican men who are imprisoned and they learn to read and write and have authored their own books!

As you have said, I agree about Silas too, perhaps helping Peter, but as all books that have been considered AUTHORED, Peter gave his own testimony. I would agree though, that it would have been Silas as opposed to John Mark helping Peter in anything because I think he was another one that could not read or write; [but I can't remember if it was John Mark or another apostle?].

And for Jesus only that a man with his name did exist. But what they did as it relates to God and His divine works are only in the Bible and the religious texts I have mentioned. That is why I keep emphasizing faith.

Yes, this is what was written from a Roman perspective about "Jesus only that a man with his name did exist." And I realized that this was one challenge for Paul too! But thanks to today, I have read about other accounts about Jesus in those ancient times, for example, after the Jews scattered and took their scripts into Ethiopia and elsewhere. And, again, I understand the faith aspect as well.
I think I am beginning to see your point. You are using ancient text not associated with anything Western. Good! I may have been debating from a Western point of view. I'd like to see more of what you present.

Oh, btw, Paul was a "dark skinned" Hellenist Jew. In fact, he had to convince the non-Hellenist Jews that he was a Jew.

Thank you!!!

And not from a Western dominated thought. Great! Again show me what you got.


Don't misinterpret my laugh as making fun of you. I was not.

We have been dominated by a Western train of thought.

Keep doing what you are doing. I would like to see more.

Thank you again!!!
I assume you are talking about the eastern Europeans who now claim to be Gods chosen people. Netherlands people are germanic closely related to the Germans, Russians, Dutch aka Netherland people, Switzerland people are if I'm not wrong decedents of the Ashkenazi people of the bible. These people also enslaved Africans. More than once in the bible that Africans were taken into captivity, sold more than once, even since the famous slave trade. These people are dark skin people who have step away from worshiping God and ended up being in captivity for being disobedient to Him. The King James Bible has a lot of information in it, it just you have to read what you are reading. Its like someone mention Paul, in the bible is referred to being an Ethpoian or Egyptian with negative words tied to it. It is in the book of Matthew or Luke, where the European refer to him as a troublesome Egyptian or Rebellious Ethiopian. Paul was a very dark skin man. The majority of the bible is about dark skin African people of many other tribes besides the 12 sons of Jacob the Hebrew people. Keep learning and reading , that is what I'm doing because I learned that the bible is about the continent of Africa and African people. All the wise men came from east Africa. Keep learning.

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