Black Poetry : She and Her Bandit (For N2UrSoul)


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
It holds her in the reflection
of it's cobalt blue body
as it exhales after her love
spin / 150 mph down the
highway freeing her mind
letting her spirit rejoice in
the "beauty of it all" /
and watch the blur of life's
troubles pass by

Her Soulful, Cherubic face
is the canvas smiles are painted
on when her Bandit goes
clutch, throttle, front and
back brakes synergistic connections
prevents the ignition's birth
of life from being in vain

Ignition = life

flying by in the fast lanes
of poetry in her Soul transformed
from conversations in her Soul
to a cobalt blue extension of her
Soul / her "wild side" demands
to be exposed / onto

lane demarcated roads where
nothing matters but being free

She and her Bandit flowing
flying floating on air 2gether
ignoring all except there
conjoined existence


(c)2001 blakverb

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The Shadow Poet wrote on N2urSoul's profile.
Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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