Black Poetry : Sometimes I don't Make Sense

Desert Storm

Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2001
Sometimes I don't make sense
When I know exactly what I want to say

Sometimes I mispell
My words when
I get this way

I'm not able
To express the way I feel

But I hope
You know
What I mean

Sometimes I don't make sense
Although I try

And people wonder about me
Guess I'm kinda shy

To say what's on my heart
And make my voice renound

Sometimes the words
Escape my mouth
Before I touch
The keys and press

Sometimes I do make sense
And that scares me a lot

That I actually feel or sound
Intelligent at the moment in time

It just pours out of me so easily
And rages inside of me

It comes oozing
From my grip

And it just comes
And this confuses me

From time to time
To not be in control
Of my rythme

Or my flow
It varies
On what I know

So don't be surprised
If I don't spell a word right
The first time or second time or third time
Or even fourth time

Or my words don't seem to come together
I'm not perfect
I know
And sometimes I don't make sense
But I feel it in my soul.

Desert Storm
fa sheezee...

well actually im from las vegas...but i've been in oakland for 10 years. We live in Upper Rockridge. I have family that lives on 98th and a sis on Fruitvale! LORD LORD LORD why did u choose stockton? LOL! one of my best friends lives there and i hate going to visit...its hot and BOOOOOORING! well now ya know where i be at! :)


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The Shadow Poet wrote on N2urSoul's profile.
Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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