Black Poetry : she was a PUERTO RICAN GIRL she like freaking the world she enjoys beauty it's a boy's duty the task of a scrub is to ask for love not good home in th

like pancakes at IHOPP
even after a handshake try not
get excited she said oh stop
then she start to MOAN AND GROAN
SHE SAID: oh a boy write then
listen to the tonight wind
have a Hershey to bite when
he's hungry and lonely
oh, a girl in wet underwear
and she get thunder down there
when a boy rap love and stuff
oh, a girl breasts with milk
oh, girl breasts with milk
while in a dress made of silk
oh, a girl thing got softer and pink
when a boy offers her a drink
oh, a boy with a strange apology
because of a change in technology
and a girl arrange stuff of quality
like a love conversation
how a hug could be domination
oh, a kiss and a feast
leads to a wish for peace
this stuff is routine

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The Shadow Poet wrote on N2urSoul's profile.
Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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