Black Spirituality Religion : Rules and Regulations for the Weak?

Dual Karnayn

Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2005
I was cracking atoms with a brutha earlier today and he told me something that has stuck with me since.

He basically told me....and sincerely believed....that rules, laws, and regulations were designed for weak people.
He said because some people couldn't hold their own in life and protect themselves, society came up with rules and regulations to protect them.

Now ofcourse being somewhat of a religious and law-abiding man, I thought this to be kind of over-the-top.

But driving home and observing my environment, the more sense it started to make.

Murder, theft, assault, rape........?

Where I come from, most people who consider themselves tough don't go to the law when they are violated, they handle it on thier own almost instinctually.

If someone violates thier family, they usually handle it on thier own.

Marriage, sexual rules and customs.....?

How many people who are very sexually active, confident, and skillful in bed worry about their mates cheating or leaving them.

A man has a woman, and protects that woman, and keeps that woman no matter what she's called (wife, girlfriend, partner, ect). And he's not worried about titles.

Now my man's assertion may sound ridiculous to some, but it's still got me thinking.
I want to make it clear that neither do I agree that a society should be lawless.

But the more I think about it....outside of religious appears that many laws were made for the "weak" in mind.
Those not able to adequately protect or fight for themselves and their families.

Another example is use of vulgar language.
We shouldn't use strong and vulgar language because some may find it offensive.

But are some of those who find it offensive not strong enough to tolerate it?

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Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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