Black Poetry : scholar //In thinking, wow have to snap this dream now I'm on the rap scene SO BOO we at DAIRY QUEEN


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2006
scholar //In thinking, wow have to snap this dream now I'm on the rap scene SO BOO we at DAIRY QUEEN in VIRGINIA BEACH KEMPSVILLE ROAD goes by a wimp will buy a rose for pie learned the gift now concern with love and ice cream, advice is keen like butter pecan must utter a plan need more love so I can soar above the rest so boo let's jest go home it's best we roam in the bedroom while our head tune to a CD OK? come with doom and quotes and like a balloon I float above the clouds that's love out loud, wanna go deep in lace use a rubber to keep safe in the street a race to reality, so in open sight situation smoking tonight hoping to ignite your panties right here in the VIRGINIA BEACH DAIRY QUEEN, boo your cake soft can't scrape off the beauty wanna give you a summer ride and my Hummer outside need your number don't hide the cell phone things swell at home can tell you strong with this I rap all type of ish and like a fish have gills grab a chill pill and fire at will wanna fine romance behind the advance of love talk a chance to walk and hold hands, boo your dress is designed to stay abreast of the times bold fashion is the goal to passion, passing from one thought to another got me caught in your butter fought to smother my emotion now wanna date with cake attach because true slang on demand like WU-TANG KLAN cash rules while I smash fools still have class in schools and fast to rule you brown chocolate try a Hershey this is diversity, I stand rapping while fans hand clapping my plan is to be trapping you in bed boo blinging deft and flinging myself into a menu that include cake dates, NAW PLAYER you used my time now confused in the mind but amused by your love lines, I'm fine that's a fact and love is an fun design act think you wanna squeeze my waist and seize my lace I see the hummer car it's a summer bizarre and a cucumber so far is a vegetable, you wanna make a hot start and that's not part of my game far as my underwear it's thunder down there rainy and wet, be on the street with proud cause greet with loud applause now sweet at DAIRY QUEEN on pause, we kiss each other got VIRGINIA BEACH butter think you wanna reach further with verbs and words got body curves you wanna party got some nerves, well lets jest lick some ice cream, a kiss is enough like fisticuff with hot quotes it knock out folks my plot chokes the competition awoke to tradition, I clash with others you wanna be a splash brother wanna shoot three while a cute be hot from my fruit tree drops a peach, like STELPH AND KLAY this is a deft play wanna have at my candies grab my panties and dribble a little, strong HIPHOP on the tiptop wear flip-flops and my mind trip a lot when it comes to boys they rock steady my body in shock and ready, you wanna drink all types of red wines relied on hype and headlines lyrics tight no misled rhymes you wanna git in the house hit the skins and arouse begin when cat chases mouse, now in VIRGINIA BEACH at KEMPSCROSSING , wimps wanna be tossing my panties in the air wanna win an affair but I think different and ink is magnificent for love letters stay impressed with the news up on the right is PAYLESS SHOES I keep wet pies and crust to the left is PET SUPPLIES PLUS I get the lies thrust in my eardrum and I fear none because my panties are staying on while I lick this cone of cream my cell phone scream boys asking me out for some reason it's a dumb season for love,
scholar //In thinking, wow have to snap this dream now I'm on the rap scene SO BOO we at DAIRY QUEEN in VIRGINIA BEACH KEMPSVILLE ROAD goes by a wimp will buy a rose for pie learned the gift now concern with love and ice cream, advice is keen like butter pecan must utter a plan need more love so I can soar above the rest so boo let's jest go home it's best we roam in the bedroom while our head tune to a CD OK? come with doom and quotes and like a balloon I float above the clouds that's love out loud, wanna go deep in lace use a rubber to keep safe in the street a race to reality, so in open sight situation smoking tonight hoping to ignite your panties right here in the VIRGINIA BEACH DAIRY QUEEN, boo your cake soft can't scrape off the beauty wanna give you a summer ride and my Hummer outside need your number don't hide the cell phone things swell at home can tell you strong with this I rap all type of ish and like a fish have gills grab a chill pill and fire at will wanna fine romance behind the advance of love talk a chance to walk and hold hands, boo your dress is designed to stay abreast of the times bold fashion is the goal to passion, passing from one thought to another got me caught in your butter fought to smother my emotion now wanna date with cake attach because true slang on demand like WU-TANG KLAN cash rules while I smash fools still have class in schools and fast to rule you brown chocolate try a Hershey this is diversity, I stand rapping while fans hand clapping my plan is to be trapping you in bed boo blinging deft and flinging myself into a menu that include cake dates, NAW PLAYER you used my time now confused in the mind but amused by your love lines, I'm fine that's a fact and love is an fun design act think you wanna squeeze my waist and seize my lace I see the hummer car it's a summer bizarre and a cucumber so far is a vegetable, you wanna make a hot start and that's not part of my game far as my underwear it's thunder down there rainy and wet, be on the street with proud cause greet with loud applause now sweet at DAIRY QUEEN on pause, we kiss each other got VIRGINIA BEACH butter think you wanna reach further with verbs and words got body curves you wanna party got some nerves, well lets jest lick some ice cream, a kiss is enough like fisticuff with hot quotes it knock out folks my plot chokes the competition awoke to tradition, I clash with others you wanna be a splash brother wanna shoot three while a cute be hot from my fruit tree drops a peach, like STELPH AND KLAY this is a deft play wanna have at my candies grab my panties and dribble a little, strong HIPHOP on the tiptop wear flip-flops and my mind trip a lot when it comes to boys they rock steady my body in shock and ready, you wanna drink all types of red wines relied on hype and headlines lyrics tight no misled rhymes you wanna git in the house hit the skins and arouse begin when cat chases mouse, now in VIRGINIA BEACH at KEMPSCROSSING , wimps wanna be tossing my panties in the air wanna win an affair but I think different and ink is magnificent for love letters stay impressed with the news up on the right is PAYLESS SHOES I keep wet pies and crust to the left is PET SUPPLIES PLUS I get the lies thrust in my eardrum and I fear none because my panties are staying on while I lick this cone of cream my cell phone scream boys asking me out for some reason it's a dumb season for love,
Tight flow Brother rhymebad
Very nice flow from here
I have always enjoyed reading your flows, your a very talented poet.
me out for some reason it's a dumb season for love, I guess they wanna play I'm gonna say no
even though he has a dope plan I'm gonna squeeze hope's hand, survive with stats and arrive at conclusions, misled with pride all right wanna turn off the bedside light I'm on the beach galore you wanna reach my door knock, who is it? came for a true visit do get explicit at this point
a sweaty kiss already exist at the VIRGINIA BEACH DAIRY QUEEN sincere cake never irritate so don't rub your eyes you love my pies can't deal with scrub lies doe, pie nice lips a boss red now you want me to lie across your bed "LAY LADY LAY too crazy to say want my gravy everyday, caught in the act as I thought back my ice cream melt need extreme help wow I guess boys got game got a true flirt let my hips do the work, HIPHOP is a terrific art that I take a specific part in, you wanna rap smart and adapt remarks to the fans with true plans of going to bed huh? the facts scatter and boys wanna act in this matter one kiss could shatter panties and soak them and choke him on the way downtown while moving my thing all around and saying stuff, oh the juice collects and produce effects crave to be flirting today and behave in a certain way oh mini-skirting says a lot, you an odd guy with luck must modify your conduct wanna go crazy on my gravy for real milk shake would splash everywhere attractive and nice leads an active life in an affair boys beg but I have a pair of legs to walk way to talk may sway to the backseat of his whip facts unique as he kiss my lips, boys want nice clean lace at the ice cream place, pure computer friction need a cure for superstition to allure boys is tradition, stay ready with vocab and a heavy slab my cake has weight you wanna take a slice home, my hips got class and may slip from your grasp while you sip a glass of red wine dang pass my bed time, your drop top has a steering wheel and I'm hearing real stuff off the radio, deft clout no self doubt your words persuade fast hides in blades of grass serenade me with brass guitar oh a BROWN SOUL SISTA go through a lot here in VIRGINIA BEACH, listening to love talk can't stop you like glistening like drops of dew on morning grass sends a warning fast about wetness now get this got a banana split and you bandana legit want me to git in the car hope you got a guitar a serenade must happen and trust rapping will take place wanna fill my cake and lace with some tongue huh? ok my red lips supplies beauty to boys I'm a cutie that enjoys hot styles and like stock-piles got a big supply and boys dig my pie, you have swell words but my love held in reserve to be used at a time a phat rhyme exist bottom line with this is a boy must have the right words or the whole night will be absurd you heard?, tonight the city surprised have a right to criticize excite the witty and wise the love committee on the rise, my body hot and pure but not sure I know what to do, hey I may strut too much hot butt for you to touch far as boys my love is powering them and like a flowering stems it blooms in the summer having stiffly erect clusters and the heck with busters use to ride in PLYMOUTH DUSTERS I have a bold flirt and like scrollwork in writing told to alert folks," oh he jest kissed her lips right there at the VIRGINIA BEACH DAIRY QUEEN it was very extreme this is BLACK HIP HOP for a fact they lip locked her thing got so wet then he get to spin her world around she begin to hurl some down to earth tongue down his throat he embraced her waist wanna taste her lace at the pace of a fast love affair, Amaze how smoke appear in hopes for a stage career this page a mere chapter of how a sincere rapper abandon a sinking ship when some stinking scripts are found, look at my hips ready to go down town my thing is brown and bling around your neck, my juice grow bigger imagination produce a figure", HE SAID " boo lets sit in the car don't have a guitar to serenade and persuade you I think at home you roam starving and like stone carvings you sit there unaware of me coming over and rumbling on the sofa and eventually tumbling in bed and the crumbling spread to the bed sheets while my head deep into a menu of complex sex on a plate, oh he really got her tongue then hard to duck sprung men that put a dumb spin on everything love a legit ton wanna have a bit of fun so to the car we go and so far my flow been nice wanna tongue you boo have no clue of what I'm about to do so shots out to you,' "OK WE GO sit in your ride soar with pride but you wanna slide between my thighs into my VIRGINIA BEACH cream pies plus you flung a kiss so you be sprung like this and my tongue get twist but OK we'll sit for awhile but if it get wild I'm gonna leave this place no matter how you squeeze my waist most boys try to seize my lace when they get some tongue guess I'm among the class hottie better ask somebody so here we are in his hot car and not the bar but so far nothing doing then he jest kissed my DAIRY QUEEN hot lips right there in his rag top whip started to brag a lot and grip my waist oh I couldn't go any place plenty lace to be had", "AW GIRL you got some sweaty brown thighs and round eyes plus you stound me with pies, hips so right and round this is a night on the town must write this down, juice I receive sweetly you can't leave completely I renounce worldly pleasures and want girly treasures so I take whirly measures to pick up chicks need luck quick he jest gave her a VIRGINIA BEACH kiss so meek and MILD a unique style really street wild and he keeps a smile his my face, a large desire can be sticky like barbed wire got the knife of life carved my name require a girl with body flames this party aims at bed work so I'm on red alert, like the pain in a shoulder this remain colder when will the game be over? you should give me some boo this musical is nice and it's the usual price free gonna be kissing while we listening" oh he jest kiss her lips again her head trips and spin sex juice drips again she try pushy him away
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thanks for the props on this one, tried to do my best

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The Shadow Poet wrote on N2urSoul's profile.
Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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