Black Spirituality Religion : Since Death is Inevitable...

The Jahi McMath Story

Thanks for sharing. I have not listened to the entire video but I did google a bit to get the jist of the story.


When Jahi McMath was declared brain-dead by the hospital, her family disagreed. Her case challenges the very nature of existence.

It appears she has passed away.

What are you saying with this addition to the discussion @CulturalActivity ?


I posted the video to show that irregardless of being declared brain dead by the hospital staff but viable enough to be a candidate to donate her organs the staff elected to immediately declare her brain dead and then totally unrecoverable the minute her mother refused to have her organs removed for transplantation. My apologies I was unaware the video was inappropriate.

Oh no, the video is fine. Just long ... :) ... :tv1: ... so I googled and cheated a bit.

There is nothing wrong with the video, thanks for sharing it.

Okay @ the point you're making with it. Yes. It's probably murkier and murkier these days, with technology - you can be dead, but not be dead - all at the same time. It's important to have these type of discussions with Family Members, what they want done in such cases, living wills, etc. When it comes to a child and parent scenario like the story you posted - it's a hard call for a parent to make. I read in the article that different states have different policies on this.

It wasn’t until they landed that she learned they were in New Jersey, one of only two states—New York is the other—where families can reject the concept of brain death if it violates their religious beliefs. The laws in both states were written to accommodate Orthodox Jews, some of whom believe, citing the Talmud, that the presence of breath signifies life.

It's like that plan for a journey, be prepared, consider as much as can be considered. Being sick on life support is a pretty reasonable consideration these days, something we should all discuss with our loved ones. It can make this type of scenario so much easier, just knowing what your loved one wants.

Much Love and Peace.


I think that the average sick terminally ill person understands, aka, knows when death is near, etc. Some choose not to be resuscitated, etc. Often by signing hospital orders to that effect, etc. Other words without life support systems they cannot survive, etc. In my view that's a horrible way to have a human being exist, etc. Once off the life support system they will pass alone anyway. Therefore why keep them suffering, etc.? Many folks have actually had to make such a decision, etc. Hopefully many of you never will.
Usually how we define death....for most of us in the modern western world we equate death with the total loss of consciousness (self-awareness) with the cessation all of the individuals bodily functions and the commencement of decomposition.

The Question of Death is a matter of how you identify You....if you are essentially just information which some say we are. Then Information (energy) can not be destroyed.

There has always been a school of thought that we exist separate and apart from our bodies and more and more some scientist are saying that they are finding evidence to support those arguments.....I believe this to be the case.

Well most of what you are will die, but the gene you once were a part of you will go on thru the generations carrying all that you were as information that maybe at some point be express in vary combinations so long as humanity remains extant.
Some genes only become active after death

Since a Clone is now a possibility or soon to be, are you dead if your clone is alive.

Now according to some ancient writers and modern scientist time as we know it does not exist, in terms of past and future....we live in a constant NOW and that there is no other time but NOW.
Some Scientist also believe time travel is or will be possible, if so then is the past and those in it really dead?

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