- Jan 3, 2002
- 1,591
- 172
The Best Thing Divine That Can Happen To Black People, Is To Become Forgetful Of Every Chapter and Verse In all Of The Religious Books In The World
By Chief Elder Osiris
Only A Divine Free Creative Thinker can Share Such Divine Information Like What Is Shared With You Here And Now, Beloved.
Can you imagine seeing Black People Mind gone Blank and no longer can remember not one chapter or verse in the religious books of our choice, would that sight not be like what a Junkie be going through withdrawal pain and suffering, such is the one type of suffering that I KNOW OF THAT SERVE TO THE LIBERATION OF THE MIND, BODY, AND SPIRIT OF THE BODY LIFE, in this case, the Black Body Life.
So, does it not stand to reason that since Religion serve as a Drug Opium To The Mind of Black People, we sitting around with our stems and pipe of Belief, such reveal that Black People Hooked on Religion, is no more than a Religious Junkie, which is what cause us to be with a need to have such to happen to us.
Something that will cause us to be placed back on the path that will lead us back into the circle of our Divinity, there where our thoughts will be Divine thoughts and not religious believing, a mental action liken to crack Cocaine, Heroin, Methamphetamine and all of those other high powered addicting Drugs that arrest the Mind and keep it under its control.
A religious believer is as a drug addict needing a fix constantly, they never want to lose that religious high, because if they do, they will be mental entice to Think Divinely about the Divine Essence, Life and the Universe, and about our Black Selves, leaving no room for the drug Jesus to take an effect upon our Mind again.
No, Really Beloved, imagine Black People forgetting who Jesus is taught to be, no longer can remember John 3: 16, can you imagine for a while, what the turmoil would be among Black People, no longer can remember to pray several Times a Day to their false God or on Sunday in the Church House of Lucifer, I am Thinking of a total Mind Block, a forgetfulness that would put Black People on the path to recovery, from their Religious Drug addicted use.
Can you imagine the frenzy such would cause the oppressors to go into, struggling to give Black Folks Mind a religious fix, but that religious mind is no longer there for their religious drugging of Black people any more, what a chaotic world it would be, the world of Arab, Jewish and Caucasian, as well as the Black World, because they can not shoot up the drug religion in Black Folks Mind, Yes, Black People being no longer able to remember the religious doctrines that serve as our Drug that religiously addict the Mind of Black People.
Can you imagine seeing Black People absent of a Religious belief, thriving only on what we Divinely Know about Life, as it relate to the Divine Essence, both Universe, as we begin to master the knowledge of the Theology of the Divine Energy, Time, Space Continuum?
No longer hooked on a Religious Drug that prevents us from interacting with the Elemental Forces that are enclosed within the Eternal Infinite Darkness, moving Freely, locked in your DNA, in a no Time zone of restriction, existing within the bosom of Divine Eternal Infinity, being the attributes of the Divine Essence, that which has the power to produce Life and to reveal the state of Eternal Infinite Existence, where Divinity and Truth reside, locked in Reality, to become your Trinity of the Divine Energy Of the Divine Essence.
Can You Understand That, Beloved?
In Life, there can not be nothing more Divine that can happen to Black People than having the experience of Religious Forgetfulness, which will serve as a sign of Black People having gone through the detoxification from the Drug Religion, rising in our Divine Mind, having Divine Thoughts about ourselves, with a Divine Knowledge of what God Is, and what our relationship to Nature Universe, Divinely, Truly and Really is.
Many Black Folks will literally Die and / or have a Mental breakdown from the pain of religious forgetfulness, because of not being able to believe religiously, it will be to severe to withstand and that would be a good thing, because such a sign, would represent that we were fighting the detoxification process, and such a resistance would bring on our Mental Death, but the survivals will serve as a sign of the rising of the Black Nation, enclosed in our Divine Mind of Knowing, and not religious believing..
Be Kind To Your Self, Beloved
Chief Elder
By Chief Elder Osiris
Only A Divine Free Creative Thinker can Share Such Divine Information Like What Is Shared With You Here And Now, Beloved.
Can you imagine seeing Black People Mind gone Blank and no longer can remember not one chapter or verse in the religious books of our choice, would that sight not be like what a Junkie be going through withdrawal pain and suffering, such is the one type of suffering that I KNOW OF THAT SERVE TO THE LIBERATION OF THE MIND, BODY, AND SPIRIT OF THE BODY LIFE, in this case, the Black Body Life.
So, does it not stand to reason that since Religion serve as a Drug Opium To The Mind of Black People, we sitting around with our stems and pipe of Belief, such reveal that Black People Hooked on Religion, is no more than a Religious Junkie, which is what cause us to be with a need to have such to happen to us.
Something that will cause us to be placed back on the path that will lead us back into the circle of our Divinity, there where our thoughts will be Divine thoughts and not religious believing, a mental action liken to crack Cocaine, Heroin, Methamphetamine and all of those other high powered addicting Drugs that arrest the Mind and keep it under its control.
A religious believer is as a drug addict needing a fix constantly, they never want to lose that religious high, because if they do, they will be mental entice to Think Divinely about the Divine Essence, Life and the Universe, and about our Black Selves, leaving no room for the drug Jesus to take an effect upon our Mind again.
No, Really Beloved, imagine Black People forgetting who Jesus is taught to be, no longer can remember John 3: 16, can you imagine for a while, what the turmoil would be among Black People, no longer can remember to pray several Times a Day to their false God or on Sunday in the Church House of Lucifer, I am Thinking of a total Mind Block, a forgetfulness that would put Black People on the path to recovery, from their Religious Drug addicted use.
Can you imagine the frenzy such would cause the oppressors to go into, struggling to give Black Folks Mind a religious fix, but that religious mind is no longer there for their religious drugging of Black people any more, what a chaotic world it would be, the world of Arab, Jewish and Caucasian, as well as the Black World, because they can not shoot up the drug religion in Black Folks Mind, Yes, Black People being no longer able to remember the religious doctrines that serve as our Drug that religiously addict the Mind of Black People.
Can you imagine seeing Black People absent of a Religious belief, thriving only on what we Divinely Know about Life, as it relate to the Divine Essence, both Universe, as we begin to master the knowledge of the Theology of the Divine Energy, Time, Space Continuum?
No longer hooked on a Religious Drug that prevents us from interacting with the Elemental Forces that are enclosed within the Eternal Infinite Darkness, moving Freely, locked in your DNA, in a no Time zone of restriction, existing within the bosom of Divine Eternal Infinity, being the attributes of the Divine Essence, that which has the power to produce Life and to reveal the state of Eternal Infinite Existence, where Divinity and Truth reside, locked in Reality, to become your Trinity of the Divine Energy Of the Divine Essence.
Can You Understand That, Beloved?
In Life, there can not be nothing more Divine that can happen to Black People than having the experience of Religious Forgetfulness, which will serve as a sign of Black People having gone through the detoxification from the Drug Religion, rising in our Divine Mind, having Divine Thoughts about ourselves, with a Divine Knowledge of what God Is, and what our relationship to Nature Universe, Divinely, Truly and Really is.
Many Black Folks will literally Die and / or have a Mental breakdown from the pain of religious forgetfulness, because of not being able to believe religiously, it will be to severe to withstand and that would be a good thing, because such a sign, would represent that we were fighting the detoxification process, and such a resistance would bring on our Mental Death, but the survivals will serve as a sign of the rising of the Black Nation, enclosed in our Divine Mind of Knowing, and not religious believing..
Be Kind To Your Self, Beloved
Chief Elder