Black People : Some of the Facts Creating the child Immigration Crisis

I am not upset with you! I could never get pissed off engaged in a simple conversation about something that really does not affect me. I was not challenging you I said the republicans are full of do do. Does it really matter what you fight the devil with? What I do find odd is you defending the actions of the USA.

I beg your pardon? Where am I "defending the actions of the USA?" By telling the truth of the Mexican-American War? Bu not buying into the "po' Mexicans" b.s.? They had European-style armies, wore European-style uniforms and used European-style military tactics and strategies.... as well as weaponry. What's so great about the European Spainards who ruled Mexico whose descendants rule Mexico today who lost the war to the U.S. that YOU'RE defending them?
I beg your pardon? Where am I "defending the actions of the USA?" By telling the truth of the Mexican-American War? Bu not buying into the "po' Mexicans" b.s.? They had European-style armies, wore European-style uniforms and used European-style military tactics and strategies.... as well as weaponry. What's so great about the European Spainards who ruled Mexico whose descendants rule Mexico today who lost the war to the U.S. that YOU'RE defending them?
:lol::lol: Have a good night.
To be honest, I ain't mad at them for coming over here. It was all good when the economy was good, and they were doing all the jobs that nobody else wanted to do. Now that the economy has sank, and folks trying to get a job wherever they folks mad. It was okay to clean folks house, work in the hot sun for less than minimum wage, hell even minimum wage. Now people need the minimum wage and they got to go home?! You reap what you sow.
Facts on the REAL TIP about illegal child migration:

Children by the tens of thousands (last I heard was 50,000 were smuggled into the country in the last few months), children as young as 4 years old, are trafficked into the U.S. from Central America, mainly Honduras, Guatamala, and El Salvador. The current "crisis" came about because of a loophole in the illegal immigration law. Mexican illegals, by law, are dealt with administratively, i.e., they round them up, put them on buses and send them home. Central American illegals who comprise the "crisis," however, are dealt with through the courts. EACH illegal child receives a court date and has their case(s) for asylum decided by a judge.

Cartels and smugglers are taking advantage of this loophole in the law. They tell Central American parents that once their child reaches the U.S., they will become citizens, or at the least, free from deportation. They charge their parents up to $5,000/child to smuggle them in. Once caught in the U.S., the Department of Health and Human Services take the kids. HHS does NO due diligence in finding homes for the children. It's not their job. Their job is simply to settle the kids in families across the U.S. until their court dates. Since they usually place the kids with guardians and family members already in the U.S., not surprisingly, 90% are no-shows for their court dates.

HHS is budgeted $1.8 BILLION to resettle the kids. The courts are allocated $50 million. The kids' cases are backlogged. At this point in time, there's about a 3 year wait to go to court in which their parents and countrymen guardians have no intention of them appearing; courts don't have the money to track them down and force them to appear. So the message is clear: Send your minor kids to America where they'll simply disappear into the population. Thus, the only way to stem the tide of illegal children coming to America UNESCORTED (or rather, escorted by criminals), is to change the immigration law that promotes it.

It has been done. In 2005, immigration had a problem with Brazilian illegals. A tight-knit community in the U.S., they found they could exploit holes in the immigration laws. A large number of Brazilians came illegally. The U.S. responded by detaining Brazilian illegals in Texas (they called it "Texas Hold 'em). Within 30 days, Brazilian illegals dropped by 50%. Within 60 days, 90% of Brazilian illegals stopped coming. Central American CHILDREN illegals won't be stopped until the parents who paid smugglers up to $5,000 to sneak them into the country see a planeload of children coming back. That's when you'll stem the tide of illegal children coming in from Central America.

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