Black Spirituality Religion : the concise refutation of those who claim that the children of israel were the children of kush

James Mcloud

New Member
Jul 19, 2017
"the concise refutation on those who claim that the people of kush are the children of israil"
why aren't their brethren from the midianites, the ammonites, the moabites and the arabs black also
(just getting started)
if you argue that germanic (white people) all descend from gehazi than what about chinese people, indian people and many others
(the germanic tribes trace their descent to assyria before migrating to europe)
geneologists have reported that the well known historical jews (in lineage and religion), consisting of the ashkenizic, sephardic and mizrahic all have common middle eastern lineage while mentioning that they have, on some level, intermarried with the surrounding peoples (of converts)
some jews have light complexion (especially the ashkenizic) and some have darker complexion (such as the mizrahic)
the falasha jews of ethiopia don't even believe themselves are that they were the original jews
this is likely a desirable falsehood and a late reaction to the debasement of slavery in that europeans used to make american blacks feel inferior and then later, for the sake of pride, they went to the opposite extreme, that everything good is black and everything bad is white
it is a verifiable historical fact through sculptures and paintings that black people came from nubian kush after noah dispersed the tribes of his three sons to various regions of the earth
nubian history predates not only israel but even abraham
the art work of nubia shows certainly and clearly that nubia was black
egyptian relics show bronze complexioned people with straight black hair (predominately) and there are relics alike from many other nations (even ethiopia later attained middle eastern features and hair texture due to intermarriage with yemenites accross the red sea
as for the absurd argument of all european (white people) inherited leprosy from gehazi in the book of kings, this is easily refuted by the fact that leprosy does not affect a persons features, only their complexion
this is also a double edged sword because it would also mean that all europeans are themselves israelites, they just have a common birth defect
as for the likewise, ridiculous claim that the "original" israelites (black people?!) migrated to ethiopia and the rest of africa after the roman expulsion of the jews from judea this is out of chronological order, once again as black africa has a history that predates the expulsion by about 2,500 years
it is also irrational to assume that in such a small time period (really a nonexistent time) that almost all of the (allegedly) "real" black jews could have by and large entirely lost track of their history and religion while history was readily being recorded by this time but none of this is mentioned in the historical records of any nation
conspiring on a mass worldwide lie from every witnessing nation such a grandiose phenonenon would not have been possible without modern methods of communication
there are also many historic relics of ancient babylonia, from where abraham descended clearly showing that the jews were not white or black but middle eastern
as far as religious jews (not originally israelite in lineage) there are small communities of converts everywhere from china to india and africa
as for the verse in revelations (for those who believe in it) where it says that jesus had bronze (not brown either way) complexion and that his hair was white like wool, white as snow,-eyes like flaming fire (and in daniel simialrly language is used (his body was like beryl, eyes like flaming fire (hyperbole for the latter)) etc. it was referring to the color of his hair not its texture which is clearly shown in the verse itself
lastly in lamentations "our skin was black like an oven because of the terrible famine" this is refuted by the verse itself wherein it says "because of the terrible famine", not because they themselves were born with black complexion
not to mention there was a clear distinction between Israel and Kush, as recorded in the book of acts where the apostle phillip evangelized a jew of nubia of queen candace

in refuting the argument that the children of kush are the children of israel from the curses mentioned in deutoronomy
the curses for disobedience happened long ago to the actual jews but history repeats itself and in other forms, substance over form, cause and effect, if other tribes do like the jews of that time did they will achieve similar results. You reap what you sow.
rewriting history for selfish racial pride looks equally as ridiculous as the following:
"who were the real chinese people? the original chinese people were black, but they don't want you to know about that (than take isolated peices of information entirely out of context and make a false argument that everyone wants to hear and you can start your own good old fashioned racist false prophet cult. American is famous for its false prophets more so than any other country, have fun."

(p.s. lastly, in revelations where it is mentioned about the pharisees that they were not jews but are the synagogue of satan, in context it was not due to race but to vice).
"the concise refutation on those who claim that the people of kush are the children of israil"
why aren't their brethren from the midianites, the ammonites, the moabites and the arabs black also
(just getting started)
if you argue that germanic (white people) all descend from gehazi than what about chinese people, indian people and many others
(the germanic tribes trace their descent to assyria before migrating to europe)
geneologists have reported that the well known historical jews (in lineage and religion), consisting of the ashkenizic, sephardic and mizrahic all have common middle eastern lineage while mentioning that they have, on some level, intermarried with the surrounding peoples (of converts)
some jews have light complexion (especially the ashkenizic) and some have darker complexion (such as the mizrahic)
the falasha jews of ethiopia don't even believe themselves are that they were the original jews
this is likely a desirable falsehood and a late reaction to the debasement of slavery in that europeans used to make american blacks feel inferior and then later, for the sake of pride, they went to the opposite extreme, that everything good is black and everything bad is white
it is a verifiable historical fact through sculptures and paintings that black people came from nubian kush after noah dispersed the tribes of his three sons to various regions of the earth
nubian history predates not only israel but even abraham
the art work of nubia shows certainly and clearly that nubia was black
egyptian relics show bronze complexioned people with straight black hair (predominately) and there are relics alike from many other nations (even ethiopia later attained middle eastern features and hair texture due to intermarriage with yemenites accross the red sea
as for the absurd argument of all european (white people) inherited leprosy from gehazi in the book of kings, this is easily refuted by the fact that leprosy does not affect a persons features, only their complexion
this is also a double edged sword because it would also mean that all europeans are themselves israelites, they just have a common birth defect
as for the likewise, ridiculous claim that the "original" israelites (black people?!) migrated to ethiopia and the rest of africa after the roman expulsion of the jews from judea this is out of chronological order, once again as black africa has a history that predates the expulsion by about 2,500 years
it is also irrational to assume that in such a small time period (really a nonexistent time) that almost all of the (allegedly) "real" black jews could have by and large entirely lost track of their history and religion while history was readily being recorded by this time but none of this is mentioned in the historical records of any nation
conspiring on a mass worldwide lie from every witnessing nation such a grandiose phenonenon would not have been possible without modern methods of communication
there are also many historic relics of ancient babylonia, from where abraham descended clearly showing that the jews were not white or black but middle eastern
as far as religious jews (not originally israelite in lineage) there are small communities of converts everywhere from china to india and africa
as for the verse in revelations (for those who believe in it) where it says that jesus had bronze (not brown either way) complexion and that his hair was white like wool, white as snow,-eyes like flaming fire (and in daniel simialrly language is used (his body was like beryl, eyes like flaming fire (hyperbole for the latter)) etc. it was referring to the color of his hair not its texture which is clearly shown in the verse itself
lastly in lamentations "our skin was black like an oven because of the terrible famine" this is refuted by the verse itself wherein it says "because of the terrible famine", not because they themselves were born with black complexion
not to mention there was a clear distinction between Israel and Kush, as recorded in the book of acts where the apostle phillip evangelized a jew of nubia of queen candace

in refuting the argument that the children of kush are the children of israel from the curses mentioned in deutoronomy
the curses for disobedience happened long ago to the actual jews but history repeats itself and in other forms, substance over form, cause and effect, if other tribes do like the jews of that time did they will achieve similar results. You reap what you sow.
rewriting history for selfish racial pride looks equally as ridiculous as the following:
"who were the real chinese people? the original chinese people were black, but they don't want you to know about that (than take isolated peices of information entirely out of context and make a false argument that everyone wants to hear and you can start your own good old fashioned racist false prophet cult. American is famous for its false prophets more so than any other country, have fun."

(p.s. lastly, in revelations where it is mentioned about the pharisees that they were not jews but are the synagogue of satan, in context it was not due to race but to vice).

Rebuttal ...

World's most ancient race traced in DNA study

The San people of southern Africa, who have lived as hunter-gatherers for thousands of years, are likely to be the oldest population of humans on Earth, according to the biggest and most detailed analysis of African DNA. The San, also known as bushmen, are directly descended from the original population of early human ancestors who gave rise to all other groups of Africans and, eventually, to the people who left the continent to populate other parts of the world ...

Science Editor, Steve Connor

Thursday 30 April 2009


African genes tracked back

Method extends archaeological and linguistic data by tracing early human migration

The first humans left Africa some 200,000 years ago, dispersing to populate the rest of the world. But this was not a one-way trip: some people came back. Scientists say that they have traced a reverse migration that, in two steps, carried genes from the rest of the world back to southern Africa, long before European colonizers arrived ...


Erika Check Hayden
27 August 2013


Quite an extensive but very informative piece brother James M. . As I was reading it, it correlates with a book that I just began to read. The Africans Who Wrote The Bible by Nana Banchie Darkwah ... It's amazing how pieces of light begin to connect and the darkness is slowly lifted when we embark on a path of discovery...
Being the most ancient is not synonomous with being the children of Israel. Either way, since the masons have achieved so much influence they lie a lot in science. Adam was like middle eastern men in dna and Eve like African women and all the races came from them through Noah's three sons. I do, therefore, believe the first woman and mother of the living was African (like the later Nubian Kushites.

And the fact that they named the woman they found Lucy is clear evidence of their immense disrespect as it's short for Lucifer just like they introduced I love lucy the show and (masons insinuate a lot of antagonism).

Think of the name Lucy Lawless for that ugly germanic thing (so called "Xena the warriour princess).

What kind of name is "Lawless" not to mention "lucy". Lucifer the Lawless one.

Anyhow, my belief is that the Children of Israel (modern ones) will be almost non existent in paradise.

Divine election passed from the Jews to the Greeks (new testament) to the 'Arabs to the Nubians for eternity. What were the Israelites until god chose them nomadic sheep herders and slaves, after divine election, they were Kings, and prophets and priests of the most high.

Nubia had an amazing history that predates the birth of Abraham himself (Kerma, Napata and Meroe) and since the Nubians were so humble to choose the truth regardless of whether it was them or another race, they will be the rulers for eternity and will be the chosen people. I just like being honest about things instead of rewriting history which was not by a longshot written strictly by white men.

The first shall be last and the last shall be first.

Also, I hold that Nubian women will have a much more influential and powerful role than ever before (Jeremiah, "a new thing in the heavens and earth, a woman shall encompass a man").

Also, that after Adams sin, God pronounced that women shall long for men and they will rule over them. Context being, that women were put under men as a curse and punishment not as an idea.

I thought it was funny in an old movie, Regina Kings said, how do you know maybe he could be a she and they all retorted that how do you explain a whole list of bad things people killing eachother etc. basically saying that if God was feminine, the world would be a much better place. Like the Kandakes of Meroe, Queen rulers.

I also updated the original article and corrected a few mistakes.
"al radd al wajiz 'ala alladhina qalu anna ahla kush bani israil"
"the concise refutation on those who claim that the people of kush are the children of israil"
why aren't their brethren from the midianites, the ammonites, the moabites and the arabs black also
(just getting started)
if you argue that germanic (white people) all descend from gehazi than what about chinese people, indian people and many others
(the germanic tribes trace their descent to assyria before migrating to europe)
geneologists have reported that the well known historical jews (in lineage and religion), consisting of the ashkenizic, sephardic and mizrahic all have common middle eastern lineage while mentioning that they have, on some level, intermarried with the surrounding peoples (of converts)
some jews have light complexion (especially the ashkenizic) and some have darker complexion (such as the mizrahic)
the falasha jews of ethiopia don't even believe themselves are that they were the original jews
this is likely a desirable falsehood and a late reaction to the debasement of slavery in that europeans used to make american blacks feel inferior and then later, for the sake of pride, they went to the opposite extreme, that everything good is black and everything bad is white
it is a verifiable historical fact through sculptures and paintings that black people came from nubian kush after noah dispersed the tribes of his three sons to various regions of the earth
nubian history predates not only israel but even abraham
the art work of nubia shows certainly and clearly that nubia was black
egyptian relics show bronze complexioned people with straight black hair (predominately) and there are relics alike from many other nations (even ethiopia later attained middle eastern features and hair texture due to intermarriage with yemenites accross the red sea
as for the absurd argument of all european (white people) inherited leprosy from gehazi in the book of kings, this is easily refuted by the fact that leprosy does not affect a persons features, only their complexion
this is also a double edged sword because it would also mean that all europeans are themselves israelites, they just have a common birth defect
as for the likewise, ridiculous claim that the "original" israelites (black people?!) migrated to ethiopia and the rest of africa after the roman expulsion of the jews from judea this is out of chronological order, once again as black africa has a history that predates the expulsion by about 2,500 years
it is also irrational to assume that in such a small time period (really a nonexistent time) that almost all of the (allegedly) "real" black jews could have by and large entirely lost track of their history and religion while history was readily being recorded by this time but none of this is mentioned in the historical records of any nation
conspiring on a mass worldwide lie from every witnessing nation such a grandiose phenonenon would not have been possible without modern methods of communication
there are also many historic relics of ancient babylonia, from where abraham descended clearly showing that the jews were not white or black but middle eastern
as far as religious jews (not originally israelite in lineage) there are small communities of converts everywhere from china to india and africa
as for the verse in revelations (for those who believe in it) where it says that jesus had bronze (not brown either way) complexion and that his hair was white like wool, white as snow,-eyes like flaming fire (and in daniel simialrly language is used (his body was like beryl, eyes like flaming fire (hyperbole for the latter)) etc. it was referring to the color of his hair not its texture which is clearly shown in the verse itself
lastly in lamentations "our skin was black like an oven because of the terrible famine" this is refuted by the verse itself wherein it says "because of the terrible famine", not because they themselves were born with black complexion
not to mention there was a clear distinction between Israel and Kush, as recorded in the book of acts where the apostle phillip evangelized a jew of nubia of queen candace

in refuting the argument that the children of kush are the children of israel from the curses mentioned in deutoronomy
the curses for disobedience happened long ago to the actual jews but history repeats itself and in other forms, substance over form, cause and effect, if other tribes do like the jews of that time did they will achieve similar results. You reap what you sow.
rewriting history for selfish racial pride looks equally as ridiculous as the following:
"who were the real chinese people? the original chinese people were black, but they don't want you to know about that (than take isolated peices of information entirely out of context and make a false argument that everyone wants to hear and you can start your own good old fashioned racist false prophet cult. American is famous for its false prophets more so than any other country, have fun."
lastly, in revelations where it is mentioned about the pharisees that they were not jews but are the synagogue of satan, in context it was not due to race but to vice.

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