Black Astrology : *THE AGE OF AQUARIUS*

Eye am not ignorant of any "sources" that attempt to usurp or block what "will" take place.

No, Eye am not nor do Eye intend to be associated with Satanists. Geez, smh.

Eye am confident of my sources...are u?

You just danced around the info I posted. your kickin a satanic philosophy from whitey. I am not sure you study history but You claim to be black but your posting the whitemans occultism he invented this in the 1600's. from Gnosticism

These are the religions started by black people for black people for unity until the white race conqured all people and changed religions.

Hebrew bible written by black people.

Christianity started by black Jews in Europe

Islam started by black Arabs

Negros invented astronomy not astrology

your astrology is nothing but several pseudoscientific systems of divination based on the premise that there is a relationship between astronomical phenomena and events in the human world. Which there is "NONE" no conncetion

The American negro's forefathers(people from slaves) they were actually historicaly Hebrews They knew astronomy not astrology, here is a verse from the black bible hebrew records this is there knowledge compare it with your astronomy.

Wisdom of Solomon 7-17-20

17 For he hath given me certain knowledge of the things that are, namely, to know how the world was made, and the operation of the elements:

18 The beginning, ending, and midst of the times: the alterations of the turning of the sun, and the change of seasons:

19 The circuits of years, and the positions of stars:

20 The natures of living creatures, and the furies of wild beasts: the violence of winds, and the reasonings of men: the diversities of plants and the virtues of roots:

See this is the knowledge of the ancients.

see one thing I know from your posts, is you do not understand history thats why your into occultism.

Question do you know who you are or your people? what part of africa did the majority of our people come from? do you know the tribe or tribes your people came from.

Note: modern day Satanism and freemasonry came from the white race
... Negros invented astronomy not astrology
your astrology is nothing but several pseudoscientific systems of divination based on the premise that there is a relationship between astronomical phenomena and events in the human world. Which there is "NONE" no conncetion
The American negro's forefathers(people from slaves) they were actually historicaly Hebrews They knew astronomy not astrology ...

Obviously, I take exception to the following statement only-that Negroes did not invent Astrology, and here's why. The Mazzaroth has it's beginning in the temple of Esneh in Egypt:

"What was God’s original message in the stars? We must first determine where to begin. Modern astrology begins with Aries, The Ram (Lamb). But in the temple of Esneh in Egypt, there is a great sky painting in the portico which pictures the zodiac. Between Virgo, The Virgin, and Leo, The Lion, there is carved the figure of the sphinx with the head of a woman and the body of a lion. The woman’s face is looking at Leo and the lion’s tail is pointing at Virgo, telling us we begin with the virgin and end with Leo.

That same sphinx is found in the same place in a number of other great paintings of the Mazzaroth (or zodiac) in other parts of Northern Africa (the Near East), going back as much as 4,000 years, telling us the original place of beginning. So, we begin God’s wonderful message of love and peace with the House of The Virgin."

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Obviously, I take exception to the following statement only-that Negroes did not invent Astrology, and here's why. The Mazzaroth has it's beginning in the temple of Esneh in Egypt:

"What was God’s original message in the stars? We must first determine where to begin. Modern astrology begins with Aries, The Ram (Lamb). But in the temple of Esneh in Egypt, there is a great sky painting in the portico which pictures the zodiac. Between Virgo, The Virgin, and Leo, The Lion, there is carved the figure of the sphinx with the head of a woman and the body of a lion. The woman’s face is looking at The Virgin and the lion’s tail is pointing at The Lion, telling us that we begin with Virgo, and end with Leo.

That same sphinx is found in the same place in a number of other great paintings of the Mazzaroth (or zodiac) in other parts of Northern Africa (the Near East), going back as much as 4,000 years, telling us the original place of beginning. So, we begin God’s wonderful message of love and peace with the House of The Virgin."

Hello! I read your post but 3 things we must discuss

1. Negros did "NOT" invent astrology The Mazzaroth and the Esneh are examples of "ASTRONOMY" NOT "ASTROLOGY"

Note: The ancient people of Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Israel knew the patterns of Stars and constellations this knowledge is called Astronomy

2. What is a astrologer An astrologer practices one or more forms of astrology. Typically an astrologer draws a horoscope for the time of an event, such as a person's birth, and interprets celestial points and their placements to better understand someone or determine the auspiciousness of an undertaking.

Note to Clyde C Coger Jr the ancients did not do this. The ancients did not call themselves astrologers the word did not even exist yet until the white race discovered Babylonian culture and turned and manipulated their culture to modern day astrology.

Historical Note: The Babylonian people thought that the planets were physical gods

Jupiter with Marduk,
Venus with the goddess Ishtar,
Saturn with Ninurta (Ninib),
Mercury with Nabu (Nebo),
Mars with Nergal.

The movements of the Sun, Moon and five planets were regarded as representing the activity of the five gods in question, together with the moon-god Sin and the Sun-god Shamash, in preparing the occurrences on earth.

See this was their culture, the whiteman stole their pagan customs and made up numerology and astrology and occultism doctrines like Jeane L. Dixon Horoscopes Astrological Forecasts Predictions, of the Future this is all bogus and this is what that brotha Fine1952 is pushin.

The last one we must discuss is the comment you made

this is your comment which is WRONG!

"The Mazzaroth has it's beginning in the temple of Esneh in Egypt:"

The Hebrews knew more about the position of stars than the Egyptians
proof is in sailing our people sailed the 7 seas way before Egypt.

we actually discovered this land called America history calls us Phonecians

Map Coin from approximately 341 BC.

Closer look at the bottom of the coin shows a map of the lands they traveled including America

Here is more proof that Hebrews studied the skys not Egypt or their culture.

The Hebrew prophets showed us that the primary use of the astronomical bodies is for calculating times and seasons and to serve as signs.

(Genesis) 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

Notice the emphasises is on keeping track of time. Therefore, keep this in mind as we study. The astronomical bodies are to serve as:

2.and for seasons
3.and for days
4.and for years

(Job) 38:31-33 “Can you bind the beautiful Pleiades? Can you loose the cords of Orion? Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons or lead out the Bear with its cubs?

See the Hebrew culture was completely different from all other cultures on Earth. They did not add other cultural influences to their scriptures they were sacred.

Hello! I read your post but 3 things we must discuss

1. Negros did "NOT" invent astrology The Mazzaroth and the Esneh are examples of "ASTRONOMY" NOT "ASTROLOGY"

2. What is a astrologer An astrologer practices one or more forms of astrology. Typically an astrologer draws a horoscope for the time of an event, such as a person's birth, and interprets celestial points and their placements to better understand someone or determine the auspiciousness of an undertaking.

Note to Clyde C Coger Jr the ancients did not do this. The ancients did not call themselves astrologers the word did not even exist yet until the white race discovered Babylonian culture and turned and manipulated their culture to modern day astrology.

The last one we must discuss is the comment you made this is your comment which is WRONG!

"The Mazzaroth has it's beginning in the temple of Esneh in Egypt:"

Here's what we know TruthHitman, there is conflation between the terms Mazzaroth (Zodiac) and Astrology (Modern); their juxtaposition makes it hard to draw a sharp dichotomy as you've done, between the two. One deals with planetary influences upon the earth, and the other with those same influences upon humanity.

Furthermore, the record doesn't credit Whites but Blacks (Negroes) with creating the template for modern astrology, which starts in ancient Babylon, specifically, with Nimrod. Moreover, sacred astronomy became modern astrology, and the Mazzaroth points us in the direction of that transition.
Also, a critical element, the practices of Urim and Thummin, is not given any weight in your rebuttal, as it should have been considered.

Therefore, I must strongly disagree with your comment on the basis of fact:

"The Mazzaroth and the Esneh are examples of "ASTRONOMY" NOT "ASTROLOGY"

Mazzaroth – The Hebrew Zodiac


Babylonian astrology was the first organised system of astrology, arising in the 2nd millennium BC.[10] There is speculation that astrology of some form appeared in the Sumerian period in the 3rd millennium BC, but the isolated references to ancient celestial omens dated to this period are not considered sufficient evidence to demonstrate an integrated theory of astrology.[11] The history of scholarly celestial divination is therefore generally reported to begin with late Old Babylonian texts (c. 1800 BC), continuing through the Middle Babylonian and Middle Assyrian periods (c. 1200 BC).[12]

Holden, James Herschel, 1996. A History of Horoscopic Astrology. AFA. ISBN 978-0-86690-463-6.

Chronology was a chief consideration in the study of astronomy among the Jews; sacred time was based upon the cycles of the Sun and the Moon. The Talmud identified the twelve constellations of the zodiac with the twelve months of the Hebrew calendar. The correspondence of the constellations with their names in Hebrew and the months is as follows:

And lastly, you seriously misunderstand my below statement, as stated by you:

"The last one we must discuss is the comment you made this is your comment which is WRONG!"

"The Mazzaroth has it's beginning in the temple of Esneh in Egypt:"

"The Hebrews knew more about the position of stars than the Egyptians
proof is in sailing our people sailed the 7 seas way before Egypt."

The above statement makes reference to where the
Mazzaroth starts the signs/months, not some competition with Egypt. It starts with Virgo, not Aries. How on God's earth did you miss this portion of my statement, below?

... The woman’s face is looking at Leo and the lion’s tail is pointing at Virgo, telling us we begin with the virgin and end with Leo ...


Modern Astrology starts with Aries.


Here's what we know TruthHitman, there is conflation between the terms Mazzaroth (Zodiac) and Astrology (Modern); their juxtaposition makes it hard to draw a sharp dichotomy as you've done, between the two. One deals with planetary influences upon the earth, and the other with those same influences upon humanity.

Furthermore, the record doesn't credit Whites but Blacks (Negroes) with creating the template for modern astrology, which starts in ancient Babylon, specifically, with Nimrod. Moreover, sacred astronomy became modern astrology, and the Mazzaroth points us in the direction of that transition.
Also, a critical element, the practices of Urim and Thummin, is not given any weight in your rebuttal, as it should have been considered.

Therefore, I must strongly disagree with your comment on the basis of fact:

"The Mazzaroth and the Esneh are examples of "ASTRONOMY" NOT "ASTROLOGY"

Mazzaroth – The Hebrew Zodiac


Babylonian astrology was the first organised system of astrology, arising in the 2nd millennium BC.[10] There is speculation that astrology of some form appeared in the Sumerian period in the 3rd millennium BC, but the isolated references to ancient celestial omens dated to this period are not considered sufficient evidence to demonstrate an integrated theory of astrology.[11] The history of scholarly celestial divination is therefore generally reported to begin with late Old Babylonian texts (c. 1800 BC), continuing through the Middle Babylonian and Middle Assyrian periods (c. 1200 BC).[12]

Holden, James Herschel, 1996. A History of Horoscopic Astrology. AFA. ISBN 978-0-86690-463-6.

Chronology was a chief consideration in the study of astronomy among the Jews; sacred time was based upon the cycles of the Sun and the Moon. The Talmud identified the twelve constellations of the zodiac with the twelve months of the Hebrew calendar. The correspondence of the constellations with their names in Hebrew and the months is as follows:

And lastly, you seriously misunderstand my below statement, as stated by you:

"The last one we must discuss is the comment you made this is your comment which is WRONG!"

"The Mazzaroth has it's beginning in the temple of Esneh in Egypt:"

"The Hebrews knew more about the position of stars than the Egyptians
proof is in sailing our people sailed the 7 seas way before Egypt."

The above statement makes reference to where the
Mazzaroth starts the signs/months, not some competition with Egypt. It starts with Virgo, not Aries. How on God's earth did you miss this portion of my statement, below?

... The woman’s face is looking at Leo and the lion’s tail is pointing at Virgo, telling us we begin with the virgin and end with Leo ...


Modern Astrology starts with Aries.


Shalam my friend doing ok! hope so. alright! lets get down to business

This is your comment "One deals with planetary influences upon the earth, and the other with those same influences upon humanity.

Truthhitmans Comment "You are right about only one of your statements yes! the Hebrews deal with the planetary influences upon the earth and the other is Pseudoscience planets have no influence on humanity unless the sun blows up!

I would like to address your other statement regarding the Urim and Thummin

your comment "critical element, the practices of Urim and Thummin, is not given any weight in your rebuttal, as it should have been considered.

Truthhitmans comment " actually the Urim and Thummin have "NOTHING" to do with astrology nor astronomy your comment lets me know that you do not understand the ancient Hebrew culture, specially if you think it was used like a crystal ball for magic or hocus pocus

This is how the Urim and thummin was used

Josephus Antiquities of the Jews - Book III - 8 -9 Urim and Thummin

The high priest's breastplate, called the "breast-plate of decision"

"I mention what is still more wonderful than this: for God declared beforehand, by those twelve stones which the high priest bare on his breast, and which were inserted into his breastplate, when they should be victorious in battle; for so great a splendor shone forth from them before the army began to march, that all the people were sensible of God's being present for their assistance..........For as to those stones, which we told you before, the high priest bare on his shoulders, which were sardonyxes, (and I think it needless to describe their nature, they being known to every body,) the one of them shined out when God was present at their sacrifices"-------Josephus Antiquities of the Jews - Book III - 8 -9 OF THE PRIESTHOOD OF AARON

Sorry my brotha the Urim and Thummin was only used for 3 reasons and none of them was magic or Jean Dixon crap

1. These are small gems worn on the shoulder of the priest its not a round crystal ball like you see in movies or tarot cards.
2. It shone when God was present at their sacrifices
3. It was used to declared before-hand when they should be victorious in battle.

Ok! do you understand!

I have already proven that their is a "BIG" difference between Astrology and Astronomy but to prove my point again I have something to share with you, something you like.

this was found in Israel its named Hamat Tiberias is an ancient archaeological site found along the shore of the Sea of Galilee in Israel

See clyde notice the zodiac wheel thats a whiteman Helios Sun God on that wheel this is Greco Roman zodiac they brought their "PAGAN" customs into Israel when they conquered Israel. The synagogue dates to 286 and 337 CE, when Tiberias was the seat of the Sanhedrin.

and last my friend I already told you that the Hebrew knew more about the movement of stars than any other nation on the planet.

Question why in scripture does it say Babylon the great has fallen well because America is modern day Babylon and the white race took Old Babylonian customs and present them in a changed understanding and its called New Age, Rasta Masons,
Freemasonry Prince Hall thats all considered Babylon thats why destruction is commin real soon



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