Look up the phrase "Strawman's Argument." That's what the above constitutes.It shouldn't be a template for black people's faith. And what about other black people and races that have different beliefs and religions?
See what I mean? First quote, you say what about EVERY RELIGION IN THE WORLD? This one, when you feel you can "win" a (bogus) argument.... where none exists.... you talk about "black people's faith." SMHI'm sorry If I think the world should evolves around me but obviously there is a problem. I really don't know what that problem is,but I have a feeling some of these problems originated in Black people's faith. The template of this faith is Christianity, not the opposite.
When you say everyone else is "blind," you most certainly are. **sigh**Regardless of the religion that black people undertake I know they would at least have powerful faith. I constantly question my own faith so It is not as though I'm just pointing fingers.
I understand. I'm sorry for being soo self centered. I guess I was blind.

Black people have never been pagans. Only whites.But then for every ignorance there is reason/truth. I do believe when you say that for every darkness their is light and maybe that what Christianity is. But that is not what I think the situation is . I think it is in the reverse. For every light their is darkness. I believe that black people have fallen into a trap. I rather like black people being pagans .
Yes I do believe you when you say that Christianity originated in Africa, but do most black people who look at the bible know this? My own grandma is heavily Christian and in her house there is is a blue-eyed white Jesus portrait. She accepted this religion as she seen the light in it when she was in trouble, but I believe she failed to see the darkness in it first.
Look, I understand (I think) where you're coming from. But, well, #1, everybody isn't like your grandmother. There's never been a blue-eyed Jesus in my house. NEVER! And not in my parents, NOR my grandparents' homes, either. Don't make the mistake of thinking black people/Christians are a monolith in their beliefs.... or their understanding of the bible. '
(Or interpretation, i.e., I don't know how your anyone can read "hair like lamb's wool" or "feet like bronze" and come away with the impression a white man is being described.

I say I am "in tune" with where you're coming from because as a teen, I, too, questioned my faith. It's something people serious about their religious beliefs, do. Especially when we're children and in no position to do anything about the ills and evils of the world. We question. Why, God? Why? There are some simple answers, e.g., "bad things happen to good people," etc. But those "distilled" homilies are for those who've gone through the fire and come out on the other side, e.g., Born Again, Spiritual Awakening, etc. As a teenager, you're prolly going to have to struggle through until you make up your mind one way or the other.
Wow. Well, most of us believe in balance and harmony, as well, and I agree that black people are the salvation of the entire WORLD.Black people are not my curiosity. Balance and harmony is and I believe that if black people in America don't achieve this harmony with each other then the entire world is going to be ruin. I don't know why black people was put into this world but it has to be more then just religion. Also what is the point of paying my dues to black people if they are not going to receive all the payment( white society).
Your concept of paying one's dues, however, is a little off.... no, a whole LOT OFF-balance! (lol) I'm sure there are others reading this who can advise you on what that phrase means as well as I can, so I'll let someone else take that one.

Thank You for accepting my thanks. I really see what you are trying to say to me. Black people don't have to do anything for me. But I would not give up on them. I really do love my people, but sometimes you have to recognize the bad as well. Thank you Sis for reevaluating my ideas. I did went a little overboard.
Thank YOU for the kind of thoughtful, APPRECIATIVE son most of us would love to have! In the above quote, you have warmed the hearts of every mother (pappy, too

their teenager