Black Poetry : she's a BLACK SOUL SISTA in a minnie skirt plenty of work exist after any kind of kiss, SHE SAID: her body has plenty butter why look any furher it's

dang here come SANTA CLAUS.
oh a girl need help hype in this culture.
it's a belt like structure.
it's HIP HOP around the waist.
located in any town or place.
and boys hound and chase
oh, schoolteacher is ballistic.
with features and characteristics
this is not a waste of time.
and like the taste of quinine
consider it bitter like politics.
this is a brisk phat rhyme.
that could twist his brain.
being late for a cake date
this girl come with all type of flirts.
he would like a dessert.
SHE SAID: her butt round.
enough to make a store shut down.
because boys be looking
think what she got cooking.
they write a love letter.
and in the club be clever
oh, he wants a hug forever.
she's in a Minnie skirt, bra.

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The Shadow Poet wrote on N2urSoul's profile.
Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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