Yes, the clip is an eye opener indeed when laid out so clearly. I do hope others watch it.
kwabena - while I agree with some of your sentiments expressed, we are way past mere digital, we're into artificial intelligence big time. I am more certain that a voluntary return to the 'natural ways' is suicide at best, particularily as an African in the diaspora where no ways are natural - even more so for the African American who is even father removed from such 'natural resources' and the control thereof than the most unnatural being (the white guy)
I completely agree that our roots and knowlegde should be preserved, taught, lived and understood - but these are things we do along the way, our focus must remain on what is emerging in order to not only survive and maintain, but even prosper in this dominating world of A.I.
We will be left behind, and our children will be slaves to it, if we hang onto oldschool ideas without absorbing/understanding and working the new. Where are the children whose parents didnt buy into modern/mass education? into electricity? into modern medicine? into radio/TV? raise a child today in the USA without a PC and he starts his life jouney at a distinct disadvantage from the get-go.
I have heard many parents say they limit their kids PC time as it's digital entertainment - when perhaps they should be more focussed on making their childrens online time more productive, learning/communicating on the digital highway, the way of the today and tomorrow. How it works, whats available out there, who is out there, and how they can work it as an enhacing tool, not only a mind numbing toy.
What was natural for our parents, is different from our natural - and the time frame of this new age is so short, it is sweeping us up and our children.. and is certainly the most natural to them.
as an aside - you know I've moved recently to the states and I see a large amount of adverts for further study - for professions which are already obsolete in many parts of europe due to technology. That too, is relevant to this topic, as their target audience (us) will be hit hardest