I think that there will always be a divded answer for this.
People make judgements all of the time without really asking or getting to know an individual.
Personally, I was able to go to college, and get a degree, and for ten years I worked in all the four kinds of businesses...
sole proprietorship, partnership, non-profit and corporation....
there were always the meet and recruit type of folk there.... the they ain't never gon let us come up type of people... for me personally, this type of talk is just pure motivation for me..........
If you have a negative attitude your just holding urself down... and like MLK says u can't hold nobody down without holding urself down wit em.... (as I ebonically quote)
When I work I do the job to the best of my abilities, because when I accept a position that is the word that I give... and my word is bond.... a man/woman is only as good as their word....
I do this so that when I see or hear something that isn't right IMO or makes me feel angry I can "show out" if u will or voice my loud opinion ...
people assume sometimes that I'm "teachers' pet".. "managers favorite"... "sell-out" but that's whatever... but the truth is I am there to show them that we are smart, motivated, beautiful, caring, compassionate and much more.... I don't need anyone to like me, but they will respect me...
Many just think we are like the Jerry Springer peops on television.... or the Ricki Lake peops.... or all of the other stereotypical labels that we so easily sucomb to....
I be doin me... sometimes I quote TUPAC or other rappers ... and they like it... just don't know where I got it from....
I have met some really nice people, that really cared about what was going on in our struggle, and they opened there ears and hearts, and went out of their way to help me out....
If you do your job... and u learn the laws of their games... then you can protect yourself ....
they have established a set of laws that work to our advantage also...
In any game that you play you must know the rules.... your own stratedgy and that of your enemy... this is the way to win.....
sorry for the lengthy response, but sometimes I trip when people assume that your a sell-out....
again great question.