you are just so lame.
ain't nobody disagreeing with "say no to mookie".
where we have an issue with you is where you will, actually, acknowledge that the fellas got to step up their game, but you will gloss right over that to get back to attacking the sisters.
and then you come with stupid insults that just show that you ain't about squat.
dizzy twit!
Maybe you need to go back and reread your statements over the years.
No, that isnt what you are saying. James just doesnt think any convo about our dirty laundry should ever be aired and he attacks all versions of it. YOU on the other hand are just plain pandering. I would call it what it really is, but that would be taking this thread off path. My definition of a Mookie is not flattering to males. I am doing exactly what the OP here is doing. Asking why you keep making excuses for losers and why are still with him? So, either you man up and remain true to form or admit you are bogus