Black Spirituality Religion : Share Spiritual Technologies

DarkGoddess Alexandra

There are a few alternatives to the soil method. What you want to keep in mind that in order to scry properly- as far as seeing images you need both dark and light formations in the water. You can scry with coffee and pour milk at the very top to get images. You can also scry with chocolate and milk. When I scry with black dirt, the dirt settles at the bottom of the bowl and you can get images from that.

Scrying with a bowl is very similar to mirror scrying as water acts as a mirror also. See the movie "Mirrors"- another metaphysical movie classic. And I would say yes, things can could out of that scrying bowl, especially the device I posted. However it depends on the material. Copper usually attracts very positive and highly conscious spirits anyway. If you use an aluminum or plastic bowl you can expected different results. It also depends on what types of incantations or intentions you are using along with the scry. Some people using scrying methods to contact and summon spirits too. Keep in mind rubbing around the bowl is casting a circle.

As far as the power to tap into unknown I would say the power is really in the practitioner. Of course I would say automatic drawing/writing because I'm an Artist, but I've been overwhelmed by bowl scrying these days- I'm actually amazed about how easy it is. But for a beginner, someone who is alittle bit skeptical, as in- what is Meta always yapping about is that stuff really real? I would challenge them with the pendulum and bowl scrying. Those two right there can guide just about anybody, but add automatic drawing to it and you can give up calling psychics at $3.99 a minute. Pastors would be out of business too.
I have so many devices that I would like to share- but I've noticed Whites seem more interested in this technology than most of us. While doing more research for the "Science of the Godz" thread- I ran into some material on youtube by "Moshe Daniel" that not only confirms the information I've been presenting thus far, but it also confirms there is a growing wealth of people that are interested and using this knowledge who are not African, yet it is African science. 2 years ago I may have been angry at this fact, but now I've realized if you can't recognize when something is true and genuine there is no level of knowledge that can help you anyway. If whites are understanding it, then good for them. At some point though, something should click.

King Cook, the "orgone blaster" method works very well as far as generating positive healing energy. You can check for for instruction on making your own:

I have a few objects in the home that were made using this same method, I'm still doing my research on what works best. I'm certain crystals and incense methods work fine as well. It would depend really on how much positive energy you are trying to create.
Bag of Crystals...

Thanks MetaSaience...

I went to an 'new age' store today and they were selling 'orgone generators' for $75 and 'orgone muffins' $10 a piece... I was looking at the design and it looked very simple like they took a whole bunch metal and put it in some glue lol... Now i see that its fiberglass resin... I just got off the phone with my good ole granny not to long ago... She was the first person I seen with crystals in little herb bags all over the house... Imma do what she told me to do which was to start off:

1. Get 5 herb bags
2. Fill two bags with some type of black crystals
3. Fill two bags with some type clear crystals
4. Fill one bag with crystals that match your personality (meaning your astrology sign)

Programming & Charging..
(She stressed this is the most important part)
1. Get a scent (oils, candles, incense), have some music you like to dance too.
2. To program the crystals that will go in the room find a scent you think births positive energy and find a song(s) you think kills the negative energy. Tell the crystals they are working in harmony with them to kill negative energy and birth positive energy. Allow them time to get to know each other.
Tell the crystals exactly what you want them too when this song and scent are present. After you feel its well programmed they are ready to be used. You can charge them whenever you feel its need...

3. Do the same for the personality crystals different scent & different song(s) this is more intimate than the one above because it just effects you.

Where to Place them
1. Place the four bags of black crystals (B.C.) & clear crystals (C.C.) around the room. Where ever the door is located this where the black crystals go and the clear crystals go on the opposite side. Hopefully this diagram makes it clear.

(B.C. Ceiling) ____________________Door_____________ (B.C. Floor)
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(C.C. Floor) ______________________________________(C.C. Ceiling)

2. Place bag with your personal stones in the bathroom.

Side Notes
*She said she has bags of crystals under her bed (protection & clear dreams), in her closet & drawers (good looks), kitchen (health) etc. Each one have different scents and songs to activate.

*She used to have all her crystals activated to the same song & scent and it was almost like the energy was fighting each other... She gave them different songs & scents and everything was at peace...

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