Black People : Sell Out

great question

I think that there will always be a divded answer for this.

People make judgements all of the time without really asking or getting to know an individual.

Personally, I was able to go to college, and get a degree, and for ten years I worked in all the four kinds of businesses...

sole proprietorship, partnership, non-profit and corporation....

there were always the meet and recruit type of folk there.... the they ain't never gon let us come up type of people... for me personally, this type of talk is just pure motivation for me..........

If you have a negative attitude your just holding urself down... and like MLK says u can't hold nobody down without holding urself down wit em.... (as I ebonically quote)

When I work I do the job to the best of my abilities, because when I accept a position that is the word that I give... and my word is bond.... a man/woman is only as good as their word....

I do this so that when I see or hear something that isn't right IMO or makes me feel angry I can "show out" if u will or voice my loud opinion ...

people assume sometimes that I'm "teachers' pet".. "managers favorite"... "sell-out" but that's whatever... but the truth is I am there to show them that we are smart, motivated, beautiful, caring, compassionate and much more.... I don't need anyone to like me, but they will respect me...

Many just think we are like the Jerry Springer peops on television.... or the Ricki Lake peops.... or all of the other stereotypical labels that we so easily sucomb to....

I be doin me... sometimes I quote TUPAC or other rappers ... and they like it... just don't know where I got it from....

I have met some really nice people, that really cared about what was going on in our struggle, and they opened there ears and hearts, and went out of their way to help me out....

If you do your job... and u learn the laws of their games... then you can protect yourself ....

they have established a set of laws that work to our advantage also...

In any game that you play you must know the rules.... your own stratedgy and that of your enemy... this is the way to win.....

sorry for the lengthy response, but sometimes I trip when people assume that your a sell-out....

again great question.
Miss Lady said:
I think that there will always be a divded answer for this.

People make judgements all of the time without really asking or getting to know an individual.

Personally, I was able to go to college, and get a degree, and for ten years I worked in all the four kinds of businesses...

sole proprietorship, partnership, non-profit and corporation....

there were always the meet and recruit type of folk there.... the they ain't never gon let us come up type of people... for me personally, this type of talk is just pure motivation for me..........

If you have a negative attitude your just holding urself down... and like MLK says u can't hold nobody down without holding urself down wit em.... (as I ebonically quote)

When I work I do the job to the best of my abilities, because when I accept a position that is the word that I give... and my word is bond.... a man/woman is only as good as their word....

I do this so that when I see or hear something that isn't right IMO or makes me feel angry I can "show out" if u will or voice my loud opinion ...

people assume sometimes that I'm "teachers' pet".. "managers favorite"... "sell-out" but that's whatever... but the truth is I am there to show them that we are smart, motivated, beautiful, caring, compassionate and much more.... I don't need anyone to like me, but they will respect me...

Many just think we are like the Jerry Springer peops on television.... or the Ricki Lake peops.... or all of the other stereotypical labels that we so easily sucomb to....

I be doin me... sometimes I quote TUPAC or other rappers ... and they like it... just don't know where I got it from....

I have met some really nice people, that really cared about what was going on in our struggle, and they opened there ears and hearts, and went out of their way to help me out....

If you do your job... and u learn the laws of their games... then you can protect yourself ....

they have established a set of laws that work to our advantage also...

In any game that you play you must know the rules.... your own stratedgy and that of your enemy... this is the way to win.....

sorry for the lengthy response, but sometimes I trip when people assume that your a sell-out....

again great question.

I am going to be a part of a panel discussion in a few weeks regarding the work of a black person named R. Kennedy. His most recent work is entitled "SellOut"....
My question is can anyone be a 'sellout"?
Does one need to have "wealth" to be a sellout?
Can a welfare recipient be a sellout?
I am not truly sure of who is referenced when using the term "sellout".
I know what was meant by the term during my youth, and it appears that when used today it applies only to those rolling in dough, or those who may have achieved professional status yet may still feel trapped. Which brings to mind another question, If one feels "trapped" by whom are you trapped?
Does one have to have a job in order to be a sellout?
Can a chronically unemployed sister/brother be a sellout?
Can a crackhead be a sellout?
Ultimately if you should feel trapped is it logical to blame those who may also be trapped for your feelings, and desire to escape them?
Im not sure why you think that only sucessful brothers and sisters are considered sell outs. Heck, I have seen blacks who are everyday people being accusedof such for merely expressing a difference of opinion from the group (points to self):SuN035: But that is a matter for another day. I think people do not undertsand truly what a sell out is and there in lies the problem. For me a sellout has nothing to do with how much one achieves in thie world, whether they speak Kings english or is the most articulate mutha cruncher this side of the mississippi, and it most certainly shouldn't be tied to people who choose to break from the group to form free thinking opinion. The key word is"free thinking".

Now for me, my understanding and what has always been a sellout for me, are peope who attain wealth, but instead of taking that knowledge they've gained and teach their brothers a few things on how to rise, they sit on television shows with whites smiling and cheesing and talking down to them. My idea of a sellout are people who are in a position to do great things but spend all their time catering to whites (oprah). My ideal of a sell out are black who speak like whites. No not be articulate, because whites do not have a monopoly on speaking articulately. What I mean is that the things that flow out of their mouths is something you'd expect hearing from a Bill O'Reily and Rush Limbaum. For me this is what a sell out is. It's not about sucess, but what they do with that success.

so anyone can be a sellout....

IMO this means someone who disowns purposely who they are ... with the knowledge and makes the choice to be not proud of who they are and submit to others' ways .....

They are found everywhere......

survival is survival... so I don't judge anyone that is trying to maintain... but one can be who they truly are and also make it in this life...

it may not be easy or fair.... it takes much strength...

I hope that is a better answer....

you gotta do what you gotta do to maintain but it does not necessarily mean you have "sold out"......

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