Black People : Stop going to white owned "black" sites

the root, the grio, blackvoices are all white liberal owned websites meant to keep you voting for the democratic party. If you post anything negative about the entertainment industry or the education system your post will either disappear or you will be kept from posting. They remove any knowledge being posted that threatens their ability to sheep herd black Americans into voting for them.

These sites are not there to help black people. Their purpose is to use victimization and fear to keep black people voting for democrats, and use celebrities to data mine web visitors.

Tell everyone to stop going to these sites.

Welcome to Destee.

Do you favor black people voting conservative?
the root, the grio, blackvoices are all white liberal owned websites meant to keep you voting for the democratic party. If you post anything negative about the entertainment industry or the education system your post will either disappear or you will be kept from posting. They remove any knowledge being posted that threatens their ability to sheep herd black Americans into voting for them.

These sites are not there to help black people. Their purpose is to use victimization and fear to keep black people voting for democrats, and use celebrities to data mine web visitors.

Tell everyone to stop going to these sites.
Black voices was cool until huffington post took it over. They really had a great African American forum. But their white voices overrode ours, that was the end.
:hello: Ingram ... Welcome Welcome Welcome ... :wave:

Thanks for sharing!

This is not a new phenomena. It's been going on all of the time.

A Brother named Cinque B. Sengbe of Afronet wrote a great article on this years ago :

Black Sites That Are White Owned

He probably wrote this back in 1998 or thereabouts (we worked together back then).

It's hard in these streets if you're B(lack) O(wned) C(ontrolled) C(onceived) ... :sad:

Loving Us!


Black voices was cool until huffington post took it over. They really had a great African American forum. But their white voices overrode ours, that was the end.

We no longer get to independently pick the subject matter. This ruined BVs. They were told as much. They hoped it would bring a black audience to their site. It only served to run them off

the root, the grio, blackvoices are all white liberal owned websites meant to keep you voting for the democratic party. If you post anything negative about the entertainment industry or the education system your post will either disappear or you will be kept from posting. They remove any knowledge being posted that threatens their ability to sheep herd black Americans into voting for them.

These sites are not there to help black people. Their purpose is to use victimization and fear to keep black people voting for democrats, and use celebrities to data mine web visitors.

Tell everyone to stop going to these sites.

You'll find that we don't agree with many of the elephant people's wing nut policies here either


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Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Holidays to all members of Destee.
Destee wrote on Cindy's profile.
YAAAAAAAAAAY @Cindy ... :love: