she was a KOREAN CHICK
fleeing with chopsticks
boys try hop quick between
her thighs and get some cream.
so, she's aware they just dream.
somehow, she cares.
but how dare
he asks for sex.
that's a task complex.
she's in a Minnie skirt.
bra and panties but alert
her dress real wrinkled
he wanna suck her breasts and sprinkle.
sugar on her body hey it's sweet enough.
want her under the sheets to huff and puff.
SHE SAID: we can go to BK and have it our way.
and here we rule.
and beware in school.
girl your coochee soft and bazaar
but it's off radar.
so, it's lost in the bar.
he's a prolific music maker.
sniff it use it on paper.
have plan and pride.
and like a landslide
this stuff cover roads
and discover a load of trees.
with these so freeze his branches
is on ranches, she writes in sprees.
her breasts drift in silk
so, he sniffed her milk.
oh, this girl home and mad.
because a date gone bad
he gave her a kiss whew, is it ever strong.
from now on she'll never be alone
bought a leather case for cell phone.
HE SAID: aw girl give me some please.
oh, he just got her tongue inside his ride.
not parked in the driveway
but how will she start to survive today?
SHE SAID: oh her breasts almost sucked.
oh, her dress is up.
like airplanes on crack
boys' things are just wet jets.
all of them wanna a red CORVETTE
oh, he just put his hand under her dress.
she was so surprised and unless
she ducks stuff could happen.
after some good rapping
HE SAID: aw girl you got some sweaty thighs
and he's ready for pies.
he couldn't believe his eyes.
she was moving her things like that.
it's simply nice.
like kimchi and rice
he said he didn't wanna cum
girl stop moving it.
he was rubbing and soothing a bit.
SHE SAID, oh cookies and cream.
and rookies wanna scream
and do and extreme beg.
for what is between a girl's legs?
one girl shook no doubt.
when a boy took her out
wanted to rumble and kiss.
oh, how she stumbles into this.
oh, ice cream cones.
and nice dreams at home
her motto
is to hit the lotto.
while in bed
a girl's lips wild and red
oh, a KOREAN GIRL go through a lot.
her coochee do get hot on the spot.
oh, her panties are too thin.
she has to duck some true men.
they stick it tight through them.
oh, one boy tongued a girl.
had her sprung as he hurls.
kisses at her lips the world
come to light MOTHER OF PEARL
desk and on top het jewelry rest
a sweet kiss is fine.
but keep this in mind.
love can choke.
understand this quote.
his scripts true
and like a ship crew
they float like a boat.
on water, from the hip
to the knee
a boy wanna grip me.
if she walks and slip down, he 'll see.
her panties and they are pink.
oh, boys smell her butters.
as she excels above others
to pass in a class that smothers
wackiness, oh taking cool looks.
at schoolbooks
turn a page.
and be concern about rage.
oh, teacher gave her math homework.
and down a path she roams and flirt.
oh, a boy walked her home and tried.
to get some she had to run he lied.
using love talk and sweet nothings.
oh, he thirsts and smile.
it's not worth her while.
he just kissed her lips behind a pine tree.
tried to push up her dress.
and start some sex mess.
stop don't do that.
oh, her cooche true and phat.
like PRINCE it could be a threat
for speed purpose
and proceed in a circus.
of car racing
her breasts wanna run amuck.
ships on crack
and these scripts are fact.
oh, she was at the bar last night.
boy wanna take her to the car right.
HE SAID: boo lets go and talk.
fleeing with chopsticks
boys try hop quick between
her thighs and get some cream.
so, she's aware they just dream.
somehow, she cares.
but how dare
he asks for sex.
that's a task complex.
she's in a Minnie skirt.
bra and panties but alert
her dress real wrinkled
he wanna suck her breasts and sprinkle.
sugar on her body hey it's sweet enough.
want her under the sheets to huff and puff.
SHE SAID: we can go to BK and have it our way.
and here we rule.
and beware in school.
girl your coochee soft and bazaar
but it's off radar.
so, it's lost in the bar.
he's a prolific music maker.
sniff it use it on paper.
have plan and pride.
and like a landslide
this stuff cover roads
and discover a load of trees.
with these so freeze his branches
is on ranches, she writes in sprees.
her breasts drift in silk
so, he sniffed her milk.
oh, this girl home and mad.
because a date gone bad
he gave her a kiss whew, is it ever strong.
from now on she'll never be alone
bought a leather case for cell phone.
HE SAID: aw girl give me some please.
oh, he just got her tongue inside his ride.
not parked in the driveway
but how will she start to survive today?
SHE SAID: oh her breasts almost sucked.
oh, her dress is up.
like airplanes on crack
boys' things are just wet jets.
all of them wanna a red CORVETTE
oh, he just put his hand under her dress.
she was so surprised and unless
she ducks stuff could happen.
after some good rapping
HE SAID: aw girl you got some sweaty thighs
and he's ready for pies.
he couldn't believe his eyes.
she was moving her things like that.
it's simply nice.
like kimchi and rice
he said he didn't wanna cum
girl stop moving it.
he was rubbing and soothing a bit.
SHE SAID, oh cookies and cream.
and rookies wanna scream
and do and extreme beg.
for what is between a girl's legs?
one girl shook no doubt.
when a boy took her out
wanted to rumble and kiss.
oh, how she stumbles into this.
oh, ice cream cones.
and nice dreams at home
her motto
is to hit the lotto.
while in bed
a girl's lips wild and red
oh, a KOREAN GIRL go through a lot.
her coochee do get hot on the spot.
oh, her panties are too thin.
she has to duck some true men.
they stick it tight through them.
oh, one boy tongued a girl.
had her sprung as he hurls.
kisses at her lips the world
come to light MOTHER OF PEARL
desk and on top het jewelry rest
a sweet kiss is fine.
but keep this in mind.
love can choke.
understand this quote.
his scripts true
and like a ship crew
they float like a boat.
on water, from the hip
to the knee
a boy wanna grip me.
if she walks and slip down, he 'll see.
her panties and they are pink.
oh, boys smell her butters.
as she excels above others
to pass in a class that smothers
wackiness, oh taking cool looks.
at schoolbooks
turn a page.
and be concern about rage.
oh, teacher gave her math homework.
and down a path she roams and flirt.
oh, a boy walked her home and tried.
to get some she had to run he lied.
using love talk and sweet nothings.
oh, he thirsts and smile.
it's not worth her while.
he just kissed her lips behind a pine tree.
tried to push up her dress.
and start some sex mess.
stop don't do that.
oh, her cooche true and phat.
like PRINCE it could be a threat
for speed purpose
and proceed in a circus.
of car racing
her breasts wanna run amuck.
ships on crack
and these scripts are fact.
oh, she was at the bar last night.
boy wanna take her to the car right.
HE SAID: boo lets go and talk.