I would like to know how many of you would like to have ISIS embedded in your community? Do you think they love you? Do you think they love peace for Islam? One hundred million radical Islamists want to behead peaceful Muslims who see their religion as one to thrive in with blessing of peace. These peaceful true believers of Islam Muslims are not taking slaves of children women, their wives, or any kind of slave. But the blood filled Muslims that the President wants to bring in cannot be vetted well enough to protect us from the Trojan Horse ISIS Muslims of destruction.
You know what is crazy? Obama claims to be Christian? Doesn't he know, that makes him the delicious target for ISIS? Haven't they just said last week that Washington DC is next in line?! YES. Does it make sense to open up this country to the slaughter-house radicals?
So ISIS and their like minded radical types want to bring death, destruction on the planet, supporting the Apocalypse and they don't care if some of them have to die to do it. The problem is they use Biblical truth against their own selves, for they are the ingredient to bring in the revelation term "Apocalypse". They are the gate for every application of the Destroying Angels use to sweep the wicked off the earth. So they should have not just picked one or two terms from the Bible, but considered the rest of it. They "accept part and deny part" as was scorned in their own Book.
The Bible states that part of the Apocalypse will be that the arm of the Lord will fall against the wicked in the nations to bring them down. Well, what are we seeing? Europe is setting up for war. We have Russia, France, England and America who is supplying info and some bombs. It will escalate into all nations in war because eventually there will be an attack on Jerusalem which will cause the final straw to WWIII. Then, States like Iran will pick sides with ISIS, Palestinian State, and unknown Nation States. Chaos brings disease that will be epidemic and hunger. However, those who seek the Apocalypse through blood will receive it. I do not say these things, but the Bible promised it for the last days. The worthy survivors, when these things are past, "will beat their weapons into plow shares to replant the desolate scars of war.