Chief Elder Osiris

Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2002

By Chief Elder Osiris

If I should compare White People to being descendants of the Enslavement masters, am I to be considered a Racist ?

If I am indicated to be Racially Mixed, is that indication a Racist indication, even if I am being compared to another Racially mixed individual ?

Racist --Those of a different Racial phenotype in a position of Power and Control to determine the fate of a People with a different phenotype and that power and control is used to exploit, demean, abuse and Prejudice others about a Racial Phenotype based on that difference alone.

In other words, the action used to Enslave our Ancestors was in fact a Racist act, but the act to prevent us from sitting at the front of the Bus was not a Racist act but a Prejudice act, because the act was one of Law Enforcement against a specific Phenotype of a particular People, which was the Law of segregation.

So the act of Racism is acted out by a Racist that has a controlling position over another, using methods to exploit, demean and disrespect another, based upon the obvious phenotype genetic difference, motivated by a high degree of Prejudice because of that difference , with the one in the controlling position claiming to be supreme over the one being exploited and abused, based upon that Biological Geno-Phenotype Difference.

So Racism is based upon a biological phenotype difference and not a Pigment difference alone, so when the Racial Mix occur, that which change the Biological dynamics of the off-sprang, and the off-spring is the result from that mix, which had taken place, between the obvious different persons of a different genetic phenotype than someone with a more Socially accepted genetic Phenotype, then the off-sprang, being the result from such an intimate interaction, become more tolerable by the controlling class of those People with a different genetic Phenotype, they believing that they are Godly special and Racially supreme.

So that is why Obama , Tiger, and all others with a Black Biological Ancestry, is more acceptable by that obvious Different Racist Phenotype class of People, whose Phenotype Pigment is what they refer to as being White and that is why you Black people have a mental acceptance with a desire to be just like the Racist element in a White World Social Setting, and you take everything White folks tell you to be the Gospel Truth, without Thinking.

So what you have in the World is that, there are more Prejudice People, Justified and Unjustified, than you have of Racist People in the World, with Racism being the Dominant factor in causing class difference of social prejudice behavior, based on the Phenotype difference of the Entire World Anthropomorphous Family, we accepting the Racist world self classification as being Human Beings, and the World Human Beings consisting of myriads of Different Geno-Phenotype People, they being Judged mainly by Pigment and the Darker the Hew, the Lesser of a Quality Human Being you are, so say the Racist Element that Rule the World today, not realizing that Blackness transcend being Human, but verify the Divine Being.

The Moment Black People begin to stop using our Divine mind, is the moment Black people became the Major go for people in the world, and here we Black Folks are, the Prime Victims of the action of Racism, and we do not know what constitute a Racist, again, we wait for the Racist to Define his own action for us, and it should be us, the Victim of racism, that should know better than anybody, the meaning of Racism, and what constitute being a Racist, do you believe White folks invented the Cotton Gin ? Do you get my point ?

As I have shared with you before, White People have no intention of having an astute and Intelligent dialog on Race in America, and the World, as for as Race Matters, they are always planning on how to Dumb down your mind, even though we now wear White folks mind, the Racist Know what he did to sabotage our Divine Mind and the Racist Know that your Divine mind can not be held in captivity forever, so the Racist is always busy planning how to weaken your original Genetic Pool, which was entirely different from the Racist Gene Bank, that is why White people can practice Racism toward Black people, their Genetic make-Up is different from you Black people.

I know that you don't want to hear this, because it is not what you want to believe, it defy what White folks have taught you about Racism and what it mean and is to be, and when White Folks Speak, Afrikan Americans listen, you who are the cause for the Mental Down Fall of Blacks In America, today.

Be Kind To Your Self

Here Is Lovingly Thinking Of You

Chief Elder
The First Way Institute Of black ( Afrikan ) Mysticism
GOOGLE SEARCH: Chief Elder Osiris Akkebala
Chief Elder Osiris said:
I know that you don't want to hear this, because it is not what you want to believe, it defy what White folks have taught you about Racism and what it mean and is to be, and when White Folks Speak, Afrikan Americans listen, you who are the cause for the Mental Down Fall of Blacks In America, today.
And, the best proof of this bizarre influence which White Folks have over Afrikan Americans is the fact that _most_ Afrikan Americans, especially those of us such as you and jamesfrmphilly who openly admit you hate White Folks, are supporting Obama -- a black man who was picked for us by White Folks and who is the preferred choice of the CFR for POTUS 2008.

Wake Up, Black Man. You are being played by the very people you hate. It don't bother them that you hate them. They prefer that you do because they know that makes you easier to control.
Beloved, many of you are in such a Hurry to disagree with the Divine truth until you go out publicly misrepresenting the facts about that which I share, and you know what, it does not bother me if your action is intentional or unintentional, those who really read with understanding that which I share, know of you who disrespect Divine intelligence, the people that read not being influenced by your mis characterization of the Facts concerning that which I share, dismiss that you say, so you beloved, have had your say and I will let it remain at that.

Be Kind To your Self

Chief elder

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