Black People : Some of the Facts Creating the child Immigration Crisis

A recent episode of the syndicated series, BURN NOTICE, also reveals how dated our viewpoints in the states might be, as regards today's drug carters etc, in Central America....

As much as it is a cult classic, even the remake of SCARFACE only hinted at what might come next...

Though sometimes pop culture does reflect real life too!

The United States has created this chaos themselves by sponsoring the Mayan Genocide.

Guatemalan Genocide against Mayan Peoples
Death Toll: 250,000

200,000 MURDERED, 50,000 “DISSAPEARED”

Counterinsurgency Operations in El Quiché“, February 1982, Central Intelligence Agency, secret cable, in National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 11 U.S. POLICY IN GUATEMALA, 1966-1996 Kate Doyle and Carlos Osorio. Available at: Accessed: August 18, 2009.

In 1968 the Guatemalan Army began the systematic slaughter of the native Mayan population. This period of massacre is sometimes referred to as the “Silent Holocaust”, and led to extermination en masse of native Mayan communities. The death toll in the Guatemalan Genocide exceeded that of El Salvador, Nicaragua, Argentina, and Chile combined. Guatemalan government forces – buoyed by financing and training from the United States – committed over 90% of the human rights violations during the war.

Republicans argue that the president's 2012 decision not to deport so-called dreamers — young adults brought to the country illegally as children — has led more families to hope for similar treatment.

For once, I agree with the Republicans. Obama has bent over backwards for illegal alien children.... not so much for black kids.... and thus, encourage them to break the law and enter the country.

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