Black Spirituality Religion : Spiritual Interpretation Depending on Race?


Active Member
Aug 13, 2014
Hidden Poet, Enlightener
I watch a lot of those ghost shows on channels like Destination America and I was wondering how most races view spirituality and the afterlife. On T.V I have only seen white psychic mediums and have seen no other race. It seems that they heavily focus on the existence of ghost and that in the afterlife most of your family is waiting for you happily and that they are protecting you from constant danger. I don't know it just seems too "simple". There are either good spirits or bad spirits and that angels will protect you if you have enough faith. I mean some of the stuff I believe, but not all of them.

I tried to find black psychic mediums and how Africans approach spirituality online , but I have receive useless information. The only thing close to black spirituality I have receive is from that movie
"The Last Exorcism 2"and the black people in their did not receive a happy ending.

Any comments?
Interesting. You diss black folks' Christianity yet ya swallow white folks ghost stories and mediums.... and lament the lack of same in the black community! (lol) At any rate, lil bruth, since you asked, well, I'll let Paul Mooney tell you why. ;)

I think you're judging a little bit too fast. I don't diss black folks "FAITH" and "ENERGY". If anything I diss the "RELIGION ITSELF". I'm not a Christian, but I do believe in spirituality and spiritual beings. But that is my opinion. The only reason why I do not like black Christianity is how it was "introduced" to the black community. If white people gave the religion on a silver platter and black people with their own intentions and freedom gladly took it then I can't say anything. Unfortunately in most scenarios that did not happen and black people weren't the only ones who were a victim of this. From the question that I post earlier I learn that I can only change myself. But you can't change reality. You can only blind yourself from the truth.

Also I posted this question so I can move away from "white folks" ghost stories and mediums. All I wanted was another perspective of this phenomenon. I wanted a black perspective of this , but if this reaction is the result I really don't know.

I saw the video you posted and I believe most of it. Ghosts do not exist. But spirits/souls do. Maybe white people see ghosts because of their genetic make-up. Do you know why?In those comedians shows for every joke their are truths. But in the video you show me I haven't been given any real explanation for this phenomenon and the real perspectives of how blacks or Africans view spirituality.

Thanks for commenting though :)
I think you're judging a little bit too fast. I don't diss black folks "FAITH" and "ENERGY". If anything I diss the "RELIGION ITSELF".

Christianity is a religion and you used Christianity as your template for black people's faith.

I'm not a Christian, but I do believe in spirituality and spiritual beings. But that is my opinion. The only reason why I do not like black Christianity is how it was "introduced" to the black community. If white people gave the religion on a silver platter and black people with their own intentions and freedom gladly took it then I can't say anything. Unfortunately in most scenarios that did not happen and black people weren't the only ones who were a victim of this. From the question that I post earlier I learn that I can only change myself. But you can't change reality. You can only blind yourself from the truth.
Once there was an old, black lady. She was desperately poor. So poor, she didn't have anything to eat. She was on her knees, praying to God with all her heart to send her something to eat for dinner. A couple boys listening under her bedroom window heard her. One of them giggled to the other: "Let bring her some groceries and pretend they dropped from heaven!" They went home, raided their parents' larder, brought the food, a feast!, back to the old lady's house, and knocked on the door. They then ran behind some bushes and waited. The old lady opened the door, looked around, then saw the basket of food on her doorstep. "Oh, thank you Lord! Oh, thank you Jesus!" she screamed to the heavens, tears rolling down her cheeks. When the boys busted up laughing from behind the bushes, she only thanked God some more, saying: "The devil may have brought it but God, YOU sent it!"

God walked on this earth as Jesus, a black man. Christianity came out of Africa. For those of our ancestors who were not Christians in the motherland, well, look to the old lady and the circuitous way SHE got dinner - the devil may have brought it (Christianity to our ancestors), but God sent it. Look to the log in your own eye, lil bruth, before speaking of the speck in black people's eyes and calling the rest of us blind.

Also I posted this question so I can move away from "white folks" ghost stories and mediums. All I wanted was another perspective of this phenomenon. I wanted a black perspective of this , but if this reaction is the result I really don't know.
Which is why it is not good to put yourself in a high place, to build your intellectual house on sand. Too easy to be knocked down.

I saw the video you posted and I believe most of it. Ghosts do not exist. But spirits/souls do. Maybe white people see ghosts because of their genetic make-up. Do you know why?In those comedians shows for every joke their are truths. But in the video you show me I haven't been given any real explanation for this phenomenon and the real perspectives of how blacks or Africans view spirituality.

Thanks for commenting though :)

Black people are not put on this earth to satisfy YOUR curiosity. Pay some dues, then demand payment.

And you're welcome. :)
Christianity is a religion and you used Christianity as your template for black people's faith.
It shouldn't be a template for black people's faith. And what about other black people and races that have different beliefs and religions? I'm sorry If I think the world should evolves around me but obviously there is a problem. I really don't know what that problem is,but I have a feeling some of these problems originated in Black people's faith. The template of this faith is Christianity, not the opposite. Regardless of the religion that black people undertake I know they would at least have powerful faith. I constantly question my own faith so It is not as though I'm just pointing fingers.

Once there was an old, black lady. She was desperately poor. So poor, she didn't have anything to eat. She was on her knees, praying to God with all her heart to send her something to eat for dinner. A couple boys listening under her bedroom window heard her. One of them giggled to the other: "Let bring her some groceries and pretend they dropped from heaven!" They went home, raided their parents' larder, brought the food, a feast!, back to the old lady's house, knocked on the door, then ran behind some bushes and waited. The old lady opened the door, looked around, then saw the basket of food on her doorstep. "Oh, thank you Lord! Oh, thank you Jesus!" she cried to the heaven, tears rolling down her cheeks. When the boys burst out laughing from behind the bushes, she only thanked God some more, saying: "The devil may have brought it but God sent it! Thank you, Jesus."

God walked on this earth as Jesus, a black man. Christianity came out of Africa. For those of our ancestors who were not Christians in the motherland, well, look to the old lady and the circuitous way SHE got dinner - the devil may have brought it (Christianity to our ancestors), but God sent it. Look to the log in your own eye, lil bruth, because speaking of the speck in black people's eyes and calling the rest of us blind.

Which is why it is not good to put yourself in a high place, to build your intellectual house on sad. Too easy to be knocked down.
I understand. I'm sorry for being soo self centered. I guess I was blind.But then for every ignorance there is reason/truth. I do believe when you say that for every darkness their is light and maybe that what Christianity is. But that is not what I think the situation is . I think it is in the reverse. For every light their is darkness. I believe that black people have fallen into a trap. I rather like black people being pagans .Yes I do believe you when you say that Christianity originated in Africa, but do most black people who look at the bible know this? My own grandma is heavily Christian and in her house there is is a blue-eyed white Jesus portrait. She accepted this religion as she seen the light in it when she was in trouble, but I believe she failed to see the darkness in it first.

Black people are not put on this earth to satisfy YOUR curiosity. Pay some dues, then demand payment.
Black people are not my curiosity. Balance and harmony is and I believe that if black people in America don't achieve this harmony with each other then the entire world is going to be ruin. I don't know why black people was put into this world but it has to be more then just religion. Also what is the point of paying my dues to black people if they are not going to receive all the payment( white society).
And you're welcome. :)
Thank You for accepting my thanks. I really see what you are trying to say to me. Black people don't have to do anything for me. But I would not give up on them. I really do love my people, but sometimes you have to recognize the bad as well. Thank you Sis for reevaluating my ideas. I did went a little overboard. :) Plus I have no right to question peoples faith. I just want people to know the truth and not just accept things just for benefits. If I have to sacrifice my beliefs to achieve my goals then I will. I'm just hoping that I wouldn't be the only one( in which I know I wouldn't right??)./

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Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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