Black Poetry : She’s a BROWN SOUL SISTA fine. A twister of a boy’s mind It’s hot and strange. But do not change. His plot is to His love affair At the club prep

He tells lies hoping.
To get some her breasts poking
He just kissed her lips.
Put his hand under dress.
He planned for the best.
Sex SHE SAID: she better leave.
But she has clever cleave.
He has endeavors up his sleeve.
Oh, she started to moan and groan.
SHE SAID: oh, chocolate chips.
On rocket ships
In panties droplets drips
In panties droplets drips.
And bicycle sprockets flip.
Tires like FIRESTONE
Boys desire to bone at home.
Oh, a girl with her dress up.
And breasts been sucked.
In sexual stress she tries to duck
She tries pull down her dress.
And the nipples round on her breasts
Oh, she says he was throwing gravy.
And going crazy
She says her panties grew wings like RED BULL

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Destee wrote on Cindy's profile.
YAAAAAAAAAAY @Cindy ... :love:
Destee wrote on frankster's profile.