Health and Wellness : Sisters, a Health Question


Sep 13, 2008

Do you or anyone you know suffer from Menorraghia-- Heavy Bleeding? I am wondering because it's the closest medical diagnosis for what I go through, but it is not accurate. For example, Heavy Bleeding does not do justice to the length of time I generally bleed: 6 months so far (4months straight, and 2 months straight... just went off) out of this year. (not uncommon) Nor does it do justice to the amount I bleed each of those days.

Do you know any options besides birth control or hysterectmy?
If you endure this does it run in the family?

During my last bout, I constantly ate ice and the bleeding slowed down dramatically, even the relative length of time. I know that ice generally means iron deficiency but I have taken iron pills before and they do not help, leading me to believe that the ice and iron deficiency correlation is not correct.

Anyway, I'm looking for ideas.
Something similar happened to me years ago. I almost passed out a couple times, smh, so I got myself to the doctors office. After running a CBC, it was found that I was extremely anemic, and was told if I was any more anemic I would have needed blood. The doctor wanted to put me on some sort of hormones but I felt that wasn't a good idea for me. So I was put on birth control pills, and was given an iron supplement called Feosol. I had to choose some course of action, this sort of thing can be life threatening, it can be that severe. What does your doctor have to say?

Do you or anyone you know suffer from Menorraghia-- Heavy Bleeding? I am wondering because it's the closest medical diagnosis for what I go through, but it is not accurate. For example, Heavy Bleeding does not do justice to the length of time I generally bleed: 6 months so far (4months straight, and 2 months straight... just went off) out of this year. (not uncommon) Nor does it do justice to the amount I bleed each of those days.

Do you know any options besides birth control or hysterectmy?
If you endure this does it run in the family?

During my last bout, I constantly ate ice and the bleeding slowed down dramatically, even the relative length of time. I know that ice generally means iron deficiency but I have taken iron pills before and they do not help, leading me to believe that the ice and iron deficiency correlation is not correct.

Anyway, I'm looking for ideas.

Sister Kee ... bless your sweet heart ... the same question that Sister Watz asked, comes to my mind too ... what does your doctor say?

I have never had this problem, but if i did, i'd be at the doctor's office to see what they say.

Bleeding so heavily, can't be a good thing Sister.

If i remember properly, you shared that you were a young Sister, so i'd suggest you let your Mother know what's going on ... as she may have some insight regarding heredity and stuff ... perhaps aware of other Family Members that have experienced the same.

Plus ... there aint nuth'n like a Momma's love and concern, when something isn't right with her baby!

Please let us know what the doctor says, and i hope that it all works out well for you.

Love You Sister!


:) sisters,

this situation is not by any means new to me. Been going on for about 10 years. my doctor(s) have all simply prescribed the pill for me (because it regulates periods). in fact, i've been on quite a few different brands but they all make me either physically sick or way too moody... so i stopped taking them altogether earlier this year. i've had all kinds of tests run ultrasounds, blood, thyroid, check for fibroids, etc, but none have pinpointed the cause.

with that being said, the reason i posted this was to see if anyone had a non conventional way of dealing with the condition.... mind you this entire year has basically been devoted to looking for alternative methods. I've gone to a doctor of oriental medicine, folk remedies, etc etc.

I shyed away from "regular" doctors because I know women who have had this problem often end up undergoing hysterectomy, basically losing their uterus and yes sister Destee I am a young one 23years (so yes, this has been going on since i got my period in the first place... and adds to why i left regular doctors , this should have been resolved in 10 years...) but i eventually want kids, so um i'm gonna need to keep my womb parts :).

Sister Destee asked to let my mother know (i had to :) at this) she is well aware, in fact she went through the same thing; difference is she had a procedure done to clear out her tubes, but doctors don't really perform that anymore. as far as heredity, i'm sure it's hereditary because i have aunts, great aunts, cousins and my own mother who have delt with the same thing. Thing is, they all resolved it it different ways. From having fibroids removed to basically having all reproductive organs removed-- which leads me to believe that much like diabetes, menorraghia is just a body response to certain conditions.

With all that being said. the concern is appreciated but really i'm just looking for some unconventional information to get some new answers--which seems like i'll have to find myself.

i probably should've said some of this in the original post, but goodness it's long.

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