- Mar 19, 2001
- 2,627
- 33
is tactic number one
in analyzing what makes
you go Dammmmmmmmmmn!
Listening to your breath
separate the sweat beads
as they fall from your face
gripping particles and cleansing
the air / so I breathe
faster to articulate that your
style I understand as you
gyrate 35 rpm then drop
down to seven so you can
push your moans through
the canals of existence
and be-come / Silently
I listen to the blood crashing
into the banks of your veins
and pushing outward 'til the
**** breaks...Dammmmmmmmmmm!
you said / each letter
held onto your tongue to make
sure I ate the letter that preceded
it and I begin to fill
myself with your joy / I don't
open my eyes because I want my imagi
nation to practice drawing you
each stroke an "OOoh" each finishing
mark a clenched muscle of content
energy spent you lay atop me limp
held together by cellular attraction
but satisfaction has changed your name
to Cherry so I suck you 'til your
calcium depleted and switch you so
your backside can imprint the sheets /
I do things in silence to hear your
palms sweat and weep softly / I can hear
your pheromones singing and see our
scent dancing on the wicks exhalations
sparkling the flame as if adorned by
Orion's fingertips / SSsshhhh, can you
hear what I hear? The morn is rounding
the corner of the night to showcase
you under the sunrays / quivering /
the lone leaf on an ecstasy tree...
do you fear of being exposed? Of seeing
your shadow shatter from sheltered
shaking hidden under the cloak of the
night? Conception is near...what will
you call your rainfall?
is tactic number one
in analyzing what makes
you go Dammmmmmmmmmn!
Listening to your breath
separate the sweat beads
as they fall from your face
gripping particles and cleansing
the air / so I breathe
faster to articulate that your
style I understand as you
gyrate 35 rpm then drop
down to seven so you can
push your moans through
the canals of existence
and be-come / Silently
I listen to the blood crashing
into the banks of your veins
and pushing outward 'til the
**** breaks...Dammmmmmmmmmm!
you said / each letter
held onto your tongue to make
sure I ate the letter that preceded
it and I begin to fill
myself with your joy / I don't
open my eyes because I want my imagi
nation to practice drawing you
each stroke an "OOoh" each finishing
mark a clenched muscle of content
energy spent you lay atop me limp
held together by cellular attraction
but satisfaction has changed your name
to Cherry so I suck you 'til your
calcium depleted and switch you so
your backside can imprint the sheets /
I do things in silence to hear your
palms sweat and weep softly / I can hear
your pheromones singing and see our
scent dancing on the wicks exhalations
sparkling the flame as if adorned by
Orion's fingertips / SSsshhhh, can you
hear what I hear? The morn is rounding
the corner of the night to showcase
you under the sunrays / quivering /
the lone leaf on an ecstasy tree...
do you fear of being exposed? Of seeing
your shadow shatter from sheltered
shaking hidden under the cloak of the
night? Conception is near...what will
you call your rainfall?