Nothing of what you have mentioned that you feel women supply are significantly important in my opinion. All of that can be easily acquired through the purchase of goods and services. Want your home to look a certain way, hire a home decorator. Want your clothing to look great on you, go to a reputable tailor. Want your appliances installed or fixed, purchase the service. The only two things on your list that can not be easily purchased are protect and provide (though protection can be purchased once you have significant financial resources).
Really, having any of those items mentioned above as being important to a relationship seems quite shallow to me. I may be wrong, but I get the impression that much of what you consider important about what feminine energy can supply can be easily purchased with money. What can be supplied by masculine energy can also easily be acquired with money or done for ones-self. Can you supply some deeper less easily acquired through financial means explanation for what those two energies you have mentioned can supply to each other?
I can give you a short list of the things I find important.
1. Emotional, Physical, and Intellectual support for each other. Help keep each other focused on our goals. To be cheerleaders, counselors, helpmates, and lovers to each other.
2. A shared vision of parenting to help raise children into well adjusted adults.
3. A desire to grow together in knowledge about each other and the rest of reality. (Talking, Playing, Traveling, Experiencing life)