I know this thread was directed at sisters, but I have a message for men.
If my posts needs to be moved, just give an objection.
What I am about to relay is my opinion (given my opinions are most peculiar).
Humans are status seeking creatures.
Employment is servitude.
To base your life or self-worth on the kind of servant you are in society is a recipe for disaster.
Employment is someone giving you something.
Is that employer also giving you your value? Self-worth? Character?
Are these not attributes that should come from within and not without?
Men, in my opinion, desire their own kingdom. To build a kingdom requires property and resources.
A man must acquire property and resources that is his own, absolutely.
To maintain a household requires property and resources.
Being a man contains the attributes of self-reliance, self-producing, and internal driven.
Employment is a means to an end and not the end itself.
Money is a tool. Do you rule it or does it rule you?
Some men talk about gaming women.
Show how much of a mack you really are. Stop gaming women (which is certainly not good) and game these systems out here if you are a true mack.
Play the game.
Play the game to win.