Black People : The British immigration police murder another African


Contextualizer Synthesizer
Nov 2, 2009
theory to application to discussion to percussion
independent thoughtist thinker, context linker

LONDON – Jimmy Mubenga, a father of four who sought asylum in the UK
as an Angola national, did not find the freedom nor safety he was looking

He violently died on board of British Airways flight 7, bound to Luanda,
Angola on the night of Thursday 14 October 2010.

He was “heavily restrained” by the hands of G4 security personnel, a
parasitic private capitalist company contracted by the British government to
enforce their colonial deportation orders against African and other
oppressed peoples.

As usual, the leaders of the oppressors tried to lie to cover this murder.

G4 company said a man “became unwell” on a flight while being deported
and the government joined the lie by saying that “Mubenga had taken ill.”

The eyewitnesses on the plane were clear on what happened. Wallis, a 58-
year-old oil engineer from Redcar in Cleveland, Ohio (USA) described how
he heard Mubenga "moaning and groaning" as though in pain…

Mubenga complained about his breathing difficulties for at least 10
minutes, before he lost consciousness.

The Guardian wrote on Friday 15 October, 2010, “And despite the cries of
distress from Mubenga that ‘he can’t breathe, he can‘t breathe,’ nobody
reacted, to stop this murder on BA77.”

Another eyewitness, Ben said that “the three security guards were on top of
him for 45 minutes... You could hear the guy screaming at the back of the
plane. He was saying ‘they are going to kill me.’ That is what he repeatedly

The airplane authorities only decided to cancel the flight when it was clear
that Mubenga was dead.

This in itself shows the inhumanity of British Airways and this British
society, which could not cancel the flight to save a life.

Mubenga came into the UK because the British leaders, using their
monopoly of propaganda like BBC, the British Council etc., told the African
youth that Britain is a land of democracy and human rights.

After 16 years in Britain and despite having four of his children born here in
the UK, despite working hard to keep and raise a stable family, he has
remained an undesirable alien in the eyes of the British rulers, who refused
to extend his stay under the obscure and ridiculous excuse that he could
not live in Britain because he had a brawl in a night club.

Complete Story
They tell Black folks communism is bad and when they leave a communist nation to get asylum in a NATO affiliate,

all that altruism from that nation goes out the window when the economy declines

There will be increased incidents of racial and ethnic hatred all over Europe,
not just police violencenad murder but white supremist gangs as well as the EU practices the Roshchilds austerity measures so they can as they did here in the 30s,
buy European companies for pennies on the dollar..

After the liberation struggles in Africa, the global corporate oligarchies biggest fear regading Europe was not so much communism but the fear of allowing El hajj Malik Shabbazz,
to speak to those of African descent in Paris, London, Lisbon, Rome and Amsterdam,
and spread the concepts of Black nationalism and pan Africanism

as Garvey had done 40 years earlier with the UNIA
newspaper in 4 languages.

These folks deaths used as pawns in the cold war and the return of global fascism,

are our real flesh and blood kith and kin.

An injury to one is an injury to all

and just 3 days ago: college football player killed by police outside a suburban New York bar

"Three college football players who saw a teammate get fatally shot by police outside a suburban bar were brutalized by officers and arrested when they tried to help their mortally wounded friend, their lawyer said Wednesday.

One player knows CPR and begged the police to let him try to save Danroy Henry, but instead "they put a gun to his ribs and they told him to back ... up or he would be next," ...


and just 3 days ago: college football player killed by police outside a suburban New York bar

"Three college football players who saw a teammate get fatally shot by police outside a suburban bar were brutalized by officers and arrested when they tried to help their mortally wounded friend, their lawyer said Wednesday.

One player knows CPR and begged the police to let him try to save Danroy Henry, but instead "they put a gun to his ribs and they told him to back ... up or he would be next," ...

not just the burbs but Howard Beach, Staten Island as well

NYC is under martial law for Africans

the crack runs quietly and smoothly in our communities as agencies take theirs,
off the top and will lynch us in certain areas, and coverup their tracks

that is why Blacks in London and NYC cannot handle this alone and it takes a national effort, and then a pan African effort as well

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