Black Spirituality Religion : Sacred Geometry, codes of the Goddess Part 2


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2003
new jersey
The Sphere:

The sphere is the quintessential expression of unity, completeness and integrity. There is no point of view given greater or lesser importance, and all points on the surface are equally accessible and regarded by the center to which all originate. Atoms, cells, seeds, planets and globular star systems all echo the spherical paradigm of total inclusion, acceptance simultaneous potenential and fruition, the macrocosm and microcosm.

The Circle:

The circle is a two dimensional "shadow" of the sphere, the Icon of oneness. The indivisible fulfillment of the universe. All other symbols and geometries reflect the various aspects and perfection of the circle, sphere and other higher dimensional forms the mind can generate. I will elaborate on the relationship between Pi and the circle in part 3.

The Point: AKA black dot!

At the center of the circle or a sphere is the infinitessimal point. The point needs NO DIMENSION, yet embraces ALL dimensions. Transcendence of the illusion of space result in the here and now, the primal light of conciousness. Also known as the light at the end of the tunnel. THe essence of our being is omnipresent.

Our lives are inextricably woven with geometric forms, from the angels/angles of atomic bonds in the molecules of Amin(o) acids, to the heliacal spirals of DNA, to the spherical prototype of the cell, to the first few cells of an organism which assume vesical, tetrahedral and star(double) tetrahedral forms prior to the diversication of tissues for different physioligical functions. Our bodies developed with a common geometrical progression.
Hi Brother Sekhemu, Its me again! :hi:

How does one proceed at centering themselves in the circle? I meditate quite abit. I can reach the point where the mind becomes still. I can see cloud like images moving in and out. Sometimes it has colors associated with it, sometimes its just shadowy looking. I have even seen eyes of a wolf looking back at me and other strange things. I have seen both eyes of osiris with a aligator passing underneath them. My question is; How does one know for sure what is implanted on the mind and what is conciousness? Plus when I reach the point of stillness, what else should I expect to happen to let me know that I progressed? Also I've noticed that, if I had a good meditation session, when I fall asleep, I would receive a message. However, my rest is always disturbed before I can view the whole thing. Whats up with that?

I apologize for the bum rush of questions, I just couldn't help myself. :jam:
PurpleMoons said:
Hi Brother Sekhemu, Its me again! :hi:

How does one proceed at centering themselves in the circle? I meditate quite abit. I can reach the point where the mind becomes still. I can see cloud like images moving in and out. Sometimes it has colors associated with it, sometimes its just shadowy looking. I have even seen eyes of a wolf looking back at me and other strange things. I have seen both eyes of osiris with a aligator passing underneath them. My question is; How does one know for sure what is implanted on the mind and what is conciousness? Plus when I reach the point of stillness, what else should I expect to happen to let me know that I progressed? Also I've noticed that, if I had a good meditation session, when I fall asleep, I would receive a message. However, my rest is always disturbed before I can view the whole thing. Whats up with that?

I apologize for the bum rush of questions, I just couldn't help myself. :jam:

To answer your first question, you do this by doing what you are already doing. By meditating, keeping your mind clear and still. The images that come, although they may appear as distractions, are messages.

When you pray you ask a question, when you meditate you receive the answer. This is how you find out what is implanted and what is conciousness. You put a bowl of water underneath your bed at night. Then you write down the questions you want to have answered. Your holy Guardian Angel/angle will lock into to this. So that when you meditate, you will either see the answer right away thru what pops into your mind, or you will "accidently" stumble on it, often by what a person says to you or looking at a book or phrase around you.

I sometimes go into trance just before going into deep sleep, and I get lots of messages and crucial information. Don't worry about being "disturbed" this is for a reason. What you need to do is write this down in a journal, and do the exercise I recommended. Trust me you will find out what it all means.

The way you know you've progressed is by tallying up all that you have experienced in a given day, and then ask yourself, how can I utilize the information and tools at my disposal to see a perspective different from the day before
I remember you telling me about asking the question and placing the water under my bed. I still do this but kept forgetting about the water. I can remember having a message come through too. One that woke me up at 4:40 in the morning and the strange thing about that was, through the crevice of my venitian bllnds I saw the clearest, brightest star I have ever seen in my life. Brother Sekhemu, I tell you no lie, It was so low and bright that I could see all the colors reflecting off of it. It was the most beautiful star I have ever seen. I'm still looking for it every night and haven't seen it since. I wonder if it was actually a star I saw.

Thank you again Brother Sekhemu! I'm eagerly anticipating part 3! :blowkiss:
Sekhemu said:
The Sphere:

The sphere is the quintessential expression of unity, completeness and integrity. There is no point of view given greater or lesser importance, and all points on the surface are equally accessible and regarded by the center to which all originate. Atoms, cells, seeds, planets and globular star systems all echo the spherical paradigm of total inclusion, acceptance simultaneous potenential and fruition, the macrocosm and microcosm.

The Circle:

The circle is a two dimensional "shadow" of the sphere, the Icon of oneness. The indivisible fulfillment of the universe. All other symbols and geometries reflect the various aspects and perfection of the circle, sphere and other higher dimensional forms the mind can generate. I will elaborate on the relationship between Pi and the circle in part 3.

The Point: AKA black dot!

At the center of the circle or a sphere is the infinitessimal point. The point needs NO DIMENSION, yet embraces ALL dimensions. Transcendence of the illusion of space result in the here and now, the primal light of conciousness. Also known as the light at the end of the tunnel. THe essence of our being is omnipresent.

Our lives are inextricably woven with geometric forms, from the angels/angles of atomic bonds in the molecules of Amin(o) acids, to the heliacal spirals of DNA, to the spherical prototype of the cell, to the first few cells of an organism which assume vesical, tetrahedral and star(double) tetrahedral forms prior to the diversication of tissues for different physioligical functions. Our bodies developed with a common geometrical progression.

This is thought provoking brother.....thank you for sharing.


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