Black People : Strawman Argument - What is it? - Please Provide Examples

Explain to me what a strawman tactic really is, pls...or arguments as you say. I wasn't arguing with you. I was stating the case as I see it. What's strawnan about that?

Sometime I feel that when a simple answer is given, the strawman comes in. I've noticed this in other threads.

It's something one can easily pick up from talking with White people who feel they should have been born into nobility.

A strawman argument is the formal word for""I'mma speak for you and show you you're wrong."

Accusing someone of a strawman is essentially saying "Don't put words in my mouth."

An example of a strawman is when a woman asks a man, "So you don't love me anymore?" knowing full well he didn't say that. Another example of course is if a man compliments Lauryn Hill's looks and she goes, "So you think Lauryn Hill is more attractive than me?"

In an argument setting it can be as simple as you paraphrasing the next person. Ex.

"I don't like how the Police write me a ticket if I'm one minute late to driving my car?"

"Oh so now Whitey is the Devil?" (Strawman)

Or even "Oh so now Whitey is the Devil. You can't see that not everything is bad." (Strawman argument)

It's best, when quoting people, to quote people or when referencing people's comments to reference their comments. And if you want to make an accusation, make sure its verbatim to what they say. That is--if they had a history of talking with the White folk who thought they should be nobility.

In normal parlance we make straw people all the time.
Strawman arguments also happen when people need to divert the conversation or debate when they feel they've been trapped or cornered. It is really straight out manipulation to make your position/point of view seem to be more accurate.

woooo, I see a lot of that here. I can see clearer now it's plain to see. All the cob webs have been brushed away.
That's ratchet, she tried it.....
Thanks love!!

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