Black Education / Schools : Study: Most Students in South are Poor

Jan 22, 2001
betwixt and between
Website Consultant
Study: Most students in South are poor


WASHINGTON — For the first time in more than 40 years, the majority of children in public schools in the South are poor, according to a report released Tuesday.

In 11 Southern states, including Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida, a significant increase in the number of poor children attending public school has sent district officials scurrying for solutions on how to best educate kids who are coming from economically disadvantaged homes.

In places like Memphis, where roughly 80 percent of students come from low-income homes, that has meant adopting models that address teaching children in poverty. In Miami-Dade, where 61 percent of students are on free or reduced-price lunch, that has meant strengthening efforts to improve all students' math and reading scores and curb dropout rates.

"The reason this presents a profound challenge for us is that low-income students as a group begin school least ready," Suitts said. "They are the students most likely to drop out of school. They perform at the lowest levels on tests that decide graduation and advancement. They have the least access to college."

Twenty years ago, Mississippi was the only state in the country with such a high percentage of poor public school students. However, as textile mills shut down in the Carolinas, Appalachian coal mines cut workers and a recession swept the nation, families in the South were especially hard hit, the Southern Education Foundation report found.

Also hitting the South disproportionately were federal cutbacks in anti-poverty programs, the region's higher rates of underemployment and the increased birthrates of Hispanic and African American children — who are statistically more likely than their white peers to be born into poverty.

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Destee, the SOUTH will get POORER in the years to come.

The NEXT GENERATION that IS...THis is not what our ANCESTORS WANT

I posted a thread in BLACK BUSINESS about it.

We are being I believe DELIBRATELY IGNORED.

Since we have a REGION let's add some ACTUAL SCHOOLS to this LIST that OUR PEOPLE need to KNOW.

I hope you did not miss the 'DROPOUT FACTORIES'


Any BROTHER or SISTER know how to GRAB and SAVE IT, please let me KNOW.

Check this map out and see if your school or county is CONSIDERED as SUCH...

Click here for an interactive look at dropout factories across the country.
For starters, I would like to welcome you to the Family magai, if no one has done so already; please make yourself feel at home.

Now, for one thing, I would like to see other sources than the Southern Education Foundation offering their analysis and position(s) on this matter. Just like everything else, although this is a concern, they are going to sit back and watch more poor kids go to school, so they can continue writing up studies, statistics, reports, etc., and living good, without doing one thing to help the problem.

Also, take into account the fact that many of the areas highlighted as "poor" are also the places where many natural disasters occur (i.e. california, louisiana, texas, just to name a few). Most "poor" folk do not have the means to re-adjust, and get back on their feet after going through such a thing. If it is that way for the parents and adults, how else do you think it would be for the children, notwithstanding school attendance status? It is stupid how they look at the "poor" suffer more everyday, and instead of get up of their behinds and do something, sit in the offices and type up how they are going to help them, and not help them. Then on top of that, they will come back and give you all these reports, write-ups, studies, and statistics on things that could be prevented through limiting their addiction to electromagnetic radiation.

I am really beginning to think that Health People 2010 is one big joke...I really am!

Then again, what else could you expect in dying times...


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Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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